
Feb 21, 2013


Liquids, day something. Day five, I think.


Today was a day of making mistakes. But I think things ended up okay. Woke up with a lot of energy, which is surprising because I assumed my TEN DAYS OF LIQUID HELL would see me perpetually enervated and miserable. (This has not been true!)

Part of my good mood, I think, was looking forward to seeing a friend today. Hadn't seen her for just over a year—right before her baby was born. But today I got to drive up to Seattle and see her and meet her son and drag them to the zoo and it was great. Had a really good time and it lifted my spirits tremendously to catch up with her and meet her little dude.


I sort of copped out of telling her about my upcoming surgery. I mean, I told her but I didn't really explain anything. When we were getting ready to head to Woodland Park, she asked if we should just plan to get food there—I said that was absolutely okay but I'm not actually eating solids right now because I'm having bariatric surgery on Wednesday so I'm on liquids and protein shakes blah blah. She was just, like, okay! And that was that. Totally didn't bother to explain what I meant by “bariatric” and she didn't ask, so. Cowardice in action!


Zoo was great. Saw some hippos.


Food court, though, arraldkjflskdjflskdjfa.ds.


You know, I realize I have to adapt and live in a world where people who aren't me get to choose to eat things I've chosen to avoid. But oh, loaded macaroni and cheese: difficult to watch someone eat. Especially while I was struggling to finish the loathsome Oh Yeah! RTD shake. Couldn't do it. Couldn't finish more than half of it. Never again!


Other minor failures: didn't drink enough water today. Had about sixteen ounces during the day and, combined with the SAD UNFORTUNATE EXPERIENCE of that Oh Yeah! shake (and the nastiness of southbound I-5 rush hour traffic) left me feeling pretty rotten by the time I got home. Six more cups of water and my best friend Jay Robb took care of that and, at 9:40 pm, I am feeling pretty darn okay.


(Although watching my husband eat a Wendy's chicken asiago meal almost did me in. I miss chewing.)


(AND I'm pleased with myself for remembering to bring my afternoon vitamins to the zoo.)




About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2009, at a friend's wedding. Probably weighed ~250 at this point. (I miss that dress.)
Very awkward selfie! I should probably ask for assistance next time, but I'm impatient.

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