Im doing ok...11 more days till surgery!

Nov 26, 2011

its been hard but im hanging in there and staying positive I lost 2 of the only 3 people in this whole world who trully understood me! my hubby is the 3rd. im glad hes in my life and so supportive. i am a strong person and will get through this! my surgery is just 11 DAYS AWAY!! but its a bittersweet feeling. i just ask that you all pray for me for a safe surgery and speedy recovery its also been 2 months since i quit smoking, so yay me!!  also im still on a strict high protein low carb diet which i honestly screwed up on twice already, i honestly let my stress get to me but im back on track now and going running again,  things will get better soon i know it!  got my last surgeon visit and registration for the hospital on dec 1st. i hope u all enjoyed thanksgiving with your family, love u all and wish me luck.

see ya on the loserz bench soon:)

