One Month Post-Op

Oct 19, 2009

Well, here I am.  One month past my surgery.  After 10 years of contemplating this procedure and a lifetime of failed attempts at keeping weight off through other weight loss programs, I'm feeling the most healthy ever. 

I lost 15 pounds during the 2.5 months preparing for the surgery.  To date I've lost another 16 pounds after surgery for a total of 31 pounds in 3.5 months.  After reading that sentence, I'm quite happy!  I never looked at it in that time frame.

I was amazed at the recovery and the lack of feeling hungry.  I've had no issues at all and have been following the "rules" diligently.  Today, the way I "feel" hungry is I get jittery or lightheaded.  I'm eating 3 meals a day with a protein drink for my snack in the a.m. and a small V8 in the afternoon. So I'm eating/drinking calories every 4 hours.   I'm getting 50-60 grams of protein in and about 500 calories a day - which probably isn't enough.  My liquids have always been at least 64 oz or more every day, too.  I have my check up with the clinical nurse in 2 days so will know what to change then.  I'm not feeling weak or tired at all!! 

This last weekend was my first "public" eating.  I was out with my daughters planning wedding decorations, etc.  I haven't told any one but about 5 people of my surgery, so they are unaware of anything different and didn't even notice.  They're probably thinking that I'm on another diet of some sort -- again!  I went with that...  I'm not wanting them to freak out about the choice I've made and to live my life with me and not my surgery.  That was just a blip on the screen and now its over.  Its not the focal point of my life, so I'm not sharing it with others for that reason.  Who I am is what I wish to share. 

I'm a third of the way to my goal.  I feel there's more for me in the very near future that will unfold.  How fun!! 

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Surgery Date
Aug 27, 2009
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