Jun 30, 2012

 Nuff Said! 

fast approaching half way point

Jun 22, 2012

 with any luck, by july 4 weekend I will have reached my half way point, the downhill trek of my weight loss journey. As of today, I am at 94.8 pounds lost, 105.2 to go. By 4th of july, I will have been surgically altered for exactly 90 days. 100 pounds in 90 days....yeah....giddie up! So I am averaging over a pound per day weight loss. i couldn't be happier with my progress, except perhaps I am a bit soggy and loose on my body. I do really hope some of this sag tightens up. i am not expecting beach body perfection, but it would be nice to have a body that didnt look 68 when I took my shirt off.

i have begun to notice that if I wear "man spanks" or other compression garments, My true weight loss can be seen. I wore a compression vest the other day. Slim jimmed by body into a 2x dress shirt and 48 waist pants. Went to work with my goatee shaved off and no glasses......took a few people a few seconds before they recognized me.

I cant wait to see what I look like on December 3, my "goal" date to be at 225. Its doable.

My work out schedule.

Su, tu, th, sat- 1 hr swim
Mo, wed, fri- 1 hr swim, 1 hr weight lifting with personal trainer

current food intake, roughly around 1000 calories. (occasionally up to 1200)


weight loss and looking forward to swimming again!

May 07, 2012

thus far without major exersize I have lost around 65 pounds. Today, 1 hour from now, i leave to see my surgeon, hopefully to get the clearance for swimming! swimming before surgery was my major weight loss method. Walking was okay. working out was okay, but nothing shed the pounds off me like swimming about an hour a day 3-5 times a week. At my best, i was swiming around 6 times a week, two of those days for 2 hours (morning and evening) and the rest before noon. I was unemployed at the time and drawing a good life off severance for 7 years servive. 

in that stretch, I reached my lowest non college weight. 270. I have pics of me at 270 and people say I looked 200#. Mainly because of a large frame, heavy bones, and very strong, balanced muscles from swimming.

I have to work right after my doctors visit, and tmorrow I have my PMD and dietician visits. Inbetween, I plan on getting my toes wet!


setback.... well a minor one

May 01, 2012

okay, so I was motoring along like a bat outta hell....then, nothing! i stopped losing weight.  From thursday last week til today I didnt lose a single ounce. I looked around and realized that maybe I wasn't eating enough. Thats right. Not putting enough calories in my body. It went into starvation conservation mode. So I upped my calorie intake a bit. This morning....im down almost 2 pounds again.

lesson learned. make sure you get your 800 calories a day, minimum otherwise the fire will put itself out! 

three week update

Apr 24, 2012

today weigh in, total 366.8. the morning of surgery I stepped on the same scale at 403.  Thats 36.2 pounds in 21 days. average 1.6 pounds per day. however as of late im averaging about .9 pounds per day. 


first week of work

Apr 24, 2012

okay, it wasnt a full week. 4 of 5 days, but I wanted a short week to see how things went. It went WELL!. I must admit, day 1 and 2 I didnt have my legs under me. I sell phones so I am on the salesfloor walking and standing and I didnt have my legs under me. It felt as if I was on day 24 in a row, no days off. But After day 3 it got better. I did notice something... a small NSV...

My car alarm arms 45 seconds after I leave the car. I always forget to arm it so I did that to make sure my car was always locked and armed. Before surgery, I would be able to get half way to the front door of my work. The last two days, I noticed that I was able to get 3/4, almost 7/8 of the way there before the car alarm armed. YAY! so I am already seeing a physical improvement. I am walking faster (or striding farther on each step). In any case I decided to try my 50# lighter frame on a walk, uphill, in a neighboring subdivision. I was able to make the whole loop in about 45 minutes. Previously, because of hip pain and need for rest, It took about an hour for the same loop.

Thats a 15 min improvement folks!

results not typical

Apr 18, 2012

 I am a "results not typical" person. My physician looked at my chart and had me jump on the scale again to make sure and used the words "You are definitely losing faster than most of my patients at this point) . 7 days after surgery I had lost 20 pounds. Just 3 weeks earlier I started liquid diet 40# heavier. Since that point I have averaged over a pound a day (1.1 lbs) like clockwork. That was confirmed with my PMD whom has me coming in for weekly visits and bloodtests for a hereditary potassium wasting issue I have. In one week I lost 7.9 pounds on his scale.

Oh, and his scale weighs me in less than my scale does! ha! 
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settling in going back to work

Apr 18, 2012

although I can physically work, and have been able to for at least a week, I am going back on friday. So I am taking the next two days off rather easy. Well, doing laundry, getting my work clothes fit tested etc etc. I tried on my work pants. As gross as this sounds, I didnt wash them yet from when I took them off the night before surgery. I didnt even take the belt off. It just got thrown in the basket as is. So this morning after weigh in, I tried em on. Didnt even have to unbutton them, or unbuckle the belt. It just slipped on.

Now, this size pants was already cinched down because I lost 20 pounds pre op,. so now 26 pounds post op it looks like I need to cinch it up again. I am hoping that with a shirt tucked in I wont have to. I don't want it too tight. My lap wounds are still healing. Well, mostly. The two belly wounds are closed. I sm not worried......ah work emergency. too be continued..... 

scales lie!

Apr 15, 2012

I spent a great deal of time weighing myself on every single scale I could find. With and without clothes. Considering I prepped for this surgery for months, I have 4 sets of identical clothing. I certainly hope I can fit my old clothes when I go back to work this friday!

Anyway, onto scales.  I went to three different stores and stepped on the scales and  I  spun past the hospital and stepped on their scale. On my way back I stepped onto my MD's scale and then home to my scale.  Results:

Store 1. 383
store 2 374.4
Store 3 394!!!! (bastards! im never shopping there)
Hospital Scale 378.4
Drs scale 377.5
home scale 379.00

What did this tell me? YMMV. Your Mileage May Vary. I think I will continue to use my dr's ofc scale as my offical weigh ins, but use my home scale for blogging purposes.


saw my doc today

Apr 12, 2012

and he gave me the "good to go" on my one week visit. However one of my steri strips fell off this evening. Underneath it, it looks rather uninviting. I think it might be on the beginning stages of getting infected. Put on neosporin and covered it with  a bandaid. Will watch. My temp is fine. feel fine. Trust in my my MD is still  there, I will let it ride another day.

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Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2012
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