Day 3 liquid diet pre-op

Aug 07, 2016

Day 3 Pre-Op Liquid Diet Phase-

So, everyone is sayin this day is the hardest to get thru. Day 3, 4 & 5 they say. Well, I am feeling it. First, I said well it's not so bad but then the kids got hungry and my daughter kept saying mommy aren't you going to eat? And I'm like no hunny. Then I thought well now I know how scooby doo feels because I feel like I can eat a house. Just pile a smorgasbord of food on a table...knowing I would scarf it down. I even went so far as to think what if I chewed it up and spit it out? But my brain was like ewwww gross don't you even dare...that was an extreme thought though never would have happened though and I don't believe in waste. Nope I would have eaten whatever it was. So I say brain stop thinking about it. I have to say there is an end goal to all of this. Stay positive, stay positive, Jeanna, just stay positive. Like Dory on Finding Nemo I have to just keep swimming. I have to remain strong and call on my faith. Man does not live on bread alone but on the word of God. Food is my addiction and like all addictions it can be broken.


Praying on strength and the ability to press on.


this too shall pass...


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Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2016
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