Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Hi there, CONGRATULATIONS on your approval, you are on your way now. Best wishes to you on your wls. may you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Hang in there and remember everyday is a blessing. ~*~Huggybear hugs~*~

Justin F. 21 years ago

Congrats on making it to the losing side and I hope you have a speedy and painless recoivery and much success on your journey as a post op. God Bless.

Shari H. 21 years ago

*****ANGEL RUSHING IN TO SAY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just had a very welcome phone call! Jacque is on her way home from the hospital and called to let me know. I knew she was doing great, guess I didn't fully appreciate how great. Welcome back home Jezz! Congratulations on making it to the losing side! Love You my Friend!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shari H. 21 years ago

Need some more support here please!! I spent several hours at the hospital with Jezz yesterday, she was still in the ICU when I arrived. The nurses down there were absolutely fantastic. One did make a boo-boo and dump a cup of ice and water right into her lap......... yeah, even with the morphine her eyes were WIDE open there for a minute. We got the mess cleared as quickly as possible, put a new gown on her and had her sit up for a few minutes while her bed was changed. The poor nurse felt so horrible. She was finally moved up to a regular room around 3:30 p.m. The nursing care up there so far leaves A LOT to be desired. I taped all her cords and stuff to the siderails on the bed so she wouldn't lose them and be in limbo. She has been loving ice chips and has had a little apple juice. They gave her some SF cherry jello but she didn't like that - said it was too sweet. She is a pretty tough little cookie, and has managed to remain so polite through everything. I'm really proud of her.

Debbie B. 21 years ago

Jacque - Congratulations! YOu are on the losing side! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Shari H. 21 years ago

ANGEL COMING IN FOR ANOTHER LANDING...:::thud::: Just came home from the hospital. Jezz's surgery went very well, stayed with her for a little bit in the ICU. She was having nausea and hand numbness issues that the nurse was going to call the anesthesiologist about. I asked her if the little pain button was all that it had been cracked up to be. She carefully nodded yes! Her dear husband was with her when I left. I had to go get some more blood drawn for my surgery next week. Will be going back up possibly tonight, definitely tomorrow. Thank you so much to all of you who have stopped in to leave her encouraging messages. There's still time to add more if anyone else wishes to!

1800Bev 21 years ago

Best wishes Jacque for a speedy recovery. I pray you have an "easy" Journey free of complications.

YaYasMom 21 years ago

May you feel God's loving arms around you and may he guide your surgeon through your procedure. May you wake up on the other side free from pain, and a happy outlook toward a brighter future!

Shari H. 21 years ago

Only 7.5 more hours!!!! My angel Jacque is having her surgery this morning at 7:30 a.m. I wanted to post a last minute note to ask folks to visit her surgery page and leave her some cheerful, positive messages. I will be going to bed as soon as I am done here, as I intend to be at the hospital with her husband in the morning. She is currently feeling a bit wobbly emotionally, and think she could use the love and encouragement that only other people who have or will be going through can supply. My surgery is one week from tomorrow, so at least I can be there for her for a week. After that, we will be in close contact via the phone. My 17 year old son has agreed to help out should she need anything before her husband gets home, he can attend to it once he is out of school. Jezz, I love you and know you will be fine through this process. I'll be there for you as much as I can!! Don't forget - we need to have another scrabble tournament....... soon, I hope.

Dr.Marcy 21 years ago

Hi there Jacque!! I feel like I know you from reading your posts. I also am a fellow Ryokan student and in Doug's class. What a beautiful man he is!! You both seem very blessed. I wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and a wonderful journey to a new life. I, too, am on the road to weightloss and will be having the Lap RNY soon...if all goes well. I would love to keep up with your journey. We have a lot of the same interests. Blessed be Jezz!!!
About Me
Monterey, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2003
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