Had my follow-up appointment yesterday...

Feb 22, 2008

...and it went well overall.  My surgeon has no interest in actually speaking to me, and spent all of 2 minutes with me.  He wanted to see my incisions asked me if I am having any complications and skedaddled .

The nutritionist was really nice.  She took the time to listen to my questions and had informative answers.  So she gets the congeniality award. 

According to their scales I have lost 13 pounds, which the surgeon said was a good start at almost a pound a day.  I think that was the last 45 seconds of our 2 minute appointment. 

So funny enough I have made a new friend through all of this.  She had surgery an hour and a half after I did, done by the same surgeon.  We had our follow up on the same day and met up for some tea afterward.  I feel very lucky to have someone to go through this whole journey with - from day 1!  Hey Jessica, I'm talking about you .

I have been having a dilemma the past few days.  My husband took some "before" pictures and I haven't even looked at them yet for fear that I will just hit the delete button.  I feel that I should post them on here, but I am afraid of being embarrassed by how gross I am  .  *sigh*  I'll think about it some more over the weekend.

I went grocery shopping today and I was fine with it until I came home.  My husband busted open the iced animal crackers and had them sitting on the counter in front of me while I was putting stuff away.  And I made dinner for the family today and it was one of my favorite meals...that I couldn't eat.  All of this food was just right in my face and it was a struggle to keep from crying.  I just want to eat food again !  As I keep saying to myself, I just have to keep my eye on the prize.

I am so ready for the emotional ups and downs to wind down a bit. 

Maybe the next time I post it will be more upbeat.  I'm just feeling sad, overwhelmed and frustrated.  It doesn't help that I have a cold right now .  I should just go to bed.

Hope everyone is well,

Feeling better

Feb 18, 2008

I am feeling better because one of the girls from the Barix Clinics office in Holland called to check up on me yesterday morning.  I told her how I was feeling about my weight loss and that I think I am not losing fast enough.  She told me something very interesting at that point.  At the 2 week follow-up appointment the expectation is 0 pounds lost.  She also told me that they have had a few people come in at 2 weeks and have gained some weight!  The reason she says the expectation is 0 is due to the fluids added post-op and people often retain that water.  I feel much better now .

Today was one of those days...

Feb 17, 2008

You know...one of those days when I feel like I am getting no where with this whole thing.  My family ate spaghetti and garlic bread, and I had blended chicken noodle soup.  They are not even close to being in the same category .

I'm also having a "I am not losing weight fast enough" day.  I weighed myself this morning and I am down 12 pounds on my scale.  I keep reading about all of these people that are down like 20+ pounds in their first 2 weeks, and that makes me feel inferior I guess.  I know I should just be happy to be losing weight and knowing that I feel good, but it's hard  .

...and I haven't been following the "rules" either.  I have been eating the way that I should, but I am having a hard time drinking water.  I am a gulper, always have been.  When I pick up a water bottle I want to drink half of it in one gulp.  Now it is an ordeal for me to take a sip.  It just feels like it sits in my esophagus.  Then I get heartburn.  It's very weird.

I haven't been following the 5 pound weight restriction either.  It's too hard.  I have 3 kids who love me and want to be on my lap every chance they can.  As I stated earlier, I am a control freak.  I like to do things my way by myself.  It's just hard for me to take it easy  .  Yes, I know that rules are set for a reason...I just don't listen so well.

Only another week and a half before I can eat pureed food.  Yippee-ki-yay!  I am going to buy a Magic Bullet tomorrow in preparation and anticipation for lots of tuna salad.  The Bullet will be good for making shakes, too, and I won't have to clean my big blender 4 times a day! 

I have my follow-up this Thursday morning, and I look forward to finding out how Dr. Schram thinks I am doing.  I'm big on positive reinforcement.  I just want to hear from him that I am doing all the right things and losing weight at an appropriate rate.

Anywho, I need to hit the kitchen and make myself an Iced Chai.


Found something yummy!

Feb 11, 2008

Ok, so I have been complaining about wanting real food for a few days now, but I have discovered something that tastes "real" and makes me feel human.  I have found that if you blend up a can of any healthy brand "Chicken Tortilla" or "Chicken Corn Chowder" soup and strain it (of course) and throw a whole lotta Tabasco in there.  It--Is----Awesome .  Now if you don't like Tabasco, this won't work, but for those of us who do, trust me....YUM-MEEEEE.  It still has all the flavor without the chunks.  That sounds so appealing, now doesn't it? 

On a more disgusting note, I am having such a hard time with this whole thing because so much of it is based on dairy.  I had NO problems with dairy until I delivered my twins, and since then I have issues.  I LOVE dairy...ice cream, cheese, milk in my cereal, more cheese...you get the point.  However if I eat this stuff, I could float the Goodyear Blimp with my flatulence.  Lactaid chewables don't cut it, so I need to look for other ways to deal with this, because if this keeps up I will be the sole reason that the Ozone Layer has been completely depleted.  

Oh well, as I leave my gas behind, I shall go take a shower.  Maybe the smell will stop following me for 5 minutes.


Can you say "real food"?

Feb 10, 2008

OK, so you can say "real food", but can I eat it?  Hecks NO!  I am so hungry for real food. 

I can not stand to be in our kitchen because my husband and kids are eating real food, and there I am blending some Chicken Tortilla Soup watching the chunks disappear, then straining it, then trying to pretend that it tastes GREAT .

I keep telling myself that I just have to get through the next 5 1/2 weeks and then I can eat real food!  But the interim blows.  There is only so much stuff that I can pretend tastes GREAT.  I don't mean to be complaining, but I am.  I know I am.  Admitting it is the first step, right  ?  I just keep telling myself to keep my eye on the prize.

I weighed myself this morning sporting my grannies and in 6 days I have lost 10 pounds!  I should be all excited about this, but I'm really not .  I have no idea why, but maybe it's because I still feel pretty icky.  I haven't been taking my pain meds except at night, and I really need them all day otherwise I feel like I've got a stitch in my side...oh wait...I have several of them  !

In the past few days I have realized how serious of a relationship I had with food.  I feel like I have broken off a relationship that I can never go back to.  In one day I think I said, "I wish I would have had _____ just one last time" 20 times.  Fill in the blank with whatever you want, I probably said it.  My biggest craving right now are homemade pierogies that my mom makes.  They are THE BOMB.  Really.  They are fried in butter and served with onions and about 1/2 container of Breakstone's sour cream.  They are enormous and I have been known to eat as many as I could...until I felt my esophagus backing up.  But they are SO damn good .  Maybe at some point I will be able to eat just one if it is cooked in fake butter and fat free sour cream.  *sigh*  Keeping my eye on the prize ...

An important thing I should share; there is no way that you will eat everything you love one last time.  And if you did, you would never feel "good" about it.  Doesn't that pretty much defeat the purpose?  It is a bad relationship...borderline abusive...and I need to just break it off and start fresh!   

So long for now,


Feb 07, 2008

Well, I survived.  I spent one whole whopping day in the hospital and now I am home trying to make sure I am getting enough fluids, but I cannot get them myself - which is driving me nuts.  I'm a probably the biggest control freak I have ever known and it's killing me that I have no control over what happens in the next 2 weeks.

So I came out of surgery a little more than 48 hours ago, and my belly H.U.R.T.S.    I think my pain meds are horribly gross and I gag on them when I try to swallow.  But then I can't tell if my belly hurts from the incisions or if it is because I have gas or something.  I am feeling like, "why did I do this?"  but I just need to keep my eye on the prize.

I am falling asleep as I am sitting here, realizing I may have made no sense in this post.  I think I will drink my broth and lay back down.

Best wishes,

The weight will come off tomorrow...bet your bottom dollar....

Feb 03, 2008

Well, here I am on Monday February 4th...exactly 24 hours before my scheduled surgery.  My friends have been super supportive...my family, not so much.  My family meaning my parents & the mother-in-law, not my husband and kids.  Brian is 100% behind me in whatever I choose to do.  Of course he is worried about me having a major surgery, but he is also calmed by the fact that he has done his research on my surgeon.  He is confident that I am in good hands  .

So I had my last supper yesterday, so to speak.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy anything all weekend because I got food poisoning from Red Lobster on Friday night.  Nothing makes me feel better about doing this than a good case of e-coli  .   

I tried to eat breakfast yesterday, but that didn't sit well, and last night I decided that I would eat my last disgustingly fat meal...FatDonald's.  That's what I have been calling it for years, but I sure do like a double cheeseburger every now and then.  Last night it did absolutely nothing for me.  Neither did the fries.  I think it's my mind and body saying, "Hello?  What the F are you doing?  Don't you know you are changing your life in less than 48 hours??!!??" 

Today I am on clear liquids to prepare for the big day!  Of course, my appetite came back in the middle of the night with visions of Frosted Mini-Wheats dancing through my head  .  Oh well, apple juice will have to do.

I weighed myself on my own scale, which is the scale that I will be tracking my weight on over the next year or so.  I did this a little bit ago after my shower sporting my granny panties.  And survey says.........271.4 

I look forward to the rest of my life now.  I don't think I have ever felt that way.  I know this will be the best choice I have ever made in my life (other than marrying my husband and having my kids).

I must go deal with my daughters.  I think they want breakfast or something.  Geez, it's like they expect me to wait on them hand an foot .

Wishing myself the best of luck,

Yay! I finally have a friend!

Jan 21, 2008

Yippee!  I can say that I have a friend here now!  I found this website completely by accident, and I hope that it will be helpful to me. 

I went out to dinner with my friend Lorraine and my son this evening.  Lorraine is a VERY interesting person.  She is sort of a Bible thumper (works for the CRC) but also can be so wrong in so many ways.  She grew up in New York, so she has that brash harshness. She is just insanely LOUD  and never stops talking.  Ever.

She is very set in her ways.  She is also a "weight acceptance" preacher, and refuses to accept people having weight loss surgery.  She throws in a jab or two every time we get together.  Usually "so when are you going to start losing your hair and looking like death?"  She tells my husband, "Do you want her to die?  Are you ok with that??  I'm not!"

Now, to know Lorraine is to love Lorraine.  She is such a sweet person and is so giving, but it really bothers me that she is so against this procedure.  I cannot talk about it around her, and it is going to be such a real and important thing coming up here in a few weeks. 

I do have a couple of acquaintances that have had gastric bypass. One of them, Kateri, is super excited for me and we plan to get coffee this weekend so that she can give me a supportive boost. 

There are so many things on my mind now that I will be scheduling my date in a few days.  I worry that I am going to mess things up somehow, or I will  be part of the 1% that die, or that the weight just won't come off and my doctors will have been right all along. 

I guess I just have a lot on my mind, and it makes me feel good that I have a friend on here now.

Good night!


About Me
Allendale, MI
Jan 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 18
Why did I wear bright red underwear?
I am having a great weekend!
A Pleasant Surprise
Happy Candy-Free Easter!
6 Weeks and 2 Days Later
It's been a while...
4 Weeks later...
I did it...
I am so ashamed.
I just had to post this!
