Bernadette R. 21 years, 6 months ago

J WILLIAMS - Wow - i had a hystorectomy about four years ago and it blew me away - and to think this was so shortly after your WLS - do take great care of yourself as your body has been in ultra shock - May God bless you on this special journey.kind regards bernadette reynolds

J. W. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hello. Just wanted to post an update. About 4 months out now and 75 pounds lighter. Very happy. Can see and feel the changes dramatically already. Have a way to to, but very pleased and on my way. Unfortunately I also was diagnosed with cervical cancer 2 weeks ago and underwent a radical abdominal hysterectomy last friday. The blessing is the physician's are confident they got it all and nothing spread. Two major surgeries in less than 2 months was scary, but I am just glad it's all over. I am home recuperating til after the New Year. Love, J.

kelli6 21 years, 8 months ago

Hello there J., Just wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful weight loss. I hope that thiings are well with you and you will continually improve. Good luck and /God bless!!!

mlwinn77 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi J.- I wanted to congratulate you on the wonderful weight loss. Way to go...I wish you much more continued success.

Mary H. 21 years, 9 months ago

hon stay away form the pasta and potatoes and rice they are carbs and not much protein , lowfat cottage cheese ,blue bunny yougart, cream soups,you can have a little tuna with your low fat cottage cheese just chew very will

J. W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hello all. Well I am 2 days shy from being exactly 2 weeks post op. I must say everyone is right when they say "it get's better everyday". I don't think I was prepared for the emotional battle though. WOW! I am in mourning. I really miss my food. My whole life has changed already now that food is pretty much out of the picture. I no longer am thinking about what I can eat next. I think I need to take up painting or knitting..LOL. Healthwise, I feel okay. It was a lot rougher than I thought it was going to be. My incision is uncomfortable. I am looking forward to getting the staples out tuesday and moving on to soft foods. I have a hard time with pain at night, but am taking nothing during the day. I am getting stronger. I make myself get up, dressed, and out everyday. The kids keep me busy. Today my parent's took them to give me a break since my hub works so much. It's nice to have "quiet" and not have to worry about cooking for them and watching "SpongeBob SquarePants"! LOL. I am trying to keep a good attitude. Weight loss wise the first thing I noticed is my ankles which used to BLOW UP no longer are swelling and all my shoes are too big. Funny, huh?

Jeana W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations! You made it to the other side with flying colors! Keep up the great attitude! You are on the way to a slimmer healthier YOU!

J. W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hello all you wonderful people. I am officially home and "post-op". Gosh, it feels so good to say that. 99% of the people at that hospital were great. You know there is always a couple of people who are ignorant by nature, but mostly everyone treatly me beautifully. Had my surgery friday, August 9th - open VBG. Long incision line - stapled and the pain is totally bearable. I am more weak than anything else. I am shocked at that part. Guess I had forgotten how much surgery takes out of you. Had a slight complication the day after surgery my heart raced for no reason. Moved me into the step down unit and I saw a team of cardiologists and had a run of heart studies - everythig turned out just fine though. I am just weak, weak, weak, but truly thankful it's over and I made it through just fine. My family and husband have been pillars of strength for me. I adm on a full liquid diet for the next 2 weeks and it's funny, I don't even feel hungry. I cannot manage more than a few bites of soup or jello - but I manage to get the fluids in anyway I can so I don't dehydrate myself. Thanks to all for the supportive and brightening messages! From here on in I know I'll feel better everyday and when I weight starts peeling off I know it'll all be worth it.

jjtheba 21 years, 10 months ago

J. May God bless you, the surgeon, and the surgical team to a safe and prompt healing procedure. May you be lifted to renewed health and abundant happiness. Sincerely, Janice

maxsprague 21 years, 10 months ago

I wish you all the best. Stay strong and keep your faith. Enjoy your day and try to sleep tonight. Remember,What God brings you to,He will bring you through!
About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 19, 2000
Member Since
