Final step before submitting paperwork...

Jan 27, 2009

Okay, so I have one more day to go before I have my consultation with Dr. Dyer.  For about a week now, I thought it wasn't going to happen due to my insurance not submitting a negotiated rates form back to his office. But atlas yesterday afternoon they called and told me that it was a-okay for me to head to Nashville.  I have never driven from Memphis to Nashville, but I'm told it's a 3-4 hour drive.  I'll have to spend the night because my appt is at 4:00 and I don't want to have to do a turn around (got a bad back and can't just drive long distances by myself), and besides I hear the weather is suppose to be funny. So wish me well, cause after this visit my paperwork should be submitted within a week and prayerfully I will know something within the following two week. I was initially, looking into getting the lap band, but upon some more research, I might just be going the RNY route (those are the only two my insurance covers). I will discuss both with Dr. Dyer and see what's the business, and go from there. YEAH!!! I am just SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Uhh....and just a lil nervous too!!
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Being content...

Jan 09, 2009

I have resolved myself to just waiting until the 29th for my consultation with Dr. Dyer.  It seems that no one ever seems to cancel their appointment so I'll just be content with that date and wait....
My best friend and I started a 2 week healthy eating/somewhat detox Sunday...Today is Friday and I have fallen off the wagon once when I decided to eat Taco Hell, I mean Taco Bell.  Other than that I been very good at eating the fruits, vegetables, and baked chicken and fish.
January 29th, just seems so far away and not getting here fast enough...

....and the countdown begins

Dec 29, 2008

Well, I have exactly one month before my consultation with Dr. Dyer.  According to his staff, I have submitted all of my paperwork needed for insurance approval.  My consultation with Dr. Dyer is just the last step they require for approval submission.  I'm just so eager to really get the approval process going.  I call Dr. Dyer's office every other day to see if there has been a cancellation.  I live in Memphis, which is about 3-3 1/2 hours away, but I guarantee that if I call early a.m. and there's a cancellation in the afternoon, I'll be there .  Well, that's all for now, I am so ready to enter the new year with a healthy newness of  life and beginning!
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About Me
Memphis, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2004
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