Sunday - Feb 24th

Feb 24, 2008

I weighed this morning at 243.  I would like it to be lower of course but i haven't been to the gym in over a week due to my kids being sick. Hoping to go after lunch today to get in a good workout.  

I've noticed i'm getting hungrier now?  Maybe i'm not drinking enough but I feel really hungry at mealtime.. not sure if that is normal or not.... Go to get my first fill on March 3rd.  So maybe that will help.

Friday - Feb 15 (almost 1 month since surgery)

Feb 14, 2008

Things are going well.  I weighed yesterday and I was down to 248.8 on my home scale.  I'm down 26 pounds since surgery a month ago tomorrow.  I'm pleased with the results so far.  Of course I still have a long way to go to hit my goal.   I've been going to the gym and doing cardio 1.5 miles on the treadmill in 30 minutes and then some machines there as well.

I probably need to drink more water/liquids as I haven't been doing as well with that as I need to.  I've been up a lot at night with a sick little boy so when I can nap during the day I do and probably miss opportunity to get liquids in.

My goal is to work on that and to get to the gym more.

January 26, 2008 - 10 days post surgery

Jan 26, 2008

I'm doing much better.  I went to the Dr's yesterday for a post-op checkup and they were pleased that the incisions were healing well.  I rec'd a post-op bag with information in it from the Lap-Band company.  I rec'd a card saying that I have a lap-band installed and the nurse advised that I could show this to restaurants when I go out so I could order off childs menu, or lower price at buffet, etc.  

I was happy with my weight loss.  On 1/8/08 i weighed 275 at the Dr's and yesterday I was down to 260.  15lbs..that would have taken forever to lose without the help of the lapband.  I'm joining a gym this week so I can begin doing cardio and some machines in the next week or so.  Thank goodness they have child care as they 22 month old twins can go play while mom kills herself on the machines

I go back in to the Dr's in 5 weeks for possibly my first fill.  That first week was super hard but now that I can have soup, pudding, yogurt I'm doing better.    I'll post more when I have something to post.

Jan 21, 2008 - Day 5

Jan 21, 2008

Wow.. amazing what a day will do.  I slept with the heating pad on my left shoulder last night and woke up this morning feeling much better and no pain.  Thank Goodness as I had a lot to do since we're trying to put our house on the market in Feb.  I didn't push it but got some things done today with my mom's help.  My back is still bugging me but that's normal for me.  So good day today.. still not super hungry but i've been getting water in today and had some Jello.  More later.

Day 4 after being banded

Jan 20, 2008

Well I got out of the house for the 1st time today since surgery on 1/16/08.  Of course it had to be super cold but the family and I went to the mall just to walk around a little.   

I'm still sore from the surgery-- my left shoulder/neck is very achey.. my Mom thinks it's from my muscles being loose from the surgery after being so tense and from the way I was laid on the operating table.  I'm not sure but I hope it feels better soon.  I've still got some abdominal pain or maybe it's just uncomfy.  I feel like I'm super bloated.  My lower back is very sore as well but I think that is from laying on the operating table.. hopefully with time and maybe a visit to the chiropractor that will be better soon.

So I'm trying my best to eat the amount I was told on my sheet but I don't think it's really happening.  I'm probably eating about 2-3oz of Jello for breakfast with some hot tea and some Kellog's K2O flavored water with 5g of protein.  Lunch is about 4oz of ckn broth, water, 3oz jello, and the same for dinner.  I just feel really uncomfy in my abdomen when I eat.  I can't really tell if I'm hungry or not at this point which is kind of frustrating.. I guess it's more if you feel like you are dehydrated then you drink/eat.  Hopefully it will get better when I get to Week 2 foods.  I'm not trying to complain to whoever may read this.. just documenting how I feel as of right now so I can remember back when I'm thinner and remember what all I had to go through.    That is it for now.  Maybe more this week when I hit my 1 week Anniversary.

About Me
Durham, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 5
Sunday - Feb 24th
Friday - Feb 15 (almost 1 month since surgery)
January 26, 2008 - 10 days post surgery
Jan 21, 2008 - Day 5
Day 4 after being banded
