I don't understand...

Apr 10, 2010

Today in the main forum on this site, someone started a thread about a new "sandwich" that KFC is putting out.  Their feelings on it was that it was disgusting.  In case you hadn't heard, this new "sandwich" is two pieces of fried chicken with bacon, cheese and probably mayo in the middle.  No bread, since the chicken is the bread.  I personally wanna gag at the idea of it.  Anyway, what is bothering me is the kind of posts that followed the original; people saying that because of their surgery, they are planning on having this monstrosity, because their body no longer absorbs as much of the fat (apparently they had a DS).  Others were saying that they were going to eat as much of it as they could, because it was basically just a bunch of protein, right?  Wrong.  Yes, this thing is gonna be loaded with protein.  It's also gonna be loaded with fat, and even though your body may not absorb as much of the fat, it is still going to absorb some, and what it takes in is going to be bad fat.  And really, isn't fast food probably one of the reasons we needed this surgery in the first place?  If you are blessed enough, and lucky enough, to get this surgery, this second chance, why would you abuse it, 'just because you could'?  I'm really disappointed in some of these people, and I don't understand their reasoning in the least.  I chose not to comment on the thread, since others had already tried and were labeled 'food purists'.  Which I personally don't think would be a bad thing to be at all.  I am a self-admitted hippie eater.  What got me fat were carbs, plain and simple.  I love my bread, and I adore pasta.  But I love being healthy more, and knowing that if I wanted to go on a hike someday, I will be able to.  I love the idea of being able to keep up with any possible children I have, and being able to dance the night away with the great man I will someday meet.  Or, just dancing by myself.  It doesn't matter.  I was given this chance, this opportunity, to change my life around.  No "sandwich" from KFC is worth ruining that. 


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