Rebecca (Becky) A.

POST-OP Plastics and Allergic to Pain Meds

Jul 27, 2008

I had my surgery on 16 Jul 08 with Dr. Gitt in Phoenix.  I was to spend the night in the hospital but ended up spending two nights.  My blood pressure would not rise.  I ended up getting two blood transfusions from the blood I donated prior to surgery.  I was experiencing a lot of pain so the surgeon switched my pain meds from Vicodin to Percoset.  Joe and I spent the weekend in a hotel nearby and saw the doctor on Monday.  Everything was looking good and the two arm drains were removed.  We drove back to Tucson on Monday after that appointment.  On Tuesday I started having the itches from HELL and by Wednesday I had red splotches all over my torso.  I called and they prescribed Benadryl and to call back the next day if it was ot better.  On Thursday we drove back to Phoenix so the doc could have a look see.  He could not believe his eyes.  I would not have had any pain if it had not been for the hives.  I am allergic to the Percoset!!!  He prescribed a cream and to continue the Benadryl.  While I was there I had them look at an incision that was oozing.  Sure enough I had a seroma.  Three days later my rash is starting to clear up and the seroma is healing nicely.  I head back to Phoenix tomorrow for another checkup and hope to get some more drains removed.  I had a total of eight drains.  I love my arms.  They look great.  I cannot really see my lower body and waist yet due to swelling and dressings but I do see that it is totally FLAT!!!

I have to say that I had the best care at Paradise Valley Hospital.  Everyone was very attentive and caring.  My surgeons office is the best.  They are all so compassionate and answered my phone calls within an hour.

Surgery in TWO Days!!!!

Jul 14, 2008

Wednesday is my day for LBL, Panni, Fleur de Lis, Pubic Plasty, and Brachioplasty.  I am doing the final preparation beginning today with the ointment in my nose.  Tomorrow is the lovely cocktail starting at noon and the Arnica beginning in the morning.  I am so ready for this to be over.  I will post as soon as I am up to getting on the computer.  I want to thank everyone for the informative posts and those of you who have messaged me privately with information and suggestions.

July Already

Jul 01, 2008

I can't believe half the year is over already.  Just brings me closer to retirement which is January 2012 or possibly sooner.  I am not happy with my place of work but being civil service I am just hanging in there since I am so close to retirement.

Only 14 more days until I have my reconstructive surgery.  I will feel much better when that day is over and I am in the recovery mode.  I have a chest X-ray and one more pint of blood to donate and I will be ready to go.  My blood pressure was 112/70 and I am holding at 167 pounds.

The weather here is getting hot and humid now with monsoon season here.  I just hope I can survive the heat wearing compression garments in the middle of July in Arizona!  Wish me luck.

Pre-Op for Plastics

Jun 27, 2008

I had my pre-op appointment today with Susan at Dr. Gitt's office.  All went well.  I still have to do my blood work (as the lab in the building did not accept my insurance), so I will do that at Lab corp in Tucson tomorrow.  I also have to have a chest Xray and then I am set.

I didn't realize that I would have to get so many supplies and no one told me about the yummy cocktail I get to drink the day before!!!!  I was happy to hear that I would get the drain tubes removed from my arms before I make the trip back home to Tucson at my post-op appointment two days after surgery.  Then I will only have to deal with the LBL drains.  Is the toilet riser and shower chair a "Must have" or can I do without them?

I also visited Paradise Valley Hospital and pre-registered there.  Everyone has my money now :o).


Jun 10, 2008

I thought it was about time I posted an update to my life.  I am not much of a blogger thus the reason for not adding much of late.

We just returned from a week trip to Las Vegas.  It was the best time I have had there in many many years.  I really enjoyed myself and walked the strip several times.


I met with Dr. Gitt on 30 May 08 for a consult and we set up a surgery date of 17 July 08.  I will be having an LBL, pubic plasty, brachioplasty, and fleur de lis.  I'm sure the butterflies will come soon enough but I am trying to just prepare myself by researching each of them.  I will post before and after photos when the time comes.

14 April 2008

Apr 14, 2008

Here it is April already and I need to update.  Not much going on here.  Been keeping busy doing some cosmetics things to my house.  I am trying to get refinanced so I can pay off some bills and get ready for retirement in a few years. 

The weight loss has pretty much stopped for now and I am in a holding pattern.  As long as I am not gaining I am not complaining.  The weather is finally warming up here and I will soon be able to get back into the pool.  Maybe a new exericise will bring on some more weight loss.

Loose Skin

Mar 31, 2008

I saw my PCP today and she remembered me coming in before for the same thing.  Again, I have this awful red blotch in and around my navel.  She said it was much worse this time.  She took a culture but I won't hear results for about three days.  She feels it is not fungal but is caused by the mositure in that area.  She doesn't see that it will not come back because of the way the skin covers the navel and the temperatures will be rising.  I have a prescription for Betamethasone Valerate 0.1% Cream to be applied twice daily.  She also suggested that I cover the area with a 2x2 gauze to keep it dry.

I am sure hoping this helps in getting approval for the LBL and Fluer de les.  Fingers are crossed.

March is Here

Mar 01, 2008

Here it is March already and Easter is almost here.  Happy St Pat's to all my fellow Irishmen.  Luck of the Irish to ye all!!

Two weeks ago I strained or sprained my right knee.  I finally got in to see the Rhuematologist who diagnosed it as such.  Since we can't do NSAIDS she prescribed some pain patches for me and they are working so well.  I will give it two more weeks and if it isn't better I will have to have an MRI.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that.  I don't have the $200 co-pay for that right now.  I have also had two MRIs since my WLS and I think one more would be a bit too many for such a short time. 

The scale has not been moving for me in quite some time now but I am okay with it as long as it doesn't go up.  I will need to watch more closely what calories I am consuming and start walking as soon as I am able again.  With the warmer weather I am looking forward to working outside again in my yard.  It is a stress reliever and keeps my mind busy.

Happy Easter to you all.

Dumping or Something Else????

Feb 05, 2008

Saw the doctor today regarding my episode on Friday.  She doesn't know what may have caused it, but suggested that I throw away the peanut butter.  She said it may have gone bad.  Worth a try anyway!!!   Blood pressure was 122/90 with pulse of 67.  Am having blood work done to check on thyroid level since I was on new prescription for 8 weeks.  I also talked with her about the redness in my navel. 

So far it has been a good day.  The weather is very cold and there is lots of snow in the higher elevations.  It is beautiful to look at.

What a Way to Start February

Feb 01, 2008

I have had a real bad evening.  I came home and had a small apple and 1 tblsp peanut butter for a snack before 1530.  About an hour later I started feeling bad.  At 5 I was having diarrhea and the dry heaves; in other words I was dumping.  I am wondering if this is what I did the other day.  This time it was more severe.  Thank God that Joe was here.  I became dehydrated within an hour.  I went down but did not become unconscious.  Joe called my PCP but by 8:30 he still had not returned the call and I had downed two bottles of water.  Joe went across the street to ask our neighbor what he thought was wrong with me; he is a nurse.  He confirmed that I was dehydrated.  Needless to day, I won’t be eating that again.

About Me
Tucson, AZ
Surgery Date
May 17, 2006
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