Rebecca (Becky) A.

30 January 2008

Jan 29, 2008

Thought I had better check in again and let you all know what has been going on with me. 

This month has just flown by.  Guess I have been very busy.  LOL...  I gained back a few pounds that I lost when I had the flu, but that is okay.  I'm not the least bit upset about it.  I am at 168.4 today.

I have started walking during the day here at work.  We have a mile and a quarter track.  My job really sucks.  I have until at least Jan 2012 before I can call it quits and I can hardly wait.  Some days it is so difficult to roll out of that bed to come to work and sit at my desk all day.  Thus the reason to walk.  There is a bright side to everything.

Plateau Buster

Jan 11, 2008

I have no idea how I did it, but I lost 7 pounds.  I am 6 pounds away from my goal!!!  I waited a few days to post this because I wanted to make sure my scale was saying what it was saying :o)!!! 

My other half has been joking with me about "getting into his pants", meaning wearing them!!!  Well I did it.  He wears 34/30 Levi 501 Shrink to Fit.  Above is a photo of me in them.  As you can see they look a bit loose in the legs.

I also had the flu, even though I had a flu shot in October.  That helped a bit with the weight loss.  I still haven't recovered from the flu. 

I am still dealing with the issue of convincing myself that I am really a size 12.  I look in the mirror and still see a size much larger than a 12.  Especially when I am nude!!  I guess it will take a while for this fact to kick in or maybe plastic surgery will help with this.  I am considering this as well.  I am weighing the costs and the pain involved.

It's a New Year and a New Me

Jan 03, 2008

This might just be the year for plastics.  I am still thinking about it.  Not too fond of the pain involved nor the cost. 

I am looking forward to being able to experience many more things this year that I have not been able to do in many many years.  Hiking is one that I am going to try very soon.  I would also love to take a trip to San Diego and back to PA to see some more sights where my past generations grew up.

Grandchildren are getting older and soon it will be time for Joe and I to retire and enjoy life even more.  I am finally able to look forward to that.

Happy 2008 to all my friends on OH.

Merry Christmas

Dec 17, 2007

It's been a busy month and I don't have much to report.  I have been busy making some of my gifts this year. 

I am done shopping and have all my gifts wrapped.  I just want to bake a few goodies to give away to family and will make some tortillas too.  Wishing all of you a Happy, Healthy New Year.


Veteran's Day 2007

Nov 13, 2007

I spent Veteran's Day and Phoenix International Raceway watching the Nascar Race.  My driver didn't win, but it was great just being able to be there and share something with my significant other.  This was the first time I was ever able to go.  I was able to walk from the parking area to the track with no problems and I was not huffing and puffing or complaining that I was in pain and needed to sit and rest.  It was a beautiful day.

OH Conference in Phoenix

Oct 27, 2007

Having a great time at the OH Conference in Phoenix.  Met some new friends and saw a few old friends.  I had a consult with Dr. Gitt this morning.  I am very impressed with him as a surgeon.  Weighed in at 175.

24 September 2007

Sep 26, 2007

I had my one year Post-Op visit with Dr. Juarez and everything is going along nicely.  My BP was 106/60 and weight holding steady at 180.  My blood work showed my thyroid medication in need of adjustment so that is good.  I will see him again next year.

To celebrate Joe and I spent Sunday afternoon cheering for the Arizona Diamondbacks (they lost), eating dinner at "Marjles" and then spent the night at the Phoenix Wyndam.  Monday we met a friend of ours who attends the Culinary Institute in Scottsdale and had lunch. 


Sep 21, 2007

I made year after surgery and I am feeling great.  My weight fluctuates between 179 & 180 but I am happy.  Still hope to make my goal in the next couple of months.

As for the tailbone pain......I have had Xray's and MRI and am being referred to Tucson Orthopedic Institute.  I have purchased a special ortho pillow on my own which helps some.  Will update on this subject as I get more news.

2 Sep 07

Sep 02, 2007

Here is is 18 days from my re-birthday.  I can hardly believe it.  Today I weighed 180.  I am still experiencing tailbone pain so I had an Xray.  It showed some abnormalties so my PCP is sending me for an MRI on Wed.  Cross you fingers it is nothing too serious.

7 August 2007

Aug 06, 2007

WOW!!!  I can't believe I didn't post in July.  It has been a busy summer and a wet one, I might add. 

I had an appointment with my PCP yesterday to see how my BP is doing.  It was 130/80 and my weight was 186.  He was so pleased and said he was happy for me that we found something that would work for me.  I talked to him about he pain in my tailbone and I have an order for some Xray's.   I also got the order for lab work so I can get that done before my visit with Dr. Juarez on 24 September.  This will be my 1 year visit.  I can hardly believe it has been almost a year already.  So far I have lost 100 pounds since surgery and 123 pounds total.  This surgery is so amazing and I feel so good.


About Me
Tucson, AZ
Surgery Date
May 17, 2006
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