13 week update - IM FEELING GOOD!

Dec 29, 2008

I am terrible at maintaining my blog, I read everyone else's for inspiration but when it comes to me inspiring anyone, forget it, I just cant find the time to update, and my home computer has been on the blink for the last 4 weeks which is a pain in butt, because it has all my passwords, photos, finances, basically everything I need to survive and be a productive person is on the computer, AND I CANT GET ANY OF IT!  I knew I shouldn’t have given in to my 9 year old son's plead to get a computer at home.  I was perfectly fine with only using the one at the office, everything was stored in one place, and I never had to worry about losing my files.  And then my friends daughter was selling her home computer, really good deal, and I finally gave in and bought it.  Got it all hooked up and within hours I was hooked, my poor child was now pleading with me to let him have a turn on the computer.  Well I have all my finances nicely completed on spreadsheets, passwords stored nicely in a file, weight loss info beautifully graphed out, right down to my  shoe size loss(gone from a size 10 shoe to a size 9 - how bizzare)!  And then I got the dreaded black screen and a message that’s seems to indicate some drivers are missing or corrupt.  What’s a gal to do?  I suppose I am going to have to take it to be fixed, but I am going to the Dominican very soon so I will not be getting it fixed before the trip.  I feel lost without all my files, but luckily I have the computer at work, so decided it was about time I give you all an update on the weight loss.  So, started weight loss program on March 19, weighing in at a whopping 305.4lbs.  Lost 38.4lbs on my own (which would not have stayed off for very long given my multiple weight loss attempts in the past).  Had the gastric bypass surgery on Oct 6th, 2008 and its been 13 weeks, and I have lost 52lbs, so a total weight loss of  86.4lbs in all.  And more importantly I have gone from a 26 dress size down to a size 16, and I even bought a few pairs of size 14 dress pants yesterday, although they are a bit tight if you know what I mean.  I’m kind of sucked into them nicely and then the roll of flab comes up over the top of the pants, so its loose flowy tops for me for a while until I fit "normally" into the pants!!  But regardless of how tight they are, I am able to wear them and with both buttons done up!  Its a miracle, this WLS is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Despite having to have an endroscopy twice for 2 strictures, I would do it all again.  I can’t believe it but I am actually loving trying on and buying clothes, its like a new addiction for me.  Thanks god I am frugal and only buy clothes on the sale racks, otherwise i'd be broke by now.  AND I LOVE WORKING OUT, not something I thought I would hear pass from my lips, but its true, I really enjoy my 60-80 minute work outs, and some weeks I go every day.  Now that is just frickin crazy, this is from the gal who would be in despair if she couldn’t find a parking spot right outside the door of Wal-Mart, god forbid I had to walk too far!  But seriously, feeling so fit and healthy is amazing and I thank god everyday for sending me Dr. Kaban, he did a great job.  This will be the first time in 25+ years I am comfortable about wearing a swimsuit on vacation - yipee!


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Regina, SK, XX
Aug 30, 2008
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