Less than 2 days

Jul 07, 2009

I have been so busy that the past two weeks have flown by.  I haven't even had time to think about surgery or packing a bag.  Tomorrow is clear liquids and laxitives - sound like fun to anyone else??!!
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2 weeks

Jun 26, 2009

Looking back, it has been a long time since October of 2009.  I have lost 27 pounds per op.  It wasn't easy and there were days I thought I couldn't do it. 

I have learned a lot.  In the beginning, I dreaded waiting 6 months.  But now, I think everyone should have to do it!  I have given up soda HUGE addition for me.  I rarely drink while I eat.  I eat slowly and enjoy my meals and I chew lots more than ever before.  I drink lots of water and lately, I don't have to add crystal light or anything to it  - could be the heat of a Texas summer.

So I'm ready the end of a chapter and ready to begin the next phase of my journey.  I am armed with lots of good information and a good support group.  I know it won't be easy, but neither has being over weight my entire life.
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I have a date!

Apr 29, 2009

I called to check in and I am approved!  Insurance documentation was sent on 4/2, officially posted on 4/7and approved...in about 3 weeks!

Makes it sound too easy...I had a well organized team.  This has actually been a 3 year battle with other insurnace companies denial and my dealing with those issue.  I know I am better prepared now and I will have a better experience!

I made it!

Apr 02, 2009

I have completed my 6 month supervised weigh loss program!  I have lost 18 pounds which is certainly more than 10% of my excess weight in case the insuance company wants that criteria as well.  So now for the waiting game.  I also found out yesterday that my surgeon is taking a month off from mid April - mid May. -which is the time frame I wanted to have surgery!  I'm truly leaving this in the Lord's hands.  If we schedule later, I'll wait until after our June cruise.  It will work out exactly as it is supposed to.

I will continue to watch what I eat and keep a food and exercise log.  I will continue to lose, although very slowly I know.  But the key is now not to gain any weight either!

I know this 6 months has been good for me because I gave up soda and am free of the caffine addiction.  I eat slower, take smaller bites and chew better.  I am eating less, so I can also tell my stomach has shrunk and I think my liver has too!  My blood work looks good.  So I do have things to be thankful for. 

One More Month

Mar 03, 2009

One more month on my supervised diet!  I am so ready.  It is nice to look back and see the progress I've made personally.  I've not lost much, but I have lost some weight and I have started a good foundation for new habits I will need post op.  It is a journey....

Feeling Frumpy

Feb 10, 2009

Spent some time this weekend cleaning out closets.  I am making room for my new bike!  I got rid of some clothes that I had not worn in over a year since I have to get all of my clothes in one closet.

I get dressed this morning for work...water retention and major stall considered...and just feel frumpy!  I am SO READY for April to be here and I can finally get my insurance submission done.  I am glad that I have had this time to research and really prepare for my surgery.  I'm attending support group meeting, reading and finding additional support beyond my circle of friends and family.

Counting down the days until April!

The dreaded stall!!!

Feb 03, 2009

0.2 pounds?!  You have got to be kidding.

Actually, I'm not all that suprised.  I typically hit a big stall at about the 3 - 4 month mark any time I have tired to diet.  It lasts about a month or so.  So, January was my stall month and I'm going to convince myself that it will be over soon.

10 pound camera button

Jan 31, 2009

I decided to have my daughter take pictures today - front, side and back.  I've lost about 15 pounds and I wanted to make sure I still have a few more top of my weight pictures.

Sadly, I looked at them.  Do I really look like that. My daughter (teenager!) said she used the 10 pound button so it made me look larger .

Tuesday will be my 4th multi disc visit.  2 more and we can submit for insurance approval!  I think the date will actually be 04.01!!

Uploaded more pictures

Jan 15, 2009

I just want to make sure I don't forget where I started.  There are so few pictures of me out there since I have avoided the camera for years...decades! It is sad because we don't even have family pictures made.

I've been told by other 'losers' to make sure I get some back side pictues too, so I'll have to have some made.

I also saw a really cool video where pictures were taken on a regular basis after surgery so I'm hoping to also get my journey in pictures.


Slowly but surely

Jan 13, 2009

Lost another couple of pounds this last month, which included Christmas and New Years, so I guess I should be prouder of myself.  Almost 12 pounds in 3 months - closed to a pound a week. 

Psyc scheduled for later this week.

HALF WAY THERE through my multi disciplinary program.  This is where it always gets hard for me because I typically reach a plateau after about 3 month.

About Me
Whitehouse, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2004
Member Since

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