2 months down

Dec 18, 2008

I have completed 2 full months of my multi disciplinary plan.  And I was pleasantly surprised that I have lost 9 pounds.  Every little bit counts and I am working on changing my habits that will make a difference for a lifetime!  The most exciting part for me was that this was over the Thanksgiving holiday season!

I can do this!

40 and Fabulous!

Nov 14, 2008

Well it happened!  I turned 40 this week.  More hype than anything else.  A pretty uneventful day. 

This has been a good week.  Had an appt with my endo and she is getting her paperwork together for me.  Completed month one of my 6 month multi disciplinary plan and have lost about 4 pounds.  Dr put me on a diuretic because my swelling is actually getting worse. Weight loss will help that, but not fast enough.

Bad news this week was the pictures of me that were taken last week.  I'll post some later as a reminder of where I was and someday they will be a reminder of where I will never be again.

Read the stinking labels!!!

Oct 28, 2008

During my surgical seminar, one of the points he stressed was liquid calories.  I turned most of a deaf ear because I'm 'not guilty' of that.  I drink diet, sugar free everything....well, almost. 
SB coffee is my downfall.  So since the weather has turned a little cooler, I've stopped to get a cup of joe a couple of times.  SF Mocha has been 'recalled'?! so I thought I'd try other flavor.  Cin dolce - I didn't care for it much.  When I get to the office I thought to myself, I order white choc mocha with skim milk and no whipped cream, so how bad can it be. OH MY GOSH  OH MY GOSH!!!!!  I'd rather have pie!  So, if I want coffee, I have to learn to drink coffee and stop adding all these extra calories to what I drink.
In the end, I'm guilty as charged!

PCP on board

Oct 19, 2008

Met with my PCP last week, which in itself is kind of a joke.  I went almost 2 years without seeing her because I only see her when I'm sick.  I see my endo every 3 months since I am diabetic, so she is more of my primary dr.  I see her in two weeks.

Updated my PCP on my current issues and had my low back MRI to give her as well.  She is getting 5 years of history and a recommendation letter to my surgeon soon.

Been keeping my food journal and know I need to work on getting back on to eating better.  I'm back on eating my Nutrasystem today and adding fruits and veggies. 

First steps

Oct 15, 2008

Met with the surgeon and staff in a seminar yesterday.  They verified my coverage - 100% covered once approved...I am very lucky.

So now for the approval process!  I have to go through 6 month multi disciplinary program and get all my medical records together. 

So we will set my official start weight at 286.

Here we go!

Making friends with the camera

Oct 02, 2008

I looked through all the digital photos I could find....none with me in it!  I knew I'd been a camera avoider for years, but didn't know that I would be unable to find a single picture of myself - at least my current self. :)

I have to also admit that I've avoided taking family pictures for a decade - like the only way people would know I was fat is if I took a picture?!  But this is a sad part of our journey is the sick games we play with ourselves.  We often don't see the same person in the mirro each morning as the person printed on the photo paper.

I bravely handed my camera to my daughter and said here, take my picuture.  We take the victories where we can, right.  So I'm updating my  profie today with the real me.

Making the appointment

Sep 29, 2008

It hit me harder than I realized to be denied the first time.  It has taken me many months to make the call to get an appointment with a new doctor.  I guess I also had to make sure I was really ready to make the committment and do what it took to get through this.  The first time during my psyc eval, whatever this ladies title and training was, it lacked compassion for the obese!  She made me feel so small and such a failure that the thought of going through that process again made me pause -
So now to start fresh - I'm contining my research on the surgical options and gathering my facts as well as the questions I would like to get answered during my first session with my surgeon.  I know I'm headed down a road where hundreds and thousands have been before me....
I'm ready!

About Me
Whitehouse, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2004
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 37
