n 1999 I had a consultation for RNY surgery at the Bariatric Treatment Center in Rockford, IL. I has a sleep study done for sleep apnea, and EKG and blood work. It was my first attempt to have bariatric surgery. I was denied insurance coverage, even after legal action. It was because of a specific exclusion; they would absolutely not cover the procedure. Now it's 2003 and
we've switched insurance companies. I had a consultation on Dec. 10th at Bariatric Institute in Brookfield, and now I'm hoping and praying that this time I will get insurance coverage.
We have Humana now, and there isn't a specific exclusion for weight loss surgery. You have to meet the criteria. You must have a BMI of 40 or more, you must have documentation of 5 years of weight loss attempts including Doctor-assisted attempts. No problem...........I have records of years and years of Weight Watchers, Nutri-System, Phen-Fen, Meridia, and much more. I need to attend a group nutrition meeting, have an EKG and chest x-ray, meet with a psychiatrist, and physical therapist. Reports from all these appts get sent in to my insurance company with the packet of info that I have. Then, wait, wait, wait, and call, call, call the insrance company to hear if I'm approved, or denied coverage. The waiting is excruciating.

Feb. 10, 2004
After weeks and weeks of calling and bugging my insurance company, i have finally been APPROVED!!! I'm so excited! When I got the call, my heart jumped into my throat. I can hardly believe that finally, five YEARS after I began my quest for weight loss surgery, it's really going to happen!


Feb. 11, 2004
My doctors office called me back with a surgery date: March 11th. It's a month from now, I wish it was sooner, but I've waited so long already...what's another month?

Feb. 26th, 2004
I've completed my blood-work, EKG, chest x-ray, had two meetings with a dietician, a physical therapy appt., and of course my
psych eval. I also picked up a prescription of Lovinox from the pharmacy and had an outpatient appt to teach me how to administer the shot to myself. It's been a whirlwind, yet strangely I have so much time to think about it. The weird thing is that I haven't told my Mom yet. She's not in real good health, so I wanted to wait until closer to the surgery date to tell her. I know she thinks that the surgery is a drastic measure and very risky. If only she would've been able to have the surgery 20 years ago, maybe she wouldn't be wheel-chair bound, diabetic and have high-blood pressure and other problems.
My sister is a good candidate too and actually had a consult a year ago, but she is scared to death to have the surgery and quickly backed out. My sister told me she's jealous that I have the courage to go ahead with the surgery. It hasn't been easy, but I started looking into having the surgery in 1999 and now, 5 years later I'm finally going to have it. I have thought long and hard, is this the right decision? Yes, I concluded. It is the right decision for me. I am going to follow all the pre-op and post-op rules. I want to make sure nothing goes wrong. I'm looking forward to getting out of these ugly fat clothes, and getting some style back. I'm also looking forward to going up stairs without feeling like I'm going to die, and walking without pain in my knees from all that weight I'm carrying around.

Feb 27th, 2004
12 days and a wake-up to surgery! Too bad I had such a bad day today. I was on the WLS sight right before I left work, and for some reason decided to look at the memorials. I read most of them, and there were some that really got to me. Women around my age and weight and then something went wrong and they died. I started driving home to meet my daughter when she gets off the school bus. My mind was a million miles away. In my head I was composing letters to my daughters, my son (I have a grown son and daughter as well as my 9-yr old daughter), my husband, my Mom and when my car came up over the hill by my house, there was a police car with radar, and I got pulled over for speeding!
When the cop handed me the ticket and told me it's a $102.00 fine, I just started bawling. I guess everything I was carrying around inside just came out. Add this to all the other unexpected expenses that came up in the last 2 weeks and you can really say that I can't wait to put Feb. behind me.
I'm lucky to have my daughter, Amanda, for support. She's wonderful! She's studying to be a nurse. She's married, with a 3-yr old daughter and is expecting another baby on March 12th, the day after my surgery. I'm praying that she has the baby a week early or a week late. To top things off, my husband works for an airline and was originally assigned a trip for March 11th and 12th; he was able to get someone else to take that trip, but then was assigned another trip that's out and back, one day only ...March 12!!! I'll be in the hospital, my daughter's baby is due, my sister and my sister-in-law will both be gone to Mall of America, and basically I'll be alone in the hospital with no one to watch my daughter. I'll figure something out, I'm just not sure what. The emotions are running high!

Feb. 28, 2004
Today I had lunch at Applebees with my Mom. I decided it was time to tell Mom that I was having the surgery. When I told her that I was having Gastric Bypass Surgery to lose weight, she just looked down and said "Oh no". Her eyes welled up with tears. I know she's just worried for me, but her reaction to my news left me deflated. She wouldn't even look at me or talk to me; that's how against the surgery she is. Thank God that I have support from my daughters, Amanda and Melissa, my husband John, and two friends that I work with. I've been trying to get a hold of my son to tell him, but I can't reach him. I think they're always on the computer at that house. They need another line! Well, one day closer to March 11th!

March 1, 2004
Well, here it is March already. Tomorrow I begin my liquid diet and I know this sounds weird, but I'm actually looking forward to it. It means I'mm one step closer to my surgery date. It's still 9 days and a wake-up away. I wish it were tomorrow. I will be so happy after it's done and the pounds start melting away. I went shopping the other day at the outlet and bought a couple of things...something in a size 16, something in a size 14 and something in a size 12! What a blast! The last time I fit into size 12 was in the 80's *lol* My goal will be to fit in a size 12 by my birthday, Aug. 22nd. Let's see how close I'll come to it. Tonight will be my last meal...maybe Missy and I should go out for a steak dinner. I've been told that I won't be able to have steak after the surgery. Well, I guess I can live with that. TTFN

March 4, 2004
Today is day 3 of my full liquid diet. I can't say it's been easy, but it hasn't really been as hard as I thought it might be.
I'm trying to find another kind of protein shake, the ones I have are OK but sometimes I just have to choke them down. My surgery is a week from today. I am nervous, excited, and restless. I will be so relieved when I'm on the other side; the losing side. I have 4 more days of full liquid diet, then 2 days of clear liquids, then it's go time. I just hope I can hold out on the liquids that long...I'm hungry! I ran into LL today at Target. She's so nice! She offered me her support, and told me to call anytime.

March 10, 2004
Well, tomorrow's my big day. I'm a bit anxious, of course, but I know that by this time tomorrow, I'll be up in my room recovering. I've done the full liquid diet for nine days, and two days of clear liquids. My tummy is grumbly...making lots of noise. I gave myself a shot of Lovenex, and it was not a big deal. Apparently this is to prevent blood clots. It's been great hearing from fellow "Marchers" on the message board...they are so supportive and it really helps. Especially when there's so much opposition in my family for me having this surgery. On another note, Amanda called me tonight, and she's having contractions!!! She said they're about 10 minutes apart, and they started around 3pm. I'm hoping it's false labor, and that she won't have the baby until I'm home from the hospital, but we all know babies have their own time table.
Twelve hours from now, I'll be on the losing side. Yippee!
I need to go to bed and get some sleep so I can get up at 4:30am. I'll post more when I get home.

March 13th, 2004
Well, I'm home and surgery was a success. The doctor and hospital staff told me everything went extremely well. I really didn't have any problems. Granted the first day after surgery I wasn't feeling terrific, but my pain level was low and very manageable. I was in surgery for about 4 hours, recovery 2 hours, then up to my room where John was waiting for me. After surgery I had a big bandage on my wrist, an IV port in my hand, and a big IV port in my right jugular. That's where the IV was hooked up. I had 2 stiches there. After I took the bandage off my wrist, there was a huge bruise, and it looked like they tried poking me there 2-3 times...then they went for the jugular. LOL>
My oxygen came off Fri afternoon and so did my catheter(sp?). My drain came out at noon today followed by the IV port removal. Freedom at last!
I was truly surprised by all the calls I got, the visitors, and the beautiful, beautiful flowers. My room was like a floral shop.
I've had absolutely no appetite since surgery, and find it difficult to get my protein shake in. I think that will be the big challenge. I've been walking in the hospital, but since I go home this afternoon the temp is only 32, so I'm walking around the house, and not outside. I was down to 262 (-13 pounds) at my pre-surgery weigh-in. The 9 days of liquid diet is what dit it. Today I'm at about the same pre-liquid diet weight; that's from all the swelling, and bloating due to CO2 gas. That's all for now. I'm kinda tired.

March 15h, 2004
NEWSFLASH....I am pround to announce the birth of my Grandson Thomas Michael Valley born at 9:34pm this evening. Mother, and baby are doing fantastically well. Tommy's a beautiful baby, and I can't wait to see him again soon. Today was a long day, and I need to get some sleep.

March 19, 2004
Today I am 8 days post-op and weigh 258.5, that's a loss of about 17 pounds. The funny thing is that I'm still bloated from the surgery, so I can bearly get my jeans snapped. LOL My energy is coming back slowly. I've been so tired since Monday. I took Missy and Caylin up to the hospital Tuesday night to see the baby, They were both thrilled to hold him. Caylin is a very proud Big Sister, as Jake is a proud Big Brother. Yesterday we took Grandma down to see Amanda and the baby, and spent a very nice 2 hours there visiting with the baby, Amanda, Michael, and Caylin. I've spent most of today resting. I wish I didn't have to go back to work on Monday...it seems too soon. I may just have to work shortened hours the first week back.

Sunday, March 28, 2004
Today I took my measuremens. I wish I had taken them before surgery, but better late than never. Here goes:

Bust: 49"
Waist: 46"
Hips: 52 1/2"
Upper Arm: 19 1/2"
Thigh: 30"

I know I've already lost a few inches, I can tell in the way my clothes fit. Today I weigh 253. Thats down 21 lbs from my pre-surgery weight. My energy is slowly returning. I got my "time of the month" on Thursday and my back-pain was particularly bad. I'm sure it had to do with the fact that I've had to sleep on my back so much since surgery. I'm just starting to be able to sleep on my side again. I am already more comfortable at night in bed since losing 21 lbs. Yeeeaa!

Wed. April 7, 2004

I've lost 25 lbs. That's two milestones for me...loss of 25 lbs, and finally weighing less than 250!! Woooohoooo! What's really important is how good I feel. My energy level is up, I can walk up a flight of stairs without pausing half way up to catch my breath, and I can walk more than a block without being completely winded. I started exercising this week, and I'm taking a prescrip B-12 nasal spray once/week. Life is good and I look forward to my continuing weight-loss journey.

Wed. April 21, 2004

OMG I have only lost 3 lbs. in the last two weeks! I have heard that it's common to reach a plateau about 4-5 wks after surgery, but I really hope the weight loss picks up again soon.
Last Thursday we went to Wisconsin Dells and stayed at the Wilderness Resort Indoor Waterpark. We had a great time. The weather was beautiful! On Friday it was 83!!! I actually sat outside by the pool, and went in the hot tub. We had to drive Rachel up to the cottage from the Dells, then we drove home.. On Saturday Mom and I decided to go to Ho-Chunk casino on the spur of the moment. Mom won a little, and we had a good time. Sunday I drove down to Amanda's in Illinois and spent the day.
By Monday I was exhausted! It was a little much. I was just so tired all day.
I think I'll try switching to liquids for one or two meals a day.
I know I need to increase my protein intake. I'm also going to stop at GNC and get some Hair/Nails vitamins. I really don't want to lose any hair. Tonight for dinner we had some Terriyaki Turkey and rice, and it did not go down well at all. I threw it up That's another reason I may go back to liquids one or two meals a day...it's hard finding foods that I don't have trouble with. Well, tomorrow's another day.

Saturday, May 1, 2004
My weight loss has kicked back in, finally. I have lost a grand total of 34 lbs. and today I weigh 240. I'm so thrilled. I feel so much more energy, and it's so much easier to get around. I started using the treadmill more frequently, and when it's nice outside, I walk outside too. I took my measurements again, and here they are:
Bust: 48"
Waist: 45"
Hips: 50 1/2"
Arms: 18 1/2"
Thighs: 29 1/2"
In a month, I've lost about an inch in every measurement. Size 20 is getting big on me. It won't be long until I'm in an 18. :) HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY

May 26, 2004
Today I weighed in at 229. I'm down 45 pounds, and I'm feeling great! It's so much fun going through my closets and finding clothes that I haven't worn in years, and can now wear again.
As a matter of fact, I'm shrinking out of clothes so fast, that I can barely wear the same outfit to work more than a few times, then it's too big on me. We'll be going to Disney World in June, and I hope to be in a size 16 by then. I've taken measurements again, here they are:
Bust: 46
Waist: 43 1/4
Hips: 46 1/2
Upper Arm: 17 3/4
Thigh: 27 1/2
I hope to have new pictures up soon, and maybe get a weight and measurement chart put together.

June 29, 2004
Well, it's been a month since I last posted. I lost another 8 pounds this month for a total of 53. I'm disappointed that my weight loss this month was only 8 lbs. I'm going to cut down on carbs and up my protein and water intake. I was a bit lax with my diet the week I was on vacation in Florida, although I did tons of walking. Since I've been back I haven't been exercising much. Tomorrow I go to Six Flags with Jesse, Sarah, and Missy. I'll do lots of walking then!

July 31, 2004
Today I weigh 212; that's 8 pounds lost this month for a total of 62. I'm pretty happy with my weight loss, although obviously I wish it were a bit more. I can't wait to be under 200 again.
July has been so exciting. When we were up in Door County, Missy and I had a chance to go parasailing! It's something I've always wanted to do, and when I was thinner I just didn't do it. Before I knew it, I was too big and couldn't do it, so now at 48, I've finally gone parasailing! It was exhilarating (sp?) I'm really glad that I got up the courage to do it (thanks to Laurie). Also this month, I met John and Missy down in Puerto Rico. They went on Tuesday, and I went on Saturday. We walked around Old San Juan and El Morro. On Sunday we went to the Lucaya Beach and swam in the ocean. We saw a giant jellyfish swimming near us. (That was awesome.) Later in the day we drove up into the rainforest, El Yunque. It was John's Mom's Birthday, so we went to Chili's for dinner. We spent all day Monday at the airport trying to get on a flight, to no avail. Missy and I ended up coming back on Tuesday, and John came home on Wed. All in all it was a pretty good trip, but I was happy to get home.
New measurements:
Bust: 44"
Waist: 39 1/2"
Hips: 46"
Upper Arm: 16 1/2"
Thigh: 26"
BMI: 33.4 Which means I am no longer Morbidly Obese, not even Extremely Obese. I'm just Obese.
I'm wearing size 18 and size 16. I bought a pair of size 16 jeans, and I'm this close to getting them zipped. I need to do a little more walking.

November 26, 2004
Weight: 197
Bust: 43"
Waist: 39"
Hips: 43 3/4"
Thigh: 25"
Upper Arm: 16 1/4"
I'm feeling great! I have no regrets about having the surgery. It's so nice to hear "You're looking good" or "You look great!"
Everyone asks "How much have you lost?" Well, I've lost 77 lbs.
I just don't like telling people how much I've lost, because it reminds me of how big I was to begin with.
So much has happened. Today Amanda and her family moved to Indiana where her in-laws live. It was a tearful good-bye. I will miss them so much! At least they're only 5 hours away, so I will get to see them from time to time.
Thursday we're moving into a new house. Mom is moving in with us. She needs someone to take care of her, and it wasn't working out with my sister. We've been so busy packing. I hate moving this time of year. I usually put my Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving weekend, so I don't feel quite right. I can't wait until we're all moved in.

Saturday May 21, 2005
Today I weigh 174 pounds!!! I can finally say I've lost 100 pounds and I'm thrilled about that. So much has happed since my last update. Mom passed away on March 17th. It was so hard watching her health deteriorate, and watching her die. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, and I miss her so much. But life goes on. One of my biggest disappointmeents is my husband. He still has not said one positive thing about how I look. He just tells me "Keep losing and exercising". Just once I'd like to hear him tell me I look nice. Grrrrrrr.
I've scheduled plastic surgery for June 14th. I'm having my tummy tuck and breast lift and reduction. I know I'll have a much better body image afterwards; I'm really looking forward to it.
Today's measurements: Bust: 40 3/4"
Waist: 33 1/2"
Hips: 41 1/2"
Upper Arm: 15 1/2"
Thigh: 24"

June 13, 2005
Today I'm down to 171 lbs for a total loss of 103 lbs. I feel great, and I'm very excited because tomorrow is my tummy tuck, breast lift, and breast reduction. I can't wait until 6-8 wks after surgery when my body will be lookin good. The next surgery I want done is my upper arms and thighs, then last but not least, a face/neck lift and eyelid job.

Future Update

Future Update

How tall are you?feet,inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh?pounds



10 days before surgery

Hospital Reviews
  • (Brookfield, WI) - Elmbrook Memorial Hospital
    Product Reviews
  • Dr. Phil's - Shape Up

    Member Interests:
  • Books & Literature - Love to read, sometime indulge in Romance Novels
  • Family & Friends - I'm a Mom of three, and Grandma of 3 adorable darlings.
  • Travel - I've been to Monte Carlo and France, Canada, and Vegas, Florida, NYC, New Englan
  • Museums & Art Galleries - My favorite is the Louvre in Paris
  • Gambling - Love to go to Vegas, or casinos nearby.
  • Movies - Don't get out to movies as much as I'd like to
  • Scrapbooks - I've been scrapbooking for years, wish I had more time to do it

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: David Engstrand, M.D.
    My first impression of Dr. Engstrand is that he is completely knowlegable, no nonsense Doctor. Dr. Engstand is friendly, but not chatty, and very professional. . Dr. E emphasizes aftercare and has a very comprehensive program. You're required to see a dietician at regualar intervals. The doctor quickly went over the risks of surgery, but answered any questions I had. I would rate him as an excellent surgeon. His surgical competence is probably better than his bedside manner.
    Insurer Info:
    Humana, HMO/POS
    They were very nice and helpful to work with. The only problem that I had was that when my case was pending with a case nurse, they had a question for my doctor's office, and actually suggested that I have my doctor's office call them to speed things up. My doctor's office was slow to call the insurance company however. I believe if they had called 7-10 days sooner, I would have been approved that much sooner.



    About Me
    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Surgery Date
    Dec 10, 2003
    Member Since

    Before & After
    rollover to see after photo
    10 days before surgery
