July20, 2007

Jul 20, 2007

I got on the scale again today and I still cannot get a good reading on it.  It's right in the middle and keeps bouncing around so I won't know if I've lost any more or not.
I went to Walmart today and yes, I was looking a clothing again and yes, I bought a new blouse and shorts on a GREAT SALE the blouse is a 18-20 and the shorts are a size 16, the capri's are a size 18-20 also.  Granted they are both stretchey but in a couple of months they will fit with extra room in them.  I was so thrilled to get them on my body.  When I started this journey I was in a size 30-32.  What a wonderful feeling for me tight or not so tight!

July 13,th 2007

Jul 13, 2007

Well,  I've been getting my protein in each day and most of my water and it is starting to show.  I also added a new exercise to my routine yesterday.  I think it called a walker of some sort,  I was only on it 5 min and my legs felt like jelly and broke out into a real sweat.  And here I thought my legs were strong, ha!
Anyway, I had another wow moment to day, I got on the scale after swimming this morning and if it's correct, I am down 101 lbs.  I also bought a new bra today and am down to a 46DD from a 52 G.  what a great feeling that was.  These puppies just might perk up yet!
It's a wonderful day today!

July 7, 2007

Jul 13, 2007

Went to KP's last night,  at first I really felt out of place then I finally found someone to talk with and the rest of the evening went quite nicely.
There was so much food it was unreal.  And the people I got to meet after seeing them on line was so nice to match with their pictures on OH.  There was one lady there who seemed to shun me for some reason,  I don't know why,  or maybe it was just my imagination.  

June 25, 2007

Jun 25, 2007

Today I went to meet some friends for lunch at the neighbor park and there were about  6 steps to walk down.  For the first time in years I went down and back up the stairs like a normal person and not like a baby.  What a wonderful feeling that was!

June 22, 2007

Jun 22, 2007

What a blessed morning this has been.  I got up feeling great.  Went swimming by 7:00am  did my 1000 yds. and weighed myself when done.  219lbs.  I am down 10 lbs since last Fri.  of course being sick helped but going back to the basics of more protein and more water really helped.  Only 7lbs. more and I'll be down 100lbs. can't wait.
I've been noticing what a huge difference this weight taken off has made.  My rings had had to have ring guards put on them,  The room between my belly and my steering wheeel is at least 6" before I couldn't get my hand inbetween.  Some of the machines I use at the Y have had to have the settings changed.  I can stand while preparing meals now and not to sound gross but my personal hygine has improved 98%.  My next goal is to see if I can get some walking in.  All my new clothing is starting to hang on me.  That's strange because I've only gone down one size since I started all this.

June 20,2007

Jun 20, 2007

Boy, I've had a couple of bad weeks.  I haven't lost anything for a couple of weeks now and that's my own fault trying to see what I can eat.  I am turning myself around to take off this excess weight that I have left.  I didn't go threw all of this for nothing.
I went to my Internest last week and found that my blood pressure is up, 180/80.  That's certainly not good. Unfortunately Dr. put me back on my blood pressure medicine.  I believe the cause is my intake of salt.  My greatest addiction.  I haven't had salt for a couple of weeks now but how will I know if my pressure comes down from the medication or the lack of the salt?
Yesterday was horrible for me.  I had oatmeal for breakfast at 6:00 am went to the YMCA to work and then at 9:30am I had a slice of bacon done crispy in micro a half of a soft boiled egg and a 1/4 of an english muffin (no butter).  On my way to work my stomach started to act up and I had to pull over and dump my breakfast.  While I was at work 45 min total I dumped again twice.  I went home and had the dry heaves until 4:00pm when I finally was able to keep down some water and a little later some cottage cheese.  Boy that certainly tore up my pouch!


Jun 10, 2007

Today is a beautiful day. 80degrees, sun shining, a nice breeze.  A good day to catch some sunshne.
I had a roast in the crockpot today and it was awsome and better yet I didn't get sick.  I ate slower and chewed like I should.
I just ordered some of the Bean Bread from the web site. Can't wait to get it and try it out.  I have found I can tolerate sugar products but I am not going to go nuts because that got me into trouble in the first place.
I have lived with my mom for over a year now and today I made a breaK threw.  I TOOK HER JUNK OUT of the dishwasher, ( it was her filing cabinet / desk) and actually put the dishes in it and turned it on.  ONE FOR ME!  I don't need to use it every day, but when I make a big meal with a lot of dishes, I should be able to use it, RIGHT?
Tomarrow morning my granddaughter is having her tonsils out.  Poor baby...........So Mom & I will go visit her later on in the day.

Another Day

Jun 03, 2007

6/3/2007 Sunday,  I have been playing with my web site trying to add some fancy background and glitter.  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  I have waisted so many hours on it that it's pityful  :(  Oh well, I have accomplished a few things like my ticker.  
I went shopping at Meijers today and bought a roasted chicken and made a really good dinner for my mom & myself and of course I ate to fast so I had to push my plate away and started boning the rest of the chicken and cleaned up some of the dishes, by time I was done I was able to co back and eat the rest of my dinner.  Yes, it was cold but still good.
This seems to be the hardest thing for me is to chew properly and slow down.  I do much better when I go out to eat.  I am learning.........

My life begins again!

May 26, 2007

Oct 23, 2006
Todays the big day. I got up about 2:30 am. showered and got ready to leave. My daughter arrived about 3:15 with White Castles in hand we left about 3:40 and arrived at the hospital about 4:15. I was promptly check in and taken down the hall to the surgical unit, changed and ready to go. I weighed in at 312 lbs.  I remember talking to this wonderful nurse, a Doctor and the Anstiagiaolgis. I remember them putting an IV on me and that's all I remember until I woke up about 1:30pm in my room and seeing my two daughters beautiful faces. I was still very groogy and didn't make much sense. I remember being very thirsty but in no pain

Oct 24, 2006, I have not experienced no pain as yet. I was brought ice chips and a popsicle. You would of thought that popsicle was made from gold or something. I was also up walking today. It felt good but makes you very tired.
Oct 25, Today, I was given jello, broth and the ice chips. I don't know why but the Jello has maken me very nausious. I am feeling some pain today in the lower left bottom of my stomach. Every way I turn that pain is there.
Oct 26, 2002 Today I was released to go home and my daughter picked me up about 3:00pm. It was wonderful to be going home but I was kind of apprahensive. I didn't use one thing other than my chap stick that I had taken to the hospital.
I feel a lump in the bottom left of my stomach, I pray it's not a hernia. I can't bend and it's extremely painful getting out of bed in am and off toilet. I am exhausted. I take my pain meds and a few minutes later I'm back into bed for a 2 hrs. nap. A wonderul relief but dreading getting out of bed

November 3, 2006, Went for my first post op. I gained 3 lbs. since Feb. I was in awe. Stunned! Had a talk with the dietian and then saw Dr. Woods. I didn't think of it at the time but I have been lifting weight for the last 10 months and have built up muscle which, I will share with Dr. Wood the next time I see him.
Otherwise everything is good. No hernia but I am still in a lot of pain on my left bottom of my stomach. I finally did figure out how to get off the toilet and out of bed without pain.

November 8, 2006 went to Cori Support Group meeting tonight. Dr. Altier was there. His meetings are always good.
November 9, 2006, had a really crappy day today. I didn't even get dressed today. Woke up at 6:30 and went out in the living room to sleep in the lounge chair. Woke up at 9:30, I ended up taking pain meds again. This stomach hurts so much it makes me sick to my stomach. I only take a couple of teaspoons once or twice a day but it at least takes the edge off. I even took a two hour nap today. HOW LONG IS THIS PAIN GOING TO LAST?
December 28, 2006 Yes, it's been awhile. A answer about the pain, It's lasted about 3 weeks and you wake up one morning and realize there is hardly any more pain. Yahoo!
I saw Dr. Taylor on my first post op the beginning of December and only taken off 19 lbs. I was very disappointed however, I am still plagued with a soar leg and am not able to swim or exercise. I went to see my orthorpedic doctor and he gave me four weeks of therapy and I am now feeling 80 per cent better. I found out I have burcitius in my right hip and that is what is causing all the muscle pain. The Dr. has written another four weeks of therapy. I am now able to use the pool but I can only walk around. So, I've been using the pool 3 time weekly for 30 min. at a time.
I weighed myself at the YMCA on Wednesday and according to their scale I have taken off 39 lbs. I'm not sure if that's good or not.
I'd was hoping to have taken off more weight than that but I need to get into my exercise program again before that's going to happen. I have been keeping a food log and that does help me make sure I'm getting enough protein for the day.
Well today is Jan. 12, 2006 and things are finally getting better. I have been having therapy for the last 5 1/2 weeks now and am finally gaining strength in my leg with hardly any pain.
Yesterday I saw my Orthepedic Dr. and he finally released me to be able to swim again and to start weight lifting with low weights and will have to build up from there. It's like starting all over again.
I water walked this morning for 20 min. and then swam 200 yards. I was swimming 600 yards before my leg went out and my surgery. After that I had 30 min of therapy. Boy I was whipped, then back to the doctor to get a shot in my hip for the burcitius.
Since I have been able to do water walking (about a month now) I think the weight is coming down easier.
I have been post-op since Oct. 23, and have taken off 45 lbs. I have been discouraged in my slow weight loss but hopefully the weight will come off better now that I am able to exercise.
Jan 30, 2007 Well things are looking up. After 8 weeks of therapy I am finally feeling much better. As of yesterday, I have taken off 50lbs. I still feel that's a little slow but thats ok. I am now able to swim and work out with the weights again.
I go to the YMCA M-W-F to swim. I swim 300 yds., paddle with fins 300yds., walk around the pool for 15 minutes and do leg exercises for another 10 min. No wonder I get muscle fatigue in the evenings.
On Tues & Thur's I go to the Y again to do weight lifting. I am only allowed to do half of the machines and weights that I was doing. I am also riding the bike for 6 min. at a time. I will be able to increase all my reps slowley each week.

Feb 19, 2007  I started a new job today.  I havn't had a real job since l997 when my prior employer closed it's door.  In l998 I was approved for SSI.  Today the job I started is a clerical position threw Michigan Works.  I get to wear nicer clothing (smaller), make up and comb my hair everyday.  hahahaha.....

March 2, 2007  I went to see Dr. Woods for my 4 month post op today.  I was so excited when I left.  I am at 252, down 60lbs. and lost 7 inches around my waiste.  I am down two sizes of clothing.  I feel wonderful and happy.

April 16, 2007  I ordered a pair of swimming fins a couple of weeks ago and I got them on 4/14 Fri. anyway, I was able to use them today in the pool and boy what a difference they make.  I am able to swim 1000 yards in 50 minutes that is 40 laps in the YMCA pool.  What a wonderful acomplishment for me.  I have also been riding their recumbrant bike and am able to do 2 miles in 17 min. and then I lift weights approx. 10,000lbs during my sessions.

May 20, 2007 Boy what a journey this has been.  I am feeling great (most of the time) unless I allow myself to get to hungary.  When I'm hungary my stomach HURTS.  Sometime I wake up at night with a stomach ache and I have to have a couple of soda crackers and water to take the pain away.

I am down 82 lbs. as of 5-18-07.  I been doing a lot of shopping lately buying new clothing and because I have more energy.  I have been pushing some buttons as far as sweets go and no, I haven't gotten sick on anything as yet.  My Mom and I had an Ice Cream Cone last night and for a minute there I thought it wasn't going to stay with me but it did.  I haven't had any candy or anything really sweet.  I won't buy the ice cream and take it home.  I would rather go out and buy one ONCE IN A WHILE!

6/3/2007 Sunday,  I have been playing with my web site trying to add some fancy background and glitter.  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  I have waisted so many hours on it that it's pityful  :(  Oh well, I have accomplished a few things like my ticker.  
I went shopping at Meijers today and bought a roasted chicken and made a really good dinner for my mom & myself and of course I ate to fast so I had to push my plate away and started boning the rest of the chicken and cleaned up some of the dishes, by time I was done I was able to co back and eat the rest of my dinner.  Yes, it was cold but still good.
This seems to be the hardest thing for me is to chew properly and slow down.  I do much better when I go out to eat.  I am learning.........

About Me
Chesterfield, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 29
July 26, 2008
May 21, 2008
April 29, 2008
April 3, 2008
March 1, 2008
February 24, 2008
January 29, 2008
