Jun 01, 2007

The surgery is set to June14th........@ 9:45am with a 7:20am check 

Its on the day I had wished for AND I got the surgeon that I think is 
the BEST................I know that I should be doing cartwheels but im NOT!

We are SUPER BROKE!  : (

We havent been this broke in a long time.........I dont work right now
 and my husband has had way more days off work than ussual in the 
last couple months and it has finally caught up with us...........

This month is the WORST month to have surgery!!  I am going to
 ask my dad to borrow money tonight........but if that doesnt work out then I might have to push it back till July        : (


The surgery is paid for through blue cross but I still need money for vitamins, my special food, protein drins, gas to and from L.A.,   AND 
a hotel for 2 nights!!   Thats like over $500! 

I will update later and post how things went with my dad...........


May 31, 2007

They called me this morning to let me know that the surgery scheduler will be calling my this afternoon.............I told them that I was going to the doctors this morning (for something NOT involving the WLS)  and they told me "Great!  We will fax over your pre-surgery lab slips and tests that need to be completed."  So that means that my surgery will be in about two weeks because those tests can only be done within the two weeks before surgery!!!  I am aiming for 6/14/07..............I think thats a thrusday........and we really want a thursday so that my husband doesnt have to take off too much work.

I will post again when I have a firm date..........

wooooooooooo hoooooooooooo Im sooooooo excited!!!

I am pretty much APPROVED!!!!!!!

May 30, 2007

I just talked to my "blue cross guy" and he said that all he needs is a final clearance from the social worker and once he gets it then  IM APPROVED!!!!!......so I called her and she is sending it over today!!!!  

I cant wait to gwet the "Official" call saying that I'm approved............I really want to get my date.........

I hope I will be posting either tomorow or the next day with my surgery date.......

Wish me luck.......

Find out on TUESDAY!!!!!!!

May 24, 2007

So I finally got to talk to the person Ive been waiting to talk to just now..........and she informed me that she had my "folder" reviewed by the doctors LAST FRIDAY and submited my request for surgery to Blue Cross YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!   OMG!!  I am soooo freakin excited!!  She told me that Blue Cross is ussaully pretty prompt with their approvals!!!  So she thinks that I will most likely hear from them on tuesday (since mondays a holiday)!!!  I cant believe this is accually happening! So  I will know my "new birthdate" before the end of next week.................I am still aiming for the end of June but I really want my mom NOT to go out of town so that  I can have it in the middle of the month..............We will just have to see how it all plays out.

Still waiting......

May 23, 2007

i am still waiting for my "folder" to be reviewed by the surgeons so that they can submit everything to Blue cross..........as soon as we get one thing done another thing comes up......

Hopefully I will have a date by next week........I guess I am kinda rushing things for no reason since I cant really have my surgery until late June......we have alot of things going on in early June and then my mom is going to NC for a week to visit my sister around the 18th. Just as long as it happens before the 4th of July.

Well I hope I can post a date soon........

Did my part..........

May 11, 2007

Now its just up to the surgeons office to get my "folder" together to submit to Blue Cross.................

Yesterday I went L.A. to finih all my pre-approval classes that I had to get done before they could submit everything to Blue Cross........

I had an appt. with the dietition and she explained what I would be eating before and after the surgery and discussed some long term tips to insure that I dont gain the weight back.......she was SUPER nice.

Then I had my appt with the "social worker" and ahe was just trying to figure out if I am mentaly stable enogh to go through such a HUGE life changing surgery..............I think it went pretty well.

And then I had my manditory pre-op class...........there was a bariatric nurse in there telling us EXACTLY what will happen in the days leading up to the surgery and what to expect during and after the surgery during our stay in the hospital..............the class was SUPER helpful.....

So now I am just going to be kinda sitting back waiting for the call that will change my life forever...........

The Endoscopy is OVER!!!

May 07, 2007

Well I finally got the stupid endoscopy done with.....I worried for NO reason at all...........The hardest part was the fasting all day.......LOL.......I was SUPER hungery!!  But I guess I better get use to it huh????  So I got to cross yet ANOTHER thing off my list.....I am ANOTHER step closer to my surgery..........

I will update Monday night after i get home from L.A............

Date changed..........

May 06, 2007

My Endoscopy was moved up to tomorrow..............Im kinda nervous.......
I guess I will post tomorrow when I get home.......

Next weeks a BUSY week!.......

May 01, 2007

Ok so i went for my endoscopy consult (waste of $40 co-pay) and I am set up for the 8th..........So that means that I am going to have my endoscopy tuesday the 8th (here in town) and then go to L.A. on the 10th and meet with the social worker, deitition AND go to my manditory pre-op class ALL in the same day.  I am pretty sure that as soon as i complete all those things on the 10th that they will submit everything to Blue Cross............I cant believe this is all happening sooooo fast!  I am SUPER excited.

U/S results.........

Apr 26, 2007

well  my ultrasound results came back perfect so I am happy that i dont have gallstones or any problems with my liver.

About Me
Bakersfield, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 99

Latest Blog 63
I think Im there!
