10/15/10 - 3 days til surgery - all set!!

Oct 15, 2010

3 days left then. just one weekend, then Monday morning I have to check in at Cheyenne Hospital at 750am for 950am surgery.

My surgeon met with me today for the last time, she was happy with me losing 17lbs so far.

I am all set. I am alternating between scared and excited and nervous. I had the band 4 years ago, removed 2 years ago, so I know some of the issues, thirst, nausea, hot hospital rooms, dry mouth, icky barium swallow. I have not had a catheter and drains and staples before, that will be new.

With my band I could eat sugars with no problem, altho I did become lactose intolerant. I am looking forward to not testing to see if I am liable to dumping syndrome. If I am I will find out accidently - no testing planned here.

I had a little weep on my husbands chest last night, mostly because I am worried about leaving my 2 yr old for 4 days, we have never been separated before and I love him soooo much. That is why I need to do this, to be more active for him and I.
I will update again after my surgery. Thanks.

