After 23 long days my stall finally broke. At 165 gone!

Feb 12, 2011

Yes, FINALLY!  When I begrudging got on the scale this morning I expected to see the same number I've seen for almost a month. 235.  Nearing my 10 month anniversary and only losing 6 pounds last month my hopes started to diminish a bit.  The guilt I feel isn't because I'm eating bad, not counting what goes in but because I haven't been exercising.  I am hoping to find some motivation somewhere inside of me to start again but...that later.
So, yes.  Today.  I get on the scale and finally the number moved!  232.  I was sooooo relieved.  I know stalls are normal but until you're in one again you forget how bad they SUCK.  What's funny is I think I ate more yesterday then I've eaten in weeks.  I was depressed and overate a bit.  All healthy stuff, but just more then I would normally ever eat.  I probably went over my usual 900-1200 cals by about 500 or so.  As soon as I said, screw it, I'm gonna eat tonight what I want to eat and bam...stall over.  Connection?  I have no idea.  I am still learning about this tool in my belly...
All I care is that I am over that hump!  Here's hoping more comes off so February will be a productive month in my weight loss.  And yes, I need to move this butt of mine...geez, I hate exercise....wish they had a "tool" for that.  LOL
Thanks for reading.

