227 lost and in my mind AT GOAL

Jun 22, 2012

Hi everyone! It's been a while but I guess we've all been off living our new lives! I just wanted to share my progress and thank you for the continued inspiration, help, support and just general love you've all given me over the years. I am two years, two months out and I've never felt better in my life. My diabetes is gone. My high blood pressure is gone. My back pain is still present but has alleviated IMMENSELY due to getting all that weight off. I just cannot thank God, my surgeon Dr. Michael Peters and the entire OH community for all the support you've given me to help me in this new life. I've been reborn into the person I always was on the inside and now that person reflects on the outside. Here's a recent pic of me. My doctor/my goal was 165 to be at a BMI of 25 but to be honest, I am sooo happy where I am. I went from a 5X shirt to a L shirt. I went from a size 34 pants to a 12/14 pants. I have a ton of excess skin that I could get removed one day but right now I'm enjoying life too much and I have a partner that loves my wrinkles no matter what so...who cares? I look good in my clothes. LOL I can go up stairs easily. I can walk easily. I can bend easily. I used to feel like a had a refrigerator on my back and that every step was this humongous effort. People...you have no idea if you haven't lost the weight yet, what this truly feels like. Any clothes I want (that cover my arms and legs) done, any booths I want to sit in, done. Anything I want I can do it, get it, have it and my weight no longer holds me back from anything. It is amazing. The diet is strict. I watch every single thing I put in my mouth. Not saying I never treat myself but most days I am a very good girl. I will NEVER let myself go back to that old me. I don't even recognize who that was. I have learned so much on this journey and I am an open book. Please feel free to ask me any questions or advice. Whatever I can do to help you achieve your goals, I'm here for you. I love my OH community and I am a life long member. God bless each and every one of you. And always remember it's just a tool. Use your tool well, it will serve you well. Abuse your tool and it will abuse you back. Love, kisses and well wishes, Kim

