I've had such a week.......

Sep 04, 2009

My BFF has two blood disorders and is having an emergency ablasion on Tuesday because she can't stop bleeding post-miscarriage, she has four children, and will have no more.  Her mom had emergency cardiac surgery yesterday.  I thought my band slipped but it was just tight and it was a marvelous miracle to see her on the screen (Towanda) and see how she works.  I will NEVER again say I feel like I am doing this on my own.  She is a motherfucking amazing tool and deserves credit for what she has done for me.  What a blessing I will NEVER speak lightly or take her for granted again.

The hunger is back.  But when I logged my food in the dailyplate yesterday after eating a second "dinner" I was only at 87G protein and under 1500 cals, which for maintenance with 5K training is not an overage at all!  So I felt much better then.  Not that I want to go over 1500 yet, I would like to maintain around this weight, I love being 143, what a rush.  Love being a size 4 too.  It's the best to go from 22/24 to 4.  WOW and I am almost tall, 5'7" so it's a true miracle.  Many 4's are too short, which is also a rush, makes me feel tall and powerful.  Started strength training this week took forever for the pain to go away, not sure if that's part of the sudden onset of exhaustion I have felt, but I had my labs done on Weds and should have my results by Monday.

Taking sublingual B12 to help with energy though, we'll see how that works.  And double multi-vits, and double calcium.  Switched to citrate, dissolving and drinking like Gina (majormom) taught me!  I love her! Can't wait to post my labs and compare to Vitalady's recommendations, I have to go find those.  Michelle is THE expert on that. 

