Didi BypassBuddies.com

Fears Somewhat Dismissed

Sep 18, 2009

I have been watching YouTube videos and reading blogs about the RNY procedure for quite some time. Everybody says they felt great almost immediatly afterwards. There they were bouncing around in the doctors office giving lectures to potential clients and only a week out laughing and carrying on.

I thought it was bullshit, honestly. How can they possibly be feeling up to ANYTHING let alone bouncing and energetic? Dont they know how fake that looks? How could they possibly be out of the house and carrying on with life when they just had their guts sliced, sewn, jumbled and totally reconfigured?

The only solution was that it couldnt be real. It was obviously an artistict production put on to woo the obese of the world into doing the surgery. They were clearly doing all this to bring in patients (and with them comes the new BMW for the teen daughter). After the surgery we would see the truth but by then they had their money and to hell with us.

Or so I thought....

My best friend went in on Tuesday for her RNY and her only complication was that she didnt produce enough urine at first. For this they kept her an extra day. Big honkin deal! No blood clots. No leaking pouch. No cardiopulmonary emergencies. Just a whole lot of nothing. She didnt seem even as sore and tired as a new mom who has just had a c-section!

I know I can count on her to be straight forward and honest about everything. She says she feels fine and so she really must be! Shes given me good reports about the preperations, procedure and recovery. She was even playing with her son, talking on the phone with me and laughing as if she was in the hospital with a sprained ankle or something!

Thank God she went first cause now I feel so much more sure of my decision. I now know that the only thing I need to worry about is following the diet and excercise regimine that will follow. Through her courage, I find my own.

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About Me
Monticello, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2009
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