nancy T. 24 years, 5 months ago

hI kIM, YOU MADE IT , yahooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! congradulations, I`m so very excited for you. may your stay in the hospital be short and your health and happiness be forever.

C S. 24 years, 5 months ago

Hi Kimberly, I just heard the good news. I am so happy your on your way to healing. Remember, walk and sip and walk some more. We are all praying for you , Carin

Betty H. 24 years, 5 months ago

Kim, NEW-ME 4/12/00 - you sounded wonderful. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! I'm so happy for you. Carol, you, and now it is my turn. And I have a new friend to follow me - Kathie. Yep another Georgia gal. Can't wait till we can all get together. HUGS

Betty H. 24 years, 5 months ago

I just talked to Kim and I wanted to cry. She sounds WONDERFUL!!!! I can't wait to see her in the morning. Nothing to add to what Sandy said, just that Kim sounds great. Thanks for the update Sandy :-) I will print out her card in the morning and take it to her. So send your well wishes to her soon.

ZZ S. 24 years, 5 months ago

FINALLY!! I got a call from Kims Mom, adorable southern accent just like Kim's. I got to speak to Kim. Her surgery was at 9:30am and she didn't return to her room until 5pm. Kim said she was told that she had some breathing problems, but was not aware of them. She awoke with "blue stuff" in her hair, didn't know what it was. She said it seems like she can't catch her breath. Her doctor assured her that coughing is OK, and she will not pop her stitches. Her only complaint was she is so thirsty! She tried to have her Mom give her some soda, but her Mom said "NO" (lol) She was worried about the epidermal, but it was "a piece of cake" Her throat is sore and she still has the NG tube in. At 8pm she will get up and walk, then her doctor said the tube can come out. No complaints of pain and she sounds GREAT!!

ZZ S. 24 years, 5 months ago

I have been on pins and needles waiting for Kims Mom to call. I am in MN and Kim said her Mom would call. I don't have any info as yet. But will post ASAP I hear from her. Pray for her!

ZZ S. 24 years, 5 months ago

This is it Kim!!!! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your new life!!!! I will be with you in thought and prayer. I will be anxiously awaiting to hear from you. Remember, cruising in 2001 in thong bikini's!! Love Ya! Sandy

Sonya H. 24 years, 5 months ago

Kim! I'm so excited! Your surgery is tomorrow. I will pray very hard for you .. I know you'll do just fine. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday. God be with you. Sonya

kimberly1224 24 years, 5 months ago

Whew! It's tomorrow! I can't believe how close I am to the top of the surgery date page! LOL. I am trying to keep my spirits up and trying to get everything in order at my job and at home so I can take a few days for myself. I hope they can all function without me! :) Thank you to everyone on this site that spends so much time encouraging, supporting, and helping others! It is amazing to me and I hope I do half the job you all do at being angels! Well, the big day is TOMORROW... Wish me luck!

Toni B. 24 years, 5 months ago

Kimberly - you are in my thoughts and prayers! I'm so excited for you! I hope the entire process is so comfortable and speedy that its all over before you know it!
About Me
Duluth, GA
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2000
Member Since
