5 Years!!!!!!

Oct 07, 2011

Wow it has been 5 years since my surgery and I can not begin to tell you how happy I am on the decision I made to have my surgery! I am holding my weight at  around 134 ( give or take 2-3 pounds) for over 3 years now and couldn't be happier! I stay active and still follow the diet guidelines for gastric bypass (for the most part), andit really seems to be working.

The best feeling in the world is running into people who have not seen me in a long time and they don't even know who I am....priceless...I feel so much better about myself! I have more energy, I sleep better, breathe better, eat better, and most of all I'm not sweating and winded (out of breath) all the time!

My only negative has been that my vitamin D levels have been low (which results in bone loss) so I do have to pay more attention to my calcium suppliments.

Make sure you take those vitamins!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

3 Year Annivesary

Oct 05, 2009

It was 3 years ago October 3rd that I had my Gastric Bypass Surgery and I must say that it was the greatest thing I have ever done for me ever. I have managed to keep my weight at 128-130 pounds and all by just watching what and how much to eat. To be able to go up and down stairs without sweating and huffing and puffing, to blow dry my hair, get dressed, do dishes, etc, with out breaking out in a sweat. They may seem like small things to some, but to me it was embarassing. I thank God each and every day for giving me the chance to have this surgery.

From the beginning.......

Oct 20, 2006

7/14/06    229 lbs

I met with Dr. John Meilahn at Temple Hospital on July 12th and immediately felt very comfortable with him. I was very anxious to discuss my options. We decided to go with the laproscopic bypass. I now have to wait for his office to set up my appointments (which I'm sure will seem like forever!) When I left the Doctors office all I could do was cry, not sad tears, but for the first time tears of hope....


I sent my program fee in on 07/17/06, so I should be hearing from the doctors office within the next 2 weeks to set up all my appointments. I am so excited (and nervous!), I guess thats normal. Well, I hope to know more soon!

Well, my primary insurance is Aetna and they have a pre requisite of a 2 year weight loss program (doctor program) with all notes for at least a 6 month span! That I don't have! I have been on several different weight loss programs, but none that were documented on a monthly basis with my doctor! Now we go to plan "B", my secondary insurance carrier is AmeriHealth and they do not have any requirements so I have to submit all the information to Aetna to get rejected just so I can go through AmeriHealth. You would think that with 2 insurance companies that this wouldn't be this difficult.......WRONG!

Good News!! I received my package with all my appointments! I have an ultra sound on 08/01/06, psychiatry evaluation on 08/04/06 and my pre op teaching class on 08/21/06. I'm still waiting for the Nutrionist to call back for that class. It's starting to seem real now!!!

Well, I had my psychiatric evalution and everything went well. The ultrasound is completed and bloodwork was done today. I already had an EGD done in June by my Gastro doctor so that is taken care of as well. All that is left is the pre op class and nutrionist class! I'm having a difficult time with some of my co-workers (for the most part all of them are thin!), they can't understand why I want to have this surgery. I hate feeling like I have to explain everything to them, they will never understand how I feel unless they have been in the same situation. I just tell them that I'm doing this for me and that it will make me happy and healthier.

I went to my pre op class last week and found it to be very informative. Temple Bariatrics so far has been really great. One more appointment to go and then I'm ready!! My last appointment is on Wednesday the 30th with the Nutritionist and then I will hopefully get a date and submit the insurance company. Wish me luck!!!

08/31/06 (227lbs)
Yesterday I met with the dietician and now I'm finished (I hope) with all of my appointments. Now I wait to hear from Dr. Meilahn's office to see if they have everything and to submit to the insurance company.

Today Nyeesha from Dr. Meilahn's office submitted everything to the insurance company, now I keep my fingers crossed, pray and wait. Hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly. Tonight I met another OH member (Eileen) from my area who has the same surgeon. We both had our consults on the same date and are hoping to be losers together. This web site is so great! Now I feel as if I have partner to go through this new journey.

Today I was informed by my surgeons office that I was denied by Aetna (which was no surprise because I didn't have the 6 month doctor diet notes). So now they are submitting my papers to my secondary insurance Amerihealth. In order to submit to Amerihealth they needed a surgery date so they gave me October 3rd.........now I wait again..........

Great News!!!! I was approved!!!! My surgery date is 10/03/06, I can't believe this happened so fast!

09/27/06 (225 lbs)
Today I went for my pre op testing and everything went well. I found out today that Temple Hospital Nurses may go on strike 10/02/06, just my luck!!! If that happens my surgery date will be pushed back 1-2 weeks. Hopefully they won't have to strike and I'll be an official "loser" on Tuesday! Wish me luck....

I want to thank everyone who sent me messages on my support page. I greatly appreciate all the kind words of encouragement! I'm all packed and ready to go, tomorrow I start my new life as a loser!

I am officially a loser! Surgery went well, I had surgery on the 3rd and came home on the 4th. I'm trying to get all of my fluids in, but its not easy. I am just so glad that the surgery part is over. Now I'm waiting for Eileen to have her surgery done next month, hang in there Eileen, it will be here before you know it! I'll be praying and will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly with your insurance.

10/20/06  210 lbs.
I'm down 15 pounds since surgery and feeling pretty good. I'm having a hard time getting in my protein and water, but hopefully that will improve with time. I'm now eating soft pureed foods (yum!) and my new pouch seems to be ok with it...thank God!

So far so good, I'm down to 206, that's 19 pounds since surgery (3 weeks ago today). I'm feeling pretty good, just getting leg cramps in the morning. I go back to work this week, hopefully everything will go smoothly and I won't have any problems. Eileen, I'm keeping the bench warm for you, you'll be on the losers bench before you know it!

I went back to work on 10/26/06 and so far so good. I finally made it to onederland!!!! Yesterday I weighed in at 199, yea!!!!!!!!!!!

This surgery is the greatest tool! I have been feeling so good lately! I' down to 193 pounds and my clothes are getting bigger and bigger. And I'm even more impressed that I am handling the Thanksgiving holiday great. I'm even doing all the cooking! I've found that food is not that big of an issue anymore (thank God!) Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

I went to see my doctor on Friday the 15th and got a great report! I was down to 185, and today I'm down to 181! It seems like I go a couple weeks with hardly losing anything and then I start to lose quickly for about 1-2 weeks. I just finished making 25 pounds of fudge to give out during the holidays and only tasted it once! I'm not a big fudge fan anyway! I pray that eveyone has a safe and blessed Christmas this year!

Happy New Year everyone! It has been a month since I posted anything, so here is an update:
I am now down to 173lbs. and feeling really good. I went through a few weeks of extreme fatigue, but now I'm feeling much better. I went ot see my gastrenterologist yesterday and he has put me back on medication for my stomach. He is afraid that with my history of gastro problems that I could develop an ulcer in my new pouch. So, a minor setback, but it's for the better. Other than that, everything is good right now, I only hope it stays that way!!

I can't believe it!!! Last night I went to the Good Will Store to get some clothes for work and actually bought a size 10!!!!!!!!!! I actually fit into a size 10!!!!!!! When we got in the car to go home all I could do was cry. I never thought I would get to this point, and to be this small at only 5 months out is just incredible to me! As I read all the questions and replies on the message boards here, I can only say thank you to all who post replies on here. You all have helped me to get where I am today. I have only posted maybe a couple times, I'm just a lurker who reads all the other posts. But I've gotten so many answers to my own questions by reading all the others who post. All I can say is you can and will reach your goal if you use your tool correctly and follow the doctor's directions. 

I am happy to say that I am now down to 153 pounds!! I will be 6 months out tomorrow and I feel so great! Sometimes when I look in the mirror I'm not sure who I'm looking at. I will post a new picture tonight so you can see the new me!

Well, I couldn't find my camera, so no pictures yet! But the good news is that I am down to 145!!!! YEAH!!!! I can't believe that I am actually a size 8......unbelieveable! Sometimes I look in the mirror and am just amazed at how this surgery has changed my life. I feel like a new person. I no longer get winded walking up steps, exercising, cleaning, etc. And the best part is that I don't sweat profusely anymore!!!! I have been given such a great gift with this surgery, I feel so blessed!

Another month has gone by, but not much weight loss this time. I'm down to 141, but I gain and lose 2-3 pounds. I'm very happy where I'm at right now, so if I don't lose anymore that's fine with me! My surgeon is doing an EGD test on me Juy 5th to check up on everything and do some biopsies of my esophagus because of my Barrett's Esophagus. Keep your fingers crossed that everything has healed!

The weight is coming off again! I am now below my goal weight, I wanted to get to 140 and I now weigh 136...YEAH!!!!! I feel so good! I went from 100 mg of Toprol a day down to 12.5 mg (for my heart), 80 mg of Nexium a day down to 0 a day, 25 mg of Aldactone (water pill) a day down to 0 a day, and the broken bone in my foot finally healed!!! My size has gone from a 22 down to a 6-8, my shoe size went from 8-8 1/2 to a 6 1/2 to 7. My ring size went from 8 to 6 and 3/4. I am so amazed at all the changes my body has made. And I feel so blessed to not have had any serious complications so far. I thank God each and every day for this wonderful gift I have been given!

My weight seems to have leveled off for now at 135, which is actually below what I expected. So I'm very happy at my results. I had my EGD last week and everything went well. Dr. Meilahn said everything looked good. Words can not describe how great I feel these days. My life has totally changed for the better. I now walk/jog almost every day and look forward to it! Now if Eileen and my sister would both have their procedures done I could have exercise partners! Hang in there Eileen, Nyeesha will be calling you soon!

Congratulations to Eileen on becoming a loser (sorry I'm a little late Eileen)!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! Now we can go out to dinner and order one plate and share! YEAH!! This month has been crazy, I had to kick my youngest son out of the house (stealing from me and drug problems), my middle son informed that he is going to be a father (March 11th 2007) and my husband was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis of the lungs! So my eating habits have not been so great this month. I'm not eating the wrong things, it just that my stomach has been upset everytime I eat. I guess its the stress. On a happier note, I am now down to 131 pounds!! 1 pound away from my goal! And, yesterday was my 11 month anniversay for my surgery! This has been such an exciting journey.

Yesterday I went to the specialist in Philadelphia with my husband for a second opinion about his lung disease (Sarcoidosis). The good news is that the doctor thinks he will pull through this just fine. The bad news is that he has to take steroids for 6 months as well as antibiotics for 3 months and fosimax for his bones for 6 months. But if this makes his condition better then it is all worth the aggrevation he has to endure. I can't imagine my life without him, he is my best friend...

Well, it has been one full year since my surgery and I can't believe all the changes I've had! I am so blessed to have the choice to have this surgery. There are so many out there that can not get an approval from the insurance company (like my sister). It is just not fair! You pay into your insurance all these years just to find out that you can't use it! I hope and pray that eventually all of the insurance companies will recoginize that this surgery can save so many lives. I know it has dramatically improved mine! I am officially down 98 pounds from surgery and 119 pounds from my heaviest weight.

Well it has been awhile since I updated my profile. I'm doing great and seemed to have leveled off on my weight. It seems to go up and down, anywhere from 127 to 132 and I'm very happy with that! My husband and I went to Hawaii for 2 weeks in November and I hope to have some pictures on here soon. What a beautiful place!! My sister is scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Meilahn on Jan. 7th. She doesn't have a profile on here yet, I'll have to help her get started! Eileen is doing great (I knew she would!) Keep going Eileen!!!

Sorry, it's been quite a while since I last updated my profile. Everything was going great until January 19th. I was late for church so I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast. After church my husband and I went grocery shopping and he bought 2 donuts. I asked him for a bite (which ended up with 2 bites!) and felt ok at that point. After we got home I made omelettes and toast for us both. I ate a half of slice of wheat toast and 1 egg and felt unusually full. After I cleaned up I decided to take nap. When I woke up I was really uncomfortable in the center of my stomach. I chewed a couple tums but they didn't help. In the next 2-3 hours it got worse so my husband took me to the ER. They did blood work and e-xrays but found nothing that unusual. They gave me something for the pain along with pepsid and something for nausea. I finally got some relief and they sent me home. I went to see my surgeon and am now scheduled (02/07/08) for an EGD as well as an endoscopy so they can go in and take alook around to see what's going on. Possibly a hernia?? Anyway, wish me luck....
On a happier note, my sister had her surgery on 01/07/08 and is doing great! She is down 22 pounds so far and not having too many issues with food. Also Eileen sent me new pictures of her progress and she looks FANTASTIC!!!!!! Way to go Eileen, keep up the good work!

02/26/08 I had my surgery on 02/07/08 and they found adhesions (they removed) and I had a hiatal hernia that they repaired. I'm feeling good now (it was rough right after the procedure though!) My weight is staying in between 131 and 135 which is great for me! Now I just have to get back out there and start walking again!!

07/16/08 Wow, it has been awhile since I updated my profile! Not alot has changed, my weight seems to stay around 130-135, and I'm very happy with that! I was in the hospital for a couple days early in April because I was "backed up"! My bowel was full! It was extremely painful, but all is good now! I now make sure that I go everyday so that I never have to experience that again. I've been walking alot more since I started working in Philadelphia (which I love!) and seems to be helping with the bowel problem! My sister is doing great, she is now down to 175 lbs and still losing. And Eileen looks FANTASTIC!! Good going girl, keep up the great work!

09/24/08 I'm now down to 126-128 pounds and wearing a size 4-6, and I think it's because I am working in the city now. I walk to and from the train every day so I think the added exercise made me lose more weight. I feel great most days, I have to watch the sugars though! Sometimes I try to test certain things and usually end up regretting it! It is NOT worth it. One of my co-workers is now looking into getting the lap band done and I hope everything works out well for her. I know how much this surgery has changed my life for the better. My sister continues to do well with her surgery, she is now down in the 160 pound range and still losing. And I recently saw pictures of Eileen....all I can say is WOW girl, you look GREAT!!!!! Keep up the good work!!

Well here it is, two years later and I can't believe how fast time flies! My 2nd anniversary was 1 week ago today and I am just as happy today that I had the surgery done as I was On October 3rd 2006. There have been so many changes in my life, it is incredible! My health is so much better and I honestly believe (God willing) that I have added years onto my life from this surgery. My mother suffered from strokes and heart disease in her early 60's and passed away in her early 70's from congestive heart failure, hopefully I can avoid that. My sister has also taken the same steps to improve her life as well and she is doing fantastic as well. To all who are still considering having weight loss surgery, please do your homework and really make sure that this is what's right for you. Surgery is not always the answer for everyone, and is not a cure. I have had fantastic results (247 to start 126 current) the road has not always been easy. I have hit some bumps along the way and I'm sure I'll hit more on the road ahead. But if I follow the rules and stay on the path, hopefully the road won't get too bumpy!!

01/14/09--Happy New Years!! Sorry it's so late (only 2 weeks) All is well, life is going good (with my weight). My personal life sucks but I guess we can't have everything right!?! Anyway, I just wanted to post to say that my health is doing great. My weight is staying at around 127 to 130 which I think is good for me, and I feel really good!

Highest Weight
243-246 (02/11/06), Surgery weight 225, Current weight 128, goal weight 130 

October of 2006 size 20-22
October of 2007 size 4!!!!! 
October of 2008 size 4!!!!!
February 2008 size 6 and very happy with that!!!!!!!!!


230 lbs
227 lbs
225 lbs

206 lbs 
198 lbs
193 lbs
181 lbs
173 lbs
165 lbs

153 lbs
145 lbs

141 lbs

136 lbs
135 lbs

131 lbs
127 lbs
130 lbs
134 lbs

131 lbs
126 lbs
126 lbs
128 lbs


About Me
Atco, NJ
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 12

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