February 15, 2007 - 2nd Trimester

Feb 15, 2007

My scale is out of batteries so no weight this month. Maybe that's a good thing because I'm a scale addict.  Not too muc h of an update. I've just been tired lately. I think that's mostly because of the baby. I've been taking all my vitamins, so my levels should be ok. I'm getting blood work done next month, so I'll be able to check.

January 30, 2007 (Post Op - 169lbs)

Jan 30, 2007

I'm Pregnant with my first child!!! I'm still trying to convince myself that this is really happening. I've already talked to my WL surgeon and he says that I'm well past the time that they wanted me to wait, so I'm all good. They usually want you to wait 12-18 months. I'm about 20 months now. I also found an OB who has had weight loss patients before, which is great. So I'm on my way. I'm about 10 weeks so far. Here goes the first look at my little one:


I attended a M&G/Support Group for the PA/NJ/DE area last week. I had a great time. I'm really looking forward to the next one. It was really nice to people in the same situation as me. We plan on having the Support Group every 4th Saturday of the month.

December 28, 2006 (Post Op - 170lbs)

Dec 27, 2006

Here's a quick mini update. This is a weird Wow Moment. Someone on another website sent me the following message:

whats up sexy? i like the way you did your page. you look so nice in the pictures. I have a question. Will you be interested in making some money in the adult film business. If not, I mean no disrespect and have a nice holiday.

All I could do was laugh. I wrote him back and let him know I wasn't interested, but thanked him for the compliment. I know some people might have been offended, but it made me smile.  In all my life I would have never imagined someone would send me something like that or think I could be in an adult film.  It's also weird because I have no revealing photos posted anywhere. It's just the same type of photos I post on here. I have one with me in the white dress and another in the orange top.

Now if he saw what the weight loss has done to my boobs, he would have recalled that message.

December 11, 2006 (Post Op - 166lbs)

Dec 11, 2006

Well it's time for my monthly post.  Things are going ok. Actually I had a scare at the end of November. I was taking a shower and suddenly I started to get very dizzy and feeling a lot of pressure in my head. I stepped out the shower and called my husband. The dizzyness and pressure got worse and my vision started getting dark and darker. Then I couldn't see at all. I lost all energy and fell to the ground and couldn't move. It lasted about 1 minute, which felt like an eternity.  After the minute, everything passed and I felt fine.  In hind sight, I should have went to the emergency room, but after the episode ended I felt perfectly fine.  

I scheduled a doctor's visit the next day and the doctor said the everything seemed fine.  He scheduled me for blood work and said that he thinks I experienced something called Fazzy (sp?) Fatigue.  He said it dizzyness that occurs after someone eats or has been in the shower for a long period of time. I had never experienced that before, so I wasn't sure he was correct, but I decided to wait on the blood work. When my blood work came back everything was normal except my B12 level was double what it should have been. The doc told me to either take my monthly B12 shot every other month or tak half a shot every month.

The whole episode is still a little scary to me, but it hasn't happened since. Who really knows what caused it, but I will definitely keep an eye on what I'm doing. Also for the record, I have been taking a multivitamin twice a day, 2 calcium citrate twice a day, 1 unit of B12 once a month, iron once a week, and folic acid about once a week. Also the day of the episode, I had ate 3 meals that day (baked chicken and some rice for dinner).

November 6, 2006 (Post Op - 170lbs)

Nov 06, 2006

My weight has been fluctuating some.  Sometimes I'm up to 172lbs, other days I'm down 168lbs. Looking back at some of my posts it looks like I've been gaining back a couple of lbs in the last couple of months.  I have to work out more to keep my weight down.  It's hard trying to get exercise encorporated into your daily routine.  

I went through some of my clothes yesterday and couldn't really throw out some of the stuff that was too big for me.  It's weird because as I went up in weight over the years I couldn't throw my smaller clothes out.  As I went down after surgery, I was throwing out all my big clothes and was happy about it.  Now as I've gotten smaller, I'm afraid to throw out some of my bigger clothes. It's like in the back of my mind I'm thinking 'what if I gain the weight back.' I don't want to think that but it's like the idea is always sitting back there waiting.

I've noticed that some areas of my skin have gotten tighter. Not 'hard body tight' but not as jiggly as when the weight first started coming off. I really attribute that to my age and my genes. I don't really think any of those other "skin tightening tricks" really work.  My stomach is still a little flabby, but nothing I can't live with.  My breasts still look like socks with baseballs in them, but their not as bad as one point, where they made me physically sick. I guess I just had to get used to them.  Right now, my boobs are the only place I would consider plastic surgery.

October 10, 2006 (Post Op - 167lbs)

Oct 10, 2006

A couple people have been telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight, that I look great at the weight I'm at. I don't really know how to take it. Are they saying that I'm starting to look weird because of the weight loss? Or do they worry I may not look good if I lose more weight? Who knows?!?! I still believe that no one is used to me being smaller, so they wouldn't know what I would look like if I got smaller. I mean how does anyone really know for sure? They don't. I still want to be a single digit size. I'm aiming for a size 8, but who knows if I'll ever get there.

I've been reading about a lot of people angry about gaining a pound or two. I believe that almost no ones weight is always constant. Weight is dependant on a lot of things: time of day, what you ate that day, your time of month, etc. Of course, you may be + or - a lb or two. Who cares, no one sees the difference. People should learn their own range weight and know that they're safe between that. Like right now my range weight is 165 - 168. I can be anywhere between that range depending on the time of day I weight myself. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning before you eat and the same time whenever you do it. It's not a perfect way, but you'll be able to be most accurate.

September 23, 2006 (Post Op - 165lbs)

Sep 23, 2006

Retraction: I am still losing weight. It's weird because the weight wasn't moving for a long time and now it's moving. Everytime I get on the scale it's going down. For those wondering, no I haven't upped my exercise. Actually I hven't really been exercising. I know SHAME ON ME, slap my hand. Since my last post, I'm down about 7lbs. I'm wearing a size 10 jeans now.

September 8, 2006 (Post Op - 172lbs)

Sep 08, 2006

I've definitely reached that point where I'm not really losing any weight anymore. My weight has been fluctuating between 172 - 178. I am happy with my weight, so I'm not disappointed that I'm not losing that much anymore. I would still eventually like to get another 15lbs off so that I can be below what I consder the maximum weight I want to be at (175lbs), but I'm not stressing over it. I've started to receive those comments:

- Don't you loose any more weight, it won't look good on you.

- You're withering away.

- You don't want to be that small.

- You're not white, don't get any smaller. (I HATE THAT ONE!!)

I just wonder how people can say somethings because they've never seen me this small or smaller, so how would you know that I wouldn't look better smaller. The point is that they don't know. These same people were saying the same thing when I was 215lbs. But I marched on and continued to lose no matter what they said, now look at me. I'm not mad at them because I know they don't know or understand. I'm just disappointed that they can be so accustomed to me being overweight that they wouldn't want to consider what it might be like for me to be smaller. Well who knows??? I can only please myself and I'll stop when my body is done and ready!!!

August 8, 2006 (Post Op - 174lbs)

Aug 08, 2006

My boobs look like socks with tennis balls at the end of them. Absolutely disgusting!!! I don't know what else to say. I haven't been self-concious in a really long time and now I find myself covering my chest in front of my husband.  He says they look fine, but it looks terrible to me. And the sad part is that I'm still a 36DD. You'd think I'd at least be able to get down to a D, but no still in the multiple letters. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I went from a 42DDD(Pre-op) to a 36DD(now), but I guess I just want to buy those cute matching bra and undie sets. Until I get out of these multiple letters that won't be happening.  

This boob thing is the only body part that I've considered having surgery on, as a post-op, which is not that bad since pre-op I was planning on getting a lift and reduction anyway. I just have to wait a couple years until I have children, then the doctors can nip and tuck this stuff hanging off my chest. Yes, I said stuff hanging off my chest because I don't even consider them boobs anymore. Lastly, does my head look like it's getting too big in the picture above. I just hope I'm not getting the WLS Big Head. You all know what I'm talking about.

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July 14, 2006 (Post Op - 174lbs)

Jul 14, 2006

I have wonderful news, at least for me. I just purchased my new home in June. My husband and I just moved to Dover, DE .  This is our first home and we love it.  The house we purchased requires a lot of work because the last people didn't take care of it, but we're getting it done.

I can feel that I now have the ability to eat more food. It's harder to know when to stop. I mean I can still feel restriction, but I'm more frequently reaching my limit. It scares me because I don't want to stretch my stomach back out and gain this weight back. I have to go back to relying more on portion size. Before I relied a lot on stopping when I was satified. I don't think I can do that anymore. The struggle continues, but I will continue to succeed.

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About Me
Dover, DE
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
5/2005~I'm not too happy in this picture, probably just uncomfortable.
8/2006~Alright Now...I'm almost at my goal.

Friends 194

Latest Blog 86
3 YR ANNIVERSARY - May 9, 2008 (172lbs - Post-Op)
April 14, 2008 (174lbs - Post-Op)
March 5, 2008 (Post Op After Pregnancy - 177lbs)
