Friday, June 12

Jun 12, 2009

My first day in 2 weeks without Mycah.  I kept busy, but I do miss her.  I know she had a great time with her 'new' brothers and is getting ready for the wedding later today.  But I want her here.  And I want her here permenantly!!

Maybe soon.

Now on to the other good news! 

WEIGHT:  I am down to 280 pounds!  YIPPEE!!!  I was weighed at the NUT's office and it showed 280 on the dot! That's down 11 pounds in 3 weeks and 3 days! It was such an incredible feeling!  And I got a lottery ticket to see if I can add to the 'New Clothes Fund'  I've been smiling and telling everyone ALL DAY LONG!!

DIET:  About 8-16 ounce bottles of water were consumed.  And I'm still thirsty-not sure what's going on there.  I did REALLY good staying on my diet today.  I got a lot of protein in-83 grams today.  I also stayed around the 1100 calories today.  I had a meeting with the NUT today and we went over a lot of things today.  She figured I needed at least 57 grams of protein.  I also need to be drinking about 96 to 100 ounces of water a day.  I'm getting about 64 ounces so about 2 more bottles of water a day (or milk, or broth, or tea....etc.)

EXERCISE:  I did a bit of work around the house; picking up dirty clothes, making beds, filling up dishwasher.  I also walked around grocery shopping (for about 45 min).  My hip/leg/calf is EXTREMELY painful!  I didn't get out to do much else.
We'll be shopping tomorrow so I'll be walking more.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

I had an appointment this morning with Heather (NUT).  She was truly impressed with my weight loss and after reviewing what I am eating, my vitamin intake, and my fluid intake--she made a few changes to all.  I was really thrilled to see her today and get more information.  I'm learning to read labels and make smart choices.  YIPPEE, again!!!

INSURANCE:  No news.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  A bit sad and very much in pain.  I'm not sure why my leg is back to bothering me.  But I don't like it!!

MISC:  I spoke with Jonathon today.  It was really good to hear from him.  He's going to call tomorrow to speak with Schuyler. I worked from home again and with the pain today, I wonder if I can get back to work.  (I really don't want to go, but I do need to keep the job.)


About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 21
