Almost 3 weeks Post-OP 10/12/09

Oct 12, 2009

I'm not good at keeping up blogs and such...if you hadn't already figured that out!  LOL

I'm down about 16 pounds in 3 weeks...not as much as some but I'm liking the slow weight loss.  I'm hoping that will help with not having so much skin hanging around!  I'm down one complete size and starting to be out of the second size...NOPE, not telling you until I hit the Size 20 mark! ~smiles~

Having trouble getting my protein in and fluids...I can do one or the other but rarely both.  I work every day on it though!

Headed to IN to visit with the children this weekend and I can't wait.  My first trip since the surgery.  I hope the children will be pleasantly surprised with my loss....I know I am!  I have a list of foods to pick up while there so I know that I will be eating healthy.


Monday, June 22

Jun 22, 2009

WEIGHT:  278.  I'm down another 2 pounds!  YIPPEE!! 

DIET:  The past week-that I haven't blogged-has been pretty good.  I've kept my protein up--over 50 grams a day, my calories down--under 1100 and I've done relatively well.  Today; not so good.  I'll explain more in my MISC area.

EXERCISE:  not a lot of exercise going on.  I'm in a lot of pain and am afraid to do much walking until I talk with the doctor.  I'm hoping to know more tomorrow.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital  
                                Wednesday 7.8--RI Hospital Support Group from 7- 9pm at RI Hospital

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

INSURANCE:  Nothing new.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.  I forgot to call today.  I need to do that tomorrow afternoon.

EMOTIONS:  I've been on a roller coaster over the last week.  I've been in a lot of pain and my marriage is struggling with the back issues and the weight loss surgery and the children being here and underfoot and my not working and his worries about the Short term disability kicking in and....well.  It's been rough.  

I had an MRI this morning (w/contrast) to see if there was another herniated disc or if I re-herniated the repaired one.  I have the films and it looks as if there is a bulge/herniated area but when I emailed the doctor, he said that "it looks terrific and you should be turning the corner soon"  So after laying on a hard, flat table this morning for 55 minutes, I've been very slow moving.  The pain was pretty bad when I got home and I took some pain meds and went back to bed for an hour (after crying myself to sleep).  Still have pain.  I've had pain all day.  And of course, no phone call from the surgeon's office. So, if no phone call tomorrow, I think I'm going to get a second opinion.  I am also seeking an attorney to see what options I have since this injury happened on a property where my employer rented office space.
So with this going on, my diet hasn't been great.  I've been eating things that I shouldn't have.  I've stayed within my 1100 calories per day unless I've done walking or working on the house and then I've added some calories but not a lot. I was very happy with my 2 pound weight loss.  I hope when I add walking 3x a week and doing water walking at Bally's 2 x a week, I'll continue with the weight loss.

Mycah returns back to Indiana on Thursday and I know I am going to miss her terribly.  It's been wonderful to have her around.  She's been a huge help and I've loved our time together. I'm hoping she'll be back out at the end of July for my birthday.  She's been wonderful here and I truly am going to miss her.  I just hope I don't cry when she leaves.
1 comment

SummerFit 2009-Week 1

Jun 22, 2009

Making Lifestyle Changes That Last a Lifetime

Summer is here and it is a great time to start making lifestyle changes for a better and healthier you! This can seem like a daunting task, but it can be as simple as making your goals SMART. Setting reachable goals is the key to developing lifelong behavior changes. When setting goals, make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound.

Throughout the next six weeks you will be receiving information on how to effectively set reachable goals and achieve success. Before we get there, though, it is important to take a look at your life and decide where you would like to make changes. Take the upcoming week and decide what your short and long term goals might be. For example: a long term goal could be completing next year's Indianapolis Mini Marathon in May. Short term goals that can lead to a goal of running the mini-marathon could include getting fitted for a new pair of running shoes, joining a walking and/or running group (or starting your own), walking or running a 5K in August, walking and running a 10K in December, etc. Setting and achieving small goals can make the end result much more rewarding and the process a little more enjoyable. Another very important, and often overlooked, aspect of goal setting is rewarding yourself along the way for all your hard work. After completion of your first 5K, reward yourself with a relaxing massage or pedicure that will feel great and keep you motivated for achieving the next step.

When deciding what changes you want to make, it is important not to overwhelm yourself with too many changes all at once. Start small and progress from there. Make a list of several lifestyle changes you want to make and choose a place to start. After you celebrate a few small successes you will be eager and ready to add more to your list. Making lifestyle changes can be a fun and rewarding experience if you set yourself up to succeed. Effective goal setting can do just that!

FROM INshape Indiana-Week 1 (I'm originally from Indiana and thought this was great information for me!)

Update in my regular format a bit later.


Friday, June 19

Jun 18, 2009

Update coming soon.

Monday, June 15

Jun 15, 2009

Not doing well today with the pain.  Yesterday was hard; I wanted to eat everything I could get my hands on and of course, it wasn't the good stuff.  So I gave myself over to the eating yesterday but did stay within my 1000 calories or so.  One day out of the last 3 weeks isn't going to divert me; may slow me down for a few days but not divert me completely.  The sweets that I did have didn't taste good.  I'm used to the protein and good foods that the greasy or sweet foods just don't taste that good to me.  Maybe it's in my head but I'll keep it there.  It will help when the time comes for the surgery. 

WEIGHT:  I didn't get on the scales yesterday or today.  I'll do it in the morning to see where I stand.  If I don't gain any weight, I'll be happy.

DIET:  I stated above that I wanted to eat everything in site and I think I did.  1,032 calories and 24 grams of protein.  See...I ate horribly.  But I gave myself a break for the month and I'm not going to feel bad about it.

EXERCISE:  consisted of getting up and walking to the bathroom and then back to the sofa.  I did have to pick up Mycah yesterday so I drove to Boston and back, along with walking from the parking garage to the terminal and back.  A bit of exercise but not much in the grand scheme of things.  I wanted to meet up with Julie at the park but I couldn't sit yesterday to drive anywhere.  I took a bunch of pain pills to be able to make it up to Boston.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

INSURANCE:  Nothing new.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup

EMOTIONS:  feeling kinda down.  I'm tired of hurting and I'm tired of feeling like and invalid.  Hubby thinks I should be all better and be the good little wife.  I'm so irritated with him right now, too.  The mood swings on him are incredible.  Maybe my moods swings are the same.  I don't think so but who knows.
I just want to quit hurting and be able to enjoy myself. 

Mycah flew into Boston last night.  It was great to see her.  She had a good time at home for the wedding.  She spent a lot of time with her new step-siblings so I hope they continue to get along well.  I haven't spoken with either Rachel or Michael about the wedding so not sure if it went as well as Mycah said or not.

Saturday, June 13

Jun 13, 2009

Spent the day either sleeping, laying down or sleeping.  My hip and leg are extremely painful. Not sure what's going on but I can't even keep on top of the pain with the pain meds.  (That's what's been making me sleepy) I did get out to the store with hubby for some groceries and walking seemed to be okay but then having to sit the car ride home was horrible.  I'm calling the doctor on Monday afternoon to complain/explain and hope they can do something else.  The shooting pain down my leg is what is really annoying!

On to my regularly scheduled posting outline.

WEIGHT:  Still happy with that 280.  I'll weigh in again tomorrow to see what my scales say.  I'm also going to do the measurements too.  I wasn't going to do them every week but with an 11 pound loss, I'm sure something has changed!

DIET:  I did wonderful today in my calories-1,040 - even after eating out!  I had the salad bar and it was yummy!  74 grams of protein for the day has kept me from not being hungry.  I also drank TONS of water.  I've gotta keep that weight loss going!

EXERCISE:  I was going to get the Wii out to work out but with the walking today at the store-about 45 minutes- I didn't think I could do the exercises without pain.  And that's the whole point of exercising, right?  I will also be walking with Jules and group tomorrow at Slater.  I don't know how far I can go but will walk what I can.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

INSURANCE:  Nothing new.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  I'm doing okay with those today.  A bit depressed with my leg pain.  I thought having the surgery would take care of the pain but it's not.  At least not so far.  I'm missing Mycah.  I hope she had a great time back home for the weekend.

MISC:  Hubby and I spoke about a few things.  I explained I needed more affection and he worked on that today.  It was nice.  Schuyler is going with me tomorrow afternoon to pick up Mycah from Logan Airport in Boston.  I hope her flight isn't delayed.  It's been delayed every time she's flown into Boston.  I'm going to try to straighten up the house a bit.  It's not too bad, I just want to organize some things.  Then again, I may just sleep.  ~smile~

Friday, June 12

Jun 12, 2009

My first day in 2 weeks without Mycah.  I kept busy, but I do miss her.  I know she had a great time with her 'new' brothers and is getting ready for the wedding later today.  But I want her here.  And I want her here permenantly!!

Maybe soon.

Now on to the other good news! 

WEIGHT:  I am down to 280 pounds!  YIPPEE!!!  I was weighed at the NUT's office and it showed 280 on the dot! That's down 11 pounds in 3 weeks and 3 days! It was such an incredible feeling!  And I got a lottery ticket to see if I can add to the 'New Clothes Fund'  I've been smiling and telling everyone ALL DAY LONG!!

DIET:  About 8-16 ounce bottles of water were consumed.  And I'm still thirsty-not sure what's going on there.  I did REALLY good staying on my diet today.  I got a lot of protein in-83 grams today.  I also stayed around the 1100 calories today.  I had a meeting with the NUT today and we went over a lot of things today.  She figured I needed at least 57 grams of protein.  I also need to be drinking about 96 to 100 ounces of water a day.  I'm getting about 64 ounces so about 2 more bottles of water a day (or milk, or broth, or tea....etc.)

EXERCISE:  I did a bit of work around the house; picking up dirty clothes, making beds, filling up dishwasher.  I also walked around grocery shopping (for about 45 min).  My hip/leg/calf is EXTREMELY painful!  I didn't get out to do much else.
We'll be shopping tomorrow so I'll be walking more.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

I had an appointment this morning with Heather (NUT).  She was truly impressed with my weight loss and after reviewing what I am eating, my vitamin intake, and my fluid intake--she made a few changes to all.  I was really thrilled to see her today and get more information.  I'm learning to read labels and make smart choices.  YIPPEE, again!!!

INSURANCE:  No news.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  A bit sad and very much in pain.  I'm not sure why my leg is back to bothering me.  But I don't like it!!

MISC:  I spoke with Jonathon today.  It was really good to hear from him.  He's going to call tomorrow to speak with Schuyler. I worked from home again and with the pain today, I wonder if I can get back to work.  (I really don't want to go, but I do need to keep the job.)


Thursday, June 11...a bit delayed.

Jun 12, 2009

I had every intention of getting online last night to get my post written...and I got home from dropping the little one off at Logan to fly back home and I just forgot!  I was spending some time with the hubby!

I'll just briefly give details and then post a bit later tonight for Friday!

WEIGHT:  next weigh in (and picture taking day) is Sunday, June 11 (Actually will probably be weighed at my NUT appointment)

DIET:  I got all 8 glasses of water in and I think I got about 50 grams of protein, although, my food journal isn't showing all my foods from yesterday.  I'll have to take a look at that.

EXERCISE:  I did some walking in the airport with Mycah.  I walked from the parking lot to the terminal and back, then I walked back and forth in the terminal waiting for her to fly out.  My leg was bothering me so I ended up resting more than walking but I'm sure I got in about 30 minutes of casual walking.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am
                               Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  

INSURANCE:  No news.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  A bit sad.  Mycah goes home for the weekend and she isn't really thrilled about it.  I am going to miss her as the past few weeks have been incredible!!  She misses me too and we are having a lot of fun.  I'm going to really miss being with her if I have to go back to work full time. 

MISC.: I'm going to try to get menu's printed out for myself for the next few days.  Maybe I'll keep on track and start losing some additional weight.


Wednesday, June 10

Jun 10, 2009

Another rainy, cold day!  It's June and I don't think it got warmer than 60 today!  Well, maybe it did but it sure didn't feel like it!  I ended up sleeping in until noon today!  It was very heavenly.  I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight. 

WEIGHT:  next weigh in (and picture taking day) is Sunday, June 11

DIET:  all 8 glasses of water are in and Protein is sitting at 52 grams today.  I had more fruit than I have been but haven't worked the veggies into my diet.  I need to start that salad at lunch and dinner.  I think I'll sit down and write out menu's for the next few days.  Let's see if that will work for me.

EXERCISE:  I did some walking today but only about 15 minutes.  My back/leg pain is still very intense and I don't feel like doing much of anything. I did clean the kitchen, load the dishwasher and do a load of laundry while folding the 2 loads sitting in my room. 

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am
                               Thursday 6.25--Endoscopy with Dr. G at Our lady of Fatima Hospital.  9:30am
                                Friday 6.27--Heather Gagliardi/Nutritionist at 9am  
**I'm excited that I've got the Endoscopy scheduled so quickly!  I will have my all of my testing and appointments done this month!!  Maybe if the insurance stuff goes well, I can have this surgery by July 30th.

INSURANCE:  No news.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  I was doing well until hubby came home.  Something upset him, he won't talk and of course he's ignoring me.  He did tell me that I'm keeping the house clean and keeping him happy.  What about me?  What about my happiness?  I definately am doing this surgery to get healthy, to look and feel better and the issues he has with it are just that...his issues.  I just wish he'd talk to me.  I'm tired of trying today.  I think I get tired of trying more quickly now.  Not sure what that's saying about this relationship. Why can't someone love me for me...not for what I can do for them? 

MISC.:  I've let work know that I won't be able to come back from the back surgery until after the 15th.  No response.  Nothing from my boss, nothing from the HR, nothing.  I've NEVER worked for a company that doesn't care about it's employees.  I guess it's just the East Coast...or not.

Mycah and I did the girl day.  She got a pedicure with bright orange toes.  I got the french tips on my hands and 'Cup of Caw-fee' on my toes.  Very pretty.  I like the way my hands look with the nails.  Makes me feel pretty.

Tuesday, June 9

Jun 09, 2009

What a rainy and chilly day!!  I know we need the rain for the flowers and trees but it could have subsided today since I had to be running around, right?  ~smile~ 

I got about 8 hours sleep last night; in 2 separate instances.  I didn't want to get up for my appointment this morning but I did anyway.  Then of course, the rain started as I was coming out of the appointment!  Oh well, I was able to wake up and enjoy another day with the family. 

WEIGHT:  Still at 284, as far as I know.  Next weigh in is 6.11.09

DIET:  I got my 8 glasses of water in today.  I ate late because of my gallbladder ultrasound today.  I had a homemade banana muffin and then we went to Chili's for lunch.  I should have had the fried Chicken Crispers.  My stomach just rolled all afternoon.  I took my son to work at 5pm and finally had to go to the bathroom to dispel (doesn't that sound so much better than saying vomit or having diarrhea??) my lunch.  I felt SOOOO much better.  I have a feeling that the fried foods and sugars are going to cause me to dump.  I can have a bite now with no problem but anymore and it's a horrible feeling.  I had a pork BBQ sandwich this evening with a Fiber One yogurt and Cozy Shack pudding cup and sugar free jello.  I'm full and probably won't eat anything more tonight.  I'm craving my I know I'm dehydrated from not taking anything for 9 hours this morning. ETA-just checked...protein is down today.  I only consumed 39 grams.  Gotta change that tomorrow.

EXERCISE:  I didn't do too much but take a long hour nap.  I did walk to the ultrasound and realized I parked in the wrong area.  So 5 minutes walking there, 5 minutes walking to the neurosurgeon's office and back and 5 minutes walking around at the office. Not much today.  I AM going to do better tomorrow!

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am

I had my gallbladder ultrasound this morning.  I was okay with not eating but really had a hard time with the not drinking.  I feel like I've been thirsty ALL DAY LONG!!  I really do like my water!  The ultrasound looked good, so that's one more test down.  I couldn't wait to get back home and grab a cold water.  I gulped and gulped.  I'm going to miss being able to do that.  I try really hard to sip, sip, sip and do well but there are times I need to gulp!

INSURANCE:  No news.  Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.

EMOTIONS:  Again, doing okay today.  The ultrasound was easy to deal with.  I had an appointment with the neurosurgeon for my back. That went okay, I guess.  Still have pain and we discussed medications; I have to do another round of steroids and I'm concerned about that.  The nerve seems to still be inflamed.  I'm ready to be better!  I was tired from not sleeping so a few petty things annoyed me but I tried not to let them bother me. I'm trying to smile before responding to problems, issues and annoyances.  It's been helping.  I want this surgery to work.  I need this tool to get my life back!

MISC:  I went into the office today to see the bosses and to get invoices approved and of course, the bosses weren't there!  So I talked with a few co-workers (Backstabbers!) and then left.  I was pretty tired by then.  I think I am doing really well since my back surgery and then being in the office for an hour has worn me out.  I think that's why I slept the hour this afternoon.  And of course, since I slept so late in the evening, I'm not tired now.  I'm hoping that I can sit down and read for awhile and be able to sleep.  I purchased some Tylenol PM to help me sleep...may try that.

Mycah and I are doing a mani-pedi day tomorrow.  I can't wait! She goes back home on Thursday evening for her Dad's wedding on Saturday.  I'm concerned about her anxiety about the new family but she says she is doing okay.  I spoke with her Dad tonight and he is also concerned about her.  I can't wait for her to come back on Sunday afternoon!  I absolutely love having her here.  I hope she is enjoying her time, too!

ETA:  The surgeon stated my incision was healing great!  The tattoo is matching up well and with all the protein, the skin looks really good!  Another reason to continue getting my protein!

About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
Member Since

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