
Apr 27, 2009


Pre Op Test

Apr 27, 2009

Finally up to date. Here is what is going on, had my Pre Op appt today. They dont want you to eat or krink anything after midnight but they dont tell you that they need a urine sample. How is one suppoe to pee when they haven't had anything to drink. Almost 3 hours after being there I was able to go. But enough of my bathroom drama. During Pre Op they took my blood, talked to the nurses, did some breathing test, lots of fun stuff.

Anyway I have started my shopping for my liquid diet days. SF Jello, SF pudding, Water, Broth, and ordered my Protein mixes today online. They should be here in 3-5 days. I hope I like them.

Some doctors has people go on a liquid only for 10 days before hand I only have to do it the day before so i guess enjoy what I can now....

I have my DATE

Apr 25, 2009

SO i found out on Tuesday that I was approved but I had to wait until I had tha peice of paper.  On Thursday it came in the mail.  I faxed it to Dr Pupkova's office and 10 minutes later they called to set up my date.  13DAYS. OMG I couldn't believe that I am going to be able to take back my life.  So thats right Wednesday MAY 6 is the day.  Have pre op on the 27.  So much to do in such a lil time.  Wish me luck
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one month later still waiting on the rest of my life....

Feb 14, 2009

Well lets start off with good news.  I have QUIT SMOKING.  It has been more than 3 weeks since my last cigg.  Cold turkey. I have learned that I am stronger than a 4 inch white tube. Yay me. 
Besides that I have gone for my blood work and sleep study test.  Got the call last night that  I have to go for another sleep study as they saw that I so have signs of sleep apena.  Yay a machine staped to my face.  Fun times to be had.  I know i sound very sacartic tonight but this week has been a rough week with the head aches.  In the last 7 days i have left the house 3 times.  2 out of the 3 were for doctors appts.  But on the good side my Nero is on my side and has writen a letter stating reason why I need this as well as my primary care.   Need to collect a couple more things and submit again to insurance.  God I pray that this goes through.  Not only to lose weight but the fact that the bypass has a 96% chance of resolvement of the headaches.  Thats what I am looking forward to.  Not having a headache.  OMG!!!

1ST Appointment

Jan 14, 2009

1-13-09 Meet with Dr Pupkova yesterday.  everything sounds good and hoping that insurance will ok it.  Went and got blood work done, have to contact neor for eval letter, get sleep study, and lastly QUIT SMOKING!  Hopefully this is the start to my new life.  I should hear in 2 weeks if the insurance company needs any other information...  Fingers crossed everything goes correctly.

About Me
Pocono Summit, PA
Dec 21, 2008
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