Starting to learn what the posts were talking about...

Mar 17, 2011

So I am starting to understand what some people have been posting about. I have found that I can only eat fish and ground beef. Even the protein drinks are getting on my nerves and I have tried quite a few. I was drinking Adkins, EAS, and Ispure the entire time that I was on liquids with no problems. Now I try and they don't taste right. I tried some that I ordered online and they are too sweet or turn my stomach. I've tried protein bars and they are sort of tasteless. This is CRAZY. Has anyone noticed how many things are fried? Well, I have since I've been on soft foods. LOL  I'm working it out and I am not complaining. I got over my stall in 2 weeks and loss 5 lbs this week so I'm good. Just wondering when I'm going to wake up and eat something or drink something and not say YUCK. LMBOGod's not through with me yet. I'm learning how to eat the right way and I will be better because of all of these struggles.

No desire for food...

Mar 13, 2011

Well, I am loosing my desire for food. It seems that I am tired of my soft food choices. I've made everything that I could think of  that I would like to eat. A lot of the food that is at restaurants seem to be fried and my pouch doesn't like them. I realize that this is what got me into this situation but I don't want to eat. I find that I don't eat 1/4 cup of anything each meal unless I'm really starving (or think that I am).

I'm dealing with the "woman problem" as well. The hysterectomy will be scheduled for June. I believe that has something to do with my energy level as well as my eating. There are so many things going on that I can't concentrate on just one.

The weather is getting better so we can work on home improvement projects. There are so many that I feel overwhelmed just thinking of them. It will be nice getting some of them scratched off of my list.

I guess I'm just bored if you can imagine that. I need to research some recipes that I will eat. That is the next step.


Not going to get frustrated...

Mar 08, 2011

This morning was my weekly weigh in and I still haven't lost a pound! I do not want to sound ungrateful and I know that it will happen. I've attributed it to the dumb idea to get the IUD (TMI) that isn't working and keeps me bloated and "on". It may also be the stress my children have had me under this past week, trying me and my husbands patience like they never have before. Whatever it is, I am giving it to God and asking that He handle this because I have tried. I have done all that I know how to do, so now I stand and watch. I'm waiting for His guidance on everything, kids, weight, job, etc. It's all in His time and not my time. I have to remind myself that daily lately.

Enlightening Moments

Mar 05, 2011

Well, I have had some enlightening moments. One, I found that old habits die really hard. I forgot to eat, I forget to drink, I forget to take my vitamins, etc. I have to change my habits and fast. I wish I could find something that I could just drink, drink, drink. I'm still searching but I'm sure I will get it. I'm also looking for good "on the go" protein sources that I like. I don't like cheese, I don't really like yogurt, I don't like, I don't like, etc. I also have found my taste have not changed as much as people told me that they would. I still like my spicy foods and I still don't like the things listed. LOL

I had to go to one of my kids school for a evening program and forgot to bring something to eat. When my phone reminder went off that it was time to eat, I was sitting there with the other parents looking crazy. I finally had to excuse myself and go to McDonald's and get a hamburger and eat the burger and throw out the bread. It was funny.

I will be traveling soon and I am not sure what I'm going to do for the ride. I have a wedding coming up soon and I am not sure what I'm going to do then either. I pray that they have meatballs or something.

Never ending journey but I can say that I am proud of myself for one thing. There is so much stress at my job right now with the government cutbacks and other things. However, I have not tried to cheat yet. I am at peace. If nothing else, I praise God for that.



Mar 01, 2011

So I am getting into the swing of work and home again. I am pretty tired and have no problems sleeping all night. LOL However, I have been bloated the last 2 days. Not sure what is going on with that. There isn't any pain, just a little burning when I drink sometimes first thing in the morning. I thought it was constipation but it wasn't. I think it's time for some Gas X or something. Need to get a handle on this. As I love to say, "And this too shall pass..."

No pain, no gain...

Feb 27, 2011

Today my family walked through a park. It would have been great if it wasn't for all the hills! I did a 36 minute walk and I was wiped out. This eating stuff is not as easy for me as I thought. I can do good during the weekdays but I wake up later on the weekends to get 5 meals in. I'm using Daily Burn to help me track my protein and calories. I'm going to start my 30 minute walks tomorrow. I would like to try Zumba tomorrow night but I am not sure I can do it. I'm going to go with my friend and daughter. I am having problems with the vitamins and the drinking as well. I need to wear a bag on my body to take these things on time. I'm also looking for a trick to getting all of the liquids in with out drinking for 1.5 hours each time I have to eat. I know that it will be difficult but not impossible.

First Day Back to Work

Feb 24, 2011

My first day back to work was good. I tried scrambled eggs with a little cheese this morning and it didn't feel like it was going to stay down, so after 2 bites, I gave them to my children. During my first snack I had 1 1/2 ounces of imitation crab meat. That was hard to get down because it was bland. I ate it but couldn't get the entire 2 ounces down. I did get 3 wheat thin crackers down. At lunch, I was able to eat 2 ounces of crock pot chicken. I couldn't eat the veggies that I brought though. I didn't want to push it. My last snack was 2 ounces of taco meat with 1 teaspoon of cheese and taco sauce. I was able to eat that as well with no problems but I didn't try to eat the fruit cup that I had. I'm struggling with getting the liquids in before and after I eat. It doesn't seem to leave me enough time to get all of my fluids in. The one thing I have to admit is that I was very tired around 3:30 pm. I am ready to go to bed now, but I have to feed the children and eat! LOL

Next step, 3 month

Feb 23, 2011

Alright, I am finally at soft foods, however, I don't know what to eat! It's so funny, I looked at the list and half of the stuff I don't like. So what do I do? I go to the store and I buy a couple things to get me through the next 2 days at work. Imitation Crab, wheat thins, peaches, mixed veggies (cooked), butter spray, low fat cheese and fat free sour cream. Now what to do with this stuff? Omelet for breakfast, lean meat for snack, chicken & veggies for lunch, crab meat for snack, and whatever we have for dinner. The problem is, I need to find things that are not protein to add to my lunch and snack. It's a never ending cycle. I have to learn a lot.

A Very Good Day

Feb 19, 2011

I had a good day. I went to the Raleigh Support group meeting and it was great. I was able to get a lot of things off of my chest and heard from people who had been there. I was able to taste a new protein drink and learned the difference in proteins. I was able to put a face with a name and meet some of my online friends. It was great hearing from people who have had struggles but have made it through. Hearing that we have 2 years to create good habits that will carry me through the rest of my life. It is great speaking to people who have been successful for so long. Your heart goes out to people who have been through a really ruff time. I thank God that it hasn't been that tough for me so far. I thank God for all of the new friends that I have made through this experience.

Post surgery stress

Feb 17, 2011

Well today I experienced my first post surgery stress. I found out today that the Governor has proposed in her budget to cut my entire department. Since I really need my job and I need a hysterectomy, I was stressed. So, I went for a walk and prayed the entire time. Anyone reading this, please pray that God's will be done with me and my life. I came back and cooked dinner for my family. Although I wanted to taste it, I didn't. I am proud of myself. I am a stress eater and I didn't do it. I went thorough the stress and didn't have a bite to eat.

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Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2010
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