and so the waiting begins!

Aug 17, 2010

After my last can see I went into a study coma! I ahve been reading everything I could on the VSG. Things like perks, complications..all that fun stuff. I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT DONE! Of course I am sure I will have a few moments of panic once I get my date. I am finally on the waiting list.

I went to my family doc in February and told her "Listen, I am tired of being fat!" She says" have you tried diet and excercise?" No of course not I ENJOY being fat..JEEZ WOMAN FOR REAL?! I responded, "yes of course!" I did well at it, but I don't want to start yo-yoing all over the place..was never of fan of the "sport". When I decide something I am dead serious about succeeding. This is one of those things. I am done with this old life. I want a change and better health. I want to play with my kids..etc. You all know what I am talking about. She says" well, they want people who have given a good try at losing weight." I'm thinking woman, everytime i decide not to eat that chocolate, cheeseburger..whatever I am giving it a good try. All this being said, she is not super thin herself.. She finally agreed to get me on the list when I said.."going to MEXICO"..LMAO! That got her moving..which works for me, but I would have scrimped and saved up to get my self down there!

There is a program here in Winnipeg that has 3 docs doing RNY and VSG. They sent out a letter to all doctors in the area letting them know that those surgeries would be available in the spring!!..Well I got my papers in there, but then summer hit and the OR times are much shorter. I met one pretty cool lady here on OH that had the SECOND VSG done here. I called and found out that I am not too far down the the patience part of being a patient comes into play. Too bad I SUCK at it..LOL anyways..the woman who had hers already is doing VERY well! I CAN'T FRIGGEN WAIT TIL I AM ON THE LOSER'S BENCH!

Right now my game plan is this:
- get back to working out
- get good with the vitamins
- research protein sources
- cheap smaller clothes(maybe, maybe not, might just run around nekkid for a few months!)
- explain to my big kids WHY I am doing this
-cook a lot of freezable meals for the rest of the family, cuz I'm pretty sure I wont want to cook if I can't eat it anyways..
and last but not least...BUY HUGE AMOUNTS of Costco size meat flats..since we all love our meat over here!

Hopefully once I implement some of these things I drop a bit of weight, my new house is huge and I walk WAY more in here than I did at the old house and having a whole gym in my house will ROCK! Thank GOD for this home!!

