Still waiting...but it's getting closer!!

Oct 26, 2010

Last week Tuesday, I was home minding my own business, puttering around doing laundry and dishes and when I sat down(finally) the phone rang.. UGH! Okay I get up to answer and lo and behold it's the bariatric clinic calling to let me know they have an opening for me!! You could have knocked me over with a feather. I hurriedly took down the info..appointment THURSDAY!


Thursday morning I drop my daughter off with my SIL and drive half an hour to the city where the surgeon's office is. I get there and overhear the receptionist and the surgeon's receptionist talking to each other about me. They then inform me that the doctor has been called away for an emergency and they do not know when he will return. WHAT???!!! As if this is even happening!! UGH! So I decide right there that I am going to wait for an hour. She directs me to a different waiting room. I get in there and pull out my blackberry to keep busy :P I said a little prayer.."if this is meant to be, you will be done Lord." HAHAHA! Apparently the doc showed up shortly after I did! SCORE! There were two patients ahead of me, but I got seen within an hour of my original appointment.

He gave me his spiel on VSG, RNY and Lap band. The lap band is not covered by Manitoba health and I didn't want that anyways. I am a lightweight, so RNY to me is a bit much. So of course I chose the VSG. I do my pre-op stuff with my family doc on Nov 2. Then I meet with the NUT on Nov 10th and typically we get our date for 6-8 weeks after that. So I am guessing I will get my surgery sometime in Jan-Feb next year! HOLY CRAP! To me that is a perfect way to start off a new's the most boring time for me. It's freezing outside and usually when I like to work out and gear up for the upcoming summer. Well this summer should be interesting to say the least.

I am SUPER FREAKIN' excited!! Not sure how to tell my big kids(7 and 9) I'm still nursing the baby(21mos) and I have 17 yr old that my husband and I are guardians for. I will have to tell the 3 oldest, because I will be in the hospital for 3 or so days. I am guessing that the baby will wean by then, but if she doesn't no big deal..cross that bridge when we get there. My husband is very supportive. However he is a bit weirded out that I will be am I..LMAO! Anyways..the kids are good secret keepers and I feel VERY strongly about keeping it secret. The people around me just like to meddle too much in a good way, but invariably something gets said in the wrong way and sabotage here we come. I know I will have to get a handle on that. I know I will tell people eventually, I just want to keep it quiet until either I am at goal or very close to it.

NOT going to be telling my mother..she lives 2 provinces away so that shouldn't be a problem. She will still get phone she wont stress. She will have the surprise of her life when she comes to visit in the summer. HAHAHA! my parents rock, but my mom is a medical worrywart. Not telling hubby's family either. They know I want to lose weight before I have any more babies.

SQUEEEEEEE!!!!*passes out from over excitement* lol

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