What a Beautiful Day in Maryland!

Mar 08, 2010

Well - I still have a big pile of snow in my backyard, but the day is beautiful, sunny and about 56 degrees. Downright BALMY compared to what we've had recently - wouldn't you agree?

I'm definitely feeling Spring in the air! I cleaned my bird feeders today, I'm digging out the Hummingbird feeder (they should be back soon!) and I'm readying things for Spring. I think there must be a nesting instinct that kicks in when one is facing surgery. I've started my Spring cleaning, I've been purging my house of "stuff" that I don't need anymore, and I'm donating a ton of stuff to the Sea Scout Yard Sale at my church!

It's a beautiful day and I'm really looking forward to this new lease on life that will start on Friday, March 12, 2010! That's my LapBand surgery day, and I'm excited and nervous about this major change that I'm making in my life - it is going to be OK! It's going to be better than OK! It's going to be a beautiful day in Maryland on Friday as well - no matter what the weather outside may bring!


Come Join Us!!!

Feb 12, 2010

If you're a resident of Baltimore, Carroll or Howard Counties in Maryland, please consider joining this group. I'm trying to connect with others that are experiencing this weight loss journey through bariatric surgery.

I'm Jeri and I live in Columbia, MD. I'm scheduled for LapBand surgery on March 12th and I would like to meet others in the area that are going through this. Wouldn't it be better for us to go through it together?

Maybe we can set up a walking group when the weather gets better. Maybe we meet each other at a CA facility.
Maybe we can encourage and support each other in a positive way!

As long as this group continues on a positive path of encouragement and support - then the sky's the limit! Let me know what you'd like to talk about, how you're doing and please join in!

Blessings and peace,


Back Here for Good!!!

Feb 12, 2010

I've had a really challenging year and things are finally about to take a turn for the better! I haven't posted here since October because my life got out of control yet again and now things are FINALLY straightening out and getting back on track.

Just briefly - I left my job as a Church Business Administrator in February 2009 due to health issues. What I thought would be a a 2-3 month leave turned into a nightmare. In June 2009 I resigned my position and continued with treatments on my neck. At the end of June I broke a bone in my right foot - which to this date still hasn't healed. Duriing all this time I was barely able to get out of the house - once I broke the bone I was completely isolated. Thank God for my wonderful husband, my great friends and my wonderful church family - I had meals, company and kept from getting totally depressed.

I was finally able to drive a little bit and get around but the foot and neck kept giving me fits. Along comes Thanksgiving and  my husband and I both wound up with bronchitis in the first week of December. The difference was that he got well after about two weeks and I just kept getting worse. The fact that I was completely sedentary probably played a big part in my not getting well. First I got pleurisy, then I wound up with double pneumonia and on New Years' Day I was admitted to the hospital. I spent six days there with a sinus infection, pleurisy and double pneumonia. It was really rough. Came home and continued to recuperate and finally started to feel better about two weeks ago.

Then came the snow...and more snow...and more snow - so I haven't been out of the house in ages! I am seeing the sun today and feeling much better - but still too much snow and ice for me to venture out and risk a slip and fall!

Now - Today is the beginning of my New Year! I just scheduled my LapBand surgery...I'm scared to death and very excited at the same time. Finally I'll have a tool that will help me get myself on track. I have so many thoughts going through my mind that I can hardly stand it!

So, I'm back here to blog, participate and continue this journey with the support that I know I really need to have. Once I can get out of the house I'll be able to start going to the support group that my doctor has. In the meantime, I hope that I can help to support others through this journey. WOW - my surgery is a month from today!!!!


First Appointment

Oct 01, 2009

I had my initial consultation today with Dr. Singh's office. This is finally starting to feel REAL! I've been thinking about the surgery for so long but didn't start moving forward until about three weeks ago. I had many false starts. The first time my family sort of chickened out. They were too worried about side effects and I started yet another session with Weight Watchers. I'm grateful for the many attempts at Weight Watchers, because somewhere deep inside me I know what to do to take care of myself.

There was a lot of information given to me today and my head was swimming by the time I walked out of the office almost 2 hours later. I scheduled my nutritionist appointment for right after meeting with Dr. Singh because they're in the same office. Save a little time, a little gas and another trip out of the house.

I'm so ready for this! I've decided on LapBand surgery because it makes the most sense for me. I'm going to have to fight with the insurance company and they're going to be more likely to put this through. There are no problems proving that this surgery is needed for medical reasons. I have three doctors that will swear to that. So - I'm starting my journey for real! I need to get a letter from the psychiatrist and copies of all the attempts at Weight Watchers, etc. - but I'm starting to see some light at the end of this tunnel!

I'll be starting my support group this month as well. This  is definitely progress!


About Me
Columbia, MD
Nov 08, 2008
Member Since

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