I hate being edited!

Jul 24, 2007

LOL!  I tried to make a post to the Big Medicine discussion board in response to someone who posted a suggestion for me, and I got a message that I used "trigger words" in my post.  SO...I'm going to post my response here...I hope it makes sense without the part before it!  (poogaly asked me if I could still take advantage of the surgeon's willingness to do the work pro bono and have them do all of the plastic surgery work in one big operation...)


My plastic surgeon will not do everything at one time.  While it could be done, it significantly increases the amount of time in surgery, which increases the possibility of complications involved in doing the procedures.  My surgeon would rather err on the side of caution than do a bunch of work at once and take the added gamble.  Honestly, how can I argue with that?

While I would love to get everything done at the same time, I also have a lot of respect for my plastic surgeon and completely trust his decision to do just the belly this round.  I know it means another battle with the insurance company to get the rest done (the arms and "girls" will make me particularly nuts!), and I will fight.  I know that the next round will be harder, but I'll keep going after what is needed for my physical well-being.

Thank you for your post!  I know I've said it a lot in my posts to this discussion board, but the support I've felt from Big Medicine viewers has been amazing, and it helps me get through this part of the journey."

And we don't get paid anything for sharing our story...I chose to do it so that someone who is in the same spot I am in now or was in before might see my story and realize that they are not alone and that they, too, can get healthy.


Jul 24, 2007

Yesterday I received the "official" letter from my insurance company that says the abdominoplasty has been approved.  I'm going to have surgery on September 4, 2007...what a trip!

While I'm thrilled that I'm getting this procedure, it is also a very emotional time for me.  It is a big step in the journey that I've taken, and it is leading me one step closer to "normal", whatever that is.  It is exciting and scary that I'm going to go under with a massive fold of excess skin and I'm going to wake up with a flat belly!  I can't even begin to imagine what that is going to feel like!

I'm going to have to continue to do some major psychological work to get my head ready for this change.  Trust me, anyone who says this journey through weight loss (surgically assisted or not) is easy has clearly never done it!  I am fortunate that I have lots of love and support, both around me in "the real world" and through the great people who have reached out to me after my appearance on Big Medicine on TLC.

More to come...


Jul 19, 2007

I've gotten some very interesting questions about my journey so far.  It has really made me take time to stop and think about some of the things I've gone through.  I thought I'd share some of my journey, a little bit at a time.

When I first went to see Dr. Garth Davis, I was excited and nervous.  When he told me that I had to lose weight before he would do the surgery, I was initially devastated, but as he continued to talk to me and discuss ways I had been successful losing weight in the past, I began to feel better about the idea.  In fact, when I left his office, I felt empowered with a plan to get off enough weight to get the surgery.

As I was losing weight, I was also fighting a battle with my insurance company.  Turns out my employer had an exclusion written in to the policy for weight loss surgeries.  I fought, but to no avail.  I was crushed, but resigned to the idea that I would work on saving the money to get the surgery.

Over lunch with some of my girlfriends one day, I was telling them about the insurance having the exclusion and that I would not be able to have the surgery until I could save the money myself.  As we were walking to our cars after lunch, one of my girlfriends offered to loan me the money to have it done as soon as possible.  I was shocked and grateful.  Surgery was scheduled for September 27, 2005.

more to come....

Feeling the love!

Jul 17, 2007

I was on TLC's Big Medicine on Monday.  It was a trip, let me tell you!  It is very, very weird to see yourself on TV, let alone completely naked!  But the most amazing part of it all has been the response from people who saw the show.  I have felt more love and compassion than I can tell you.  The love and support of complete strangers has been beyond words, and I couldn't be more grateful!

Many people were just as disappointed as I was when I found out that, even after appeal, my insurance company denied my request for reconstructive surgery.  What was not on the show (because it was still in the process of happening) is that I filed a second appeal...I have a two level appeal system with this company.  I just found out that, on review of the second appeal, the insurance company reversed their decision and approved the abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)!

It was great news, and I'm very excited that I got it so close to the air date of the show so I can share it with all of you who have shown so much love to me.  I'm working on scheduling and will keep you posted through this blog.

Thank you, again, for all of the great support you've given me!  You can contact me at [email protected].

About Me
Sugar Land, TX
Jul 17, 2007
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I hate being edited!
Feeling the love!
