9 days post op Follow up w/dr

Aug 29, 2008

Everything looks good!!! I have lost 25 total lbs. 12 lbs in the past 9 days!! I am so excited. I can go back to work and swim. No treadmill for another few weeks.

One week Post Op

Aug 27, 2008

BORED out of my mind. Cant do a lot but I do try to walk walk walk and sip sip sip. Never ending cycle but its just a small blip in the big picture. I can do this one day at a time. Went to the book store today. I got pretty tired and I am actually hungry for sushi. Eventually I can have my one piece and be satisfied. My scales suck so bad - not even close to the drs and want to try to be on the same page. Now my husband is pissing me off about scales. I gotta quit being hung up on a number. COMING from a skinny person!

4 days POST Op

Aug 24, 2008

Man I am tired....drink drink drink....Im sorry...sip sip sip. The hospital was great. I was in incredible pain and misery the next morning and had to do the esophogram and was NOT NICE. But I am better now. Mom came to stay with me and help. My husband and daughter are helping lots too. Just trying to figure out how to get all this protein in.

Pre-Op diet ...day 7

Aug 10, 2008

I really thought the weekend was going to be hard to get thru. It wasn't except that I found that I probably did not eat enough protein. I barely ate 4 carbs but barely got the 70 protein in.  Not too wild about the EAS protein shakes my husband bought. I guess there are others out there to try.  I  do have a massive headache today so I am going to try to sleep it off. 9 more days.

Pre-Op diet...day 3

Aug 07, 2008

Day one was not too bad but a little confused if I could have more than 70 protein and whether I actually had to eat 30 carbs. I still felt a little hunger but I am focused on the big picture.

Day two was much better. I made me 2 eggs for breakfast with a tiny bit of cheese. I did better by eating breakfast. STill not drinking a lot of water. Need to get better at that.

Day three - about the same as yesterday. Not hungry and drank more water. Dont really know if I am losing weight. I only weighed myself at the doctor and not at home. 

Focus Focus Focus.

About Me
Austin, TX
Jul 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 5
9 days post op Follow up w/dr
One week Post Op
4 days POST Op
Pre-Op diet ...day 7
Pre-Op diet...day 3
