Feeling strange

Jun 14, 2008

Today I am about four days into a 4 week OPTIFAST preparation for surgery on the 10th of July.  I think that the Optifast has been kind of difficult for me to manage, and I perhaps have not been planning quite as well as I ought to; because at least twice in teh past four days I ahve either not gotten the number of packets consumed that were advised, or I was not able to eat when I should, and became famished feeling by the time I was able to get what I needed. food has been nearly hog-tying me down... I am sooo missing being able to chew something.  

Then I read some scarey posts about people never being able to eat steak, or pork, and this is starting to scare me.. even though I thought I had everything sorted out in my mind.. and heart for a good while. I want ot run out and eat barbecued Pork before I lose the chance! 

I took an extra two years, nearly considering what I might have to give up, and how hard it might be to struggle through to my goal, before embarking upon the Lap-band journey. So, being hesitant today, and missing food already, is almost startling to me.  

How does one get past the temptation to pull the pull on teh whole thing?

I suppose I will just be praying and at the mercy of God, in all of this.  I cannot face the future without the hope of being able to move, and have a life that is more normalized than it has been the past ten years, anyway, because of my obesity.  I know without a doubt that  there aer many more years ahead of opportunities ofr enjoying life, and spending time with people who love me. People have always been more important than food, so why is this such a challenge?  
Well,  I'll just keep praying for the confidence and faith to move ahead.

About Me
Wadsworth, OH
Surgery Date
Apr 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 11
November Fill: Total weight loss is 35 pounds
Second Fill Loss after surgery 15 pounds, Total: 30 pounds
First Fill Total loss after surgery 10 pounds
First Doctor's appt: 7-16 Amazed by Grace
made it through anesthesia, and banding.
Total Optifast Loss = 15 lbs.
Optifast progress
Advantages of Losing weight
My Weight loss on Optifast so far
