Come Back!?

Feb 15, 2009

Hey everyone,

First of all I have to apologize heavily for disappearing on you all and not coming back to give you all an up date progress of how I'm doing.

Secondly,  I am doing well.     I am 14 weeks out of surgery, I'm still getting use to slowing myself down and learning how to make good choices and healthy activities in my life.  My friends and family were all very supportive and all do pretty well with even reminding me of what I'm doing and how I'm doing.   I'm glad still though that I'm not overwhelmed and bombarded with tons of questions and the on and on comradely of talking about my surgery.  People just sort of let me be.

So lets start with a few stats... hmm.    well weight before surgery at my heaviest was 463.7 lbs..  wheew, man thought I'd never would see myself get that close to 500lbs.    Now, 14 weeks from surgery and surprisingly under weight from what I weighed when I graduated H.S. in 2004  ((((  378.3lbs ))))
I thought it would be forever for me to start off my weight with the number 3.   But its not the number that counts most of all.  Its how I feel and how much I've changed in such a short time.   I feel more confident that and realistically can believe that soon and one day I will be saying 2 and perhaps even 1 at the start of my weight and perhaps one day achieve my full on complete weight loss and goals.

So for all who have been looking for me and wanting to know how I've been. IM HERE!!  I'm alive and I'm living it... as a LOSER and a happy one at that.



About Me
Dec 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 19
First Follow Up Results
One Week from TODAY!!
Tell All the World, that I am on my way!!
Ok... This is it
Waiting, Waiting, waiting...waiting.......
It all starts in the morning...
