Working On

Weigh under 200 pounds

534 working on · 282 achieved · Target goal date: 12/25/2008
Working On

Wear a size 12

95 working on · 78 achieved · Target goal date: 12/25/2008
Working On

look sexy in sweat pants

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 12/25/2008
Working On

Have A BMI int he low 30's

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 12/25/2008
About Me
Jun 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 14
No Band.... No Sleeve....
It's really happening.....
Last Night..............
5 days..........................
I am ..........
I am amazed.........
I really........
I have met....................
