Get your own copy of Effective Immediately online today!

Sep 03, 2008

Do you want justice served today?  Are you intriged by drama, mystery and suspense?  Then pick up your own copy of Effective Immediately today!!!  Aminia Books and Publishing is proud to announce that another fine piece of literature is available online and through your local bookstores!  Effective Immediately by author Gail Anderson has every element of life on every page.  Happiness, love, sadness, broken-hearted, mystery, battles, victories, and an ultimate KILLER ending!

You can purchase your very own copy of
Effective Immediately online through:
Via my website www.

Be sure to visit my website and sign my guest book so that I know you were there!

I will update my website continuously so be on the lookout for new and exhilarating things to come. While you're there, sit back relax and kick your heels up. Be sure to sign my guestbook to let me know how you like my new abode. Also stay tuned for my book release and book signing event coming soon. Thanks family and friends for your support and encouragement.

Love ya!

Before and after LAP_BAND WLS pics

Jul 17, 2008


One hundred pound weight loss.

Jul 05, 2008

Working my tool!

Mar 11, 2008


Hello and many blessings to each of my OH friends and extended family.  I was looking back at some pictures that I had taken last summer prior to having Lap-Band surgery.  I was speechless when I ran across this particular picture taken by my sister.  I know pictures say a thousand words but good grief Charlie Brown mine spoke millions.  I gained so much weight that I didn't see the woman who i knew that I was deep inside.  Having WLS surgery was and is the best thing that I could have done for myself EVER!  I give praises to my Lord and Savior for giving me the strength when I feel like giving in to temptation, for allowing me to see a brand new day, and for regaining my mobility, confidence, and ambition once again.

Special thanks to Joy for being my personal angel.  I know I haven't called you in sometime, but you are in my prayers for your speedy recovery.  Take care all and remember to stay encouraged and to WORK THAT TOOL!

Happy New Year!

Jan 06, 2008

Hello to every one this New Year.  I first would like to say that I'm truly thankful and blessed to be alive and well in 2008 with my new tool. This time last year I could not have never believed that I would have lost 75 pounds yet alone have the chance to have Lap-Band surgery.  For that I am blessed and highly favored.  Thank you Jesus!

I'm still noticing the many changes that my body is going through and loving every moment of it.  Sometimes it's hard for me to stay positive and move on ahead because I do have much more weight to lose.  But I also look at it on the other hand that I have lost more than I would if I had not had the opportunity to have my WLS.  I'm usually impatient and at times want instant gratification, so I have to learn to be more patient and realize that things will happen as they are suppose to, utilize my new tool properly and how it is meant to be used in order to achieve my WL goal.  I want to thank all my friends and family that have encouraged me and have cheered me on.    It's good to know that others also see the changes as I do.  

My mom and my best friend is also losing weight and I can notice the significant changes in her too.  She's moving around so much better and her clothes are hanging from her to the point where she's tripping over the hem of her dresses.  When we each reach our goal weight we shall be too fierce so watch out world!

With the New Year now here I made no resolutions.  Never seem to keep them anyway.  I've made some short and long obtainable goals and with each milestone I shall reward myself.  Hopefully by the spring time I will have lost and addtional 75 pounds and plan on going on a cruise to the caribbean.  I want to lap up much sunshine and to be completely spoiled rotten.  I want to wear comfortably a one piece swinsuit and enjoy the skin that I'm in without feeling embarrased.  I shall to hold my head up high like the regal woman that I am within which will also show on the outside.  My stride will be that of a woman whom knows what she wants and how to get it.  My persona shall say "Now that's a woman with style and has her act together".  For you see I am Lady G.

I will attempt to update my page as often as I can and chart my weight loss more frequently.  Well take care all and may God bless you and keep you safe in 2008.  Many blessings.

Allergic Reaction to Lisinopril in 2006

Dec 02, 2007

On February 20, 2006 I went for a check-up with Dr. Clifford Johnson.  This was my first doctor’s visit since recently obtaining health care insurance.  The medical assistant checked me in and took my vitals such as my height, weight, and blood pressure.  She then asked what was the nature of my doctor’s visit.  I then explained that I needed a complete check-up and that I wanted Dr. Johnson as my primary care physician.

Dr. Johnson that can in and reviewed my chart and noticed that my blood pressure was rather high.  He then took my blood pressure and according to him still read to be elevated.  A week prior my husband had a doctor’s visit with Dr. Johnson and was given Benazepril to treat his hypertension.  He asked my husband if he did well with the medication and if there was any complications.  My husband answered no, at which point Dr. Johnson prescribed me the exact same medication for my hypertension.  I also had blood drawn in the lab across the hall from his office.  I had my prescription filled at Wallgreens pharmacy and they gave me the generic prescription for Benazepril called Lisinopril.  This was on a Monday and I took the medication on the same day.

On Tuesday February 21, 2006 I started to have stomach pains and nausea. I could not eat and could only drink small amount of fluid.  I thought that I was experiencing an upset stomach and took anti-acids to relieve the discomfort.  By Thursday February 23, 2006 I began to feel better and could eat without much of the stomach discomfort that I had the previous days before. 

On Friday February 24, 2006 I went for a consultation for a sleep study to determine if I had sleep apnea.  After leaving my appointment I went home and took the medication to treat my hypertension (Lisinopril).    Approximately thirty minutes later I began to have and itch like tingle with my upper lip.  Since I was driving, I looked into my driver side vanity mirror and noticed that my upper lip had started to swell from the right corner of my lip.   About thirty minutes later the swelling began to spread to the center of my lip and eventually my entire lip increased double in size.

I arrived at my home about an hour later and took Benedryl to help with the swelling and discomfort of my upper lip.  This did not take the swelling down.  A couple of hours later I called my doctors office and left a message to the answering service stating the matter of my problem.  Several minutes later the doctor on call, Dr. P Martin returned my call.  I informed him of my problem after which he took my information down such as who my doctor was, what medication I was taking, and what pharmacy I used.  He goes on to tell me that he would call in Methyloprednisolone to combat the swelling and to take as prescribed.  About an hour after taking the medication the swelling began to go down and eventually disappeared entirely.  This was on Friday.

Approximately 3 a.m. Saturday (the next day)  morning I awoke to having discomfort in my throat.  It felt as if I had swallowed glass and it had gotten stuck in my throat.  My voice also changed and I began to struggle to speak.  A few hours later my condition worsened and I called the doctors office once again.  My husband spoke with the doctor’s nurse who returned the call.  She stated that I should go to emergency immediately.  My husband took me to Shawnee Mission Medical Center and upon arrival the admitting nurse took down my basic information, then I was taken to a room in the ER.  My vitals were taken and I was hooked up to a heart monitor and was given oxygen.  Sometime later the ER doctor came in and spoke with me about my symptoms.  She read my chart and then looked down my throat, shortly after she called in another physician and they both determined that my throat was closing and that I would have to have a tub inserted down my throat to have my airway cleared.  The doctor stated that if my throat closed completely during the procedure an incision would be performed to my throat and the breathing tube would be inserted in order to be intubated.

The doctor’s went on to explain that I would be given a local anesthesia and not be put completely under because they wanted me to swallow the breathing tube once the procedure began.  I was then prepared for surgery and given an IV for the anesthesia.  I signed permission forms for the surgery and was wheeled into the operating room.  I was then introduced to the surgeon, anesthesiologist, one other surgeon and an operating room nurse.  There was also a surgical technician in the operating room.  I was given an oral spray to numb my throat and also medication through my IV.  The surgeon went on to explain that I should feel sleepy and that the procedure would follow shortly after I drifted to sleep.  I awoke during the procedure to a feeling like I couldn’t breath and struggled to get air.  I remember being held down and restrained while trying to breathe.  Sometime after I black out.  After the procedure the surgeon informed my husband and family members that I was intubated and everything went well.  He stated that my throat had clamped shut and I began to struggle while they were performing the procedure and had to be held down and restrained by four people.  

The next day I awoke in ICU with the tube down my throat and breathing with the aid of a respirator.  The attending physician and surgeon, who performed the intubation, came in to see if my throat and airways had opened.  Upon visual examination the doctor determined that my airway was clear and then took the breathing tube out and I was off the respirator. After being fully awake for about an hour, I began to experience lower back pain on my left side.  I was given Morphine for the pain through my IV and shortly after went back to sleep.  When I awoke I was still in severe pain and complained to the nurse.  She then contacted the attending physician who increased the dosage of Morphine.  I was given Morphine for pain every few hours or as needed for pain.  I was also given several other medications to help combat the pain that went on throughout my stay at the hospital.  A Dr. Dall saw me periodically and he then prescribed me Demerol for the lower back pain.  Demerol was the only medication that would help with the pain, but would wear off after two and a half hours.  I was also taken to x-ray to see if they could find the case of my lower back pain.

I was seen by the physical therapist and given physical therapy while in the hospital.  The therapist ordered a walker since I could not walk more then five to ten feet and could not stand on my own without the aid of the walker.  I was then released to go home the next day (March 1, 2006) and wheeled out in a wheelchair.  Since I was in so much pain, was numb and had no feeling on my lower left side, I could not care for myself.  I could not shower, clean or bathe myself.  My husband had to assist me while using the bathroom and helped dressed, bathe and care for my basic needs.  My mother also stayed with me for a week two weeks after my husband return to work to help care for me.

I wanted to share my story with others to possible aid in the prevented of taking prescribed medications that can and might harm you.  Talk with your doctor and if need be get a second opinion.  Be aware of what your taking and the side effects they may cause.








Out of control!

Nov 24, 2007

Hello to my OH family.  I hope this holiday season finds you well and in good spirits.  Thus far I've lost 70 pounds since my surgery in August 2007.  I can feel the changes in my body and know that the lap-band is aiding me with my WL journey.  But! And yes there is a but, I'm beginning to feel like I am out of control with my eating habits and it is hard to get back on track.

In the beginning of the month I went to have my third lap-band fill and addressed an issue that I had to Dr. Kaniewski.  The day before I had black stool which was a hugh concern for me since I've never had that to happen before.  She sent me to a place called PRL which does blood and speciman testing.  I had a blood test done which the test result came back normal, but my stool sample came back for positive for blood.  I was completely devastated and cried uncontrollably.  Dr. Kaniewski said that I it meant that I had a bleeding ulcer (probally from the medication Tramadol used to treat back pain).

I couldn't get my band filled until futher testing and had to stop taking Tramadol.  So now not only am I in pain, but now I don't have the restriction that I need.  I am able to consume way more food that I am comfortable with and to date have been in a "depressed" like state because of my health issue.  I was doing so well and was finally able to see the light at the tunnel, then BAMM" this happened.  I know that trouble will not last always and my condition can be treated with medication and proper diet, but it is still somewhat discouraging to say the least.

Now I have to find a way to deal with my issues and get back on track like I should be in order to continue to be successful and maintain my weight loss.  I am snacking in between meals and before I know it, the old way that I used to handle stressful situations creeps back in.  I know that the lap-band is just a tool and not a cure all and realize that is up to be to used it to the best of my ability.  I have to refocus and set my goals in order to obtain my desired weight loss goals.

I'm asking for helpful hints and dietary choices that will enable me to do what I know is right and not to resort back to old eating habits and or choices.  I still have a weight loss goal to loss twenty pounds by Christmas time and I know that it is crunch time.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I do all my OH family.  

Remember to turn your mess into a message and your stress into a blessing.  Luv you all!!!!

Weight loss

Nov 05, 2007

Hello to all.  It's been a few weeks since my last post so I thought that I should give an update.  I went to the patient meeting @ the MISH hospital where I had my surgery on Saturday.  We had our support monthly meeting after the seminar that's hosted there.  I gave a patient testimony which will enable me to gain points to use toward future fills and other things such as tummy tucks and or arm tucks.  It felt great to able to stand for thirty minutes without my back feeling like someone set a hot polker to it.  It's funny to see peoples reactions to my weight loss when I tell them that I lost 64 pounds in two and a half months.  It is totally priceless. 

My weight loss has slowed down to about 5-8 pounds a month give or take a pound or two.  I know that once I lose about twenty additional pounds I will start to work out and do more walking.  I am excited when I try on clothes that are several sizes smaller and the swelling in my feet, hands, and ankles are gone.  

I go for my next fill on Friday because I know that I need more restriction.  I'M STILL HUNGERY AT TIMES!  I haven't felt totally restricted but I stop myself from eating like I did pre-op.  It's all in the mind to me.  Water had become my best friend since I crave it on a daily basis.  I'm constantly going to the bathroom to pee(excuse the expression to those who are offended).  To me the more the better and it means that the fat is flushing away and gone forever.

Hopefully by Christmas I'll have twenty pounds off which is my goal.  So that means that I will have to abide by the rules and work my butt off (literally).  This Thanksgiving dinner will be on a way smaller scale, much, much smaller.  I know that I have a family to prepare for, but they understand and are supportive of me and my choices to eat and lead a more healthier lifestyle.  So all is good.  Thanks to those who have the kind words of encouragement.  Smoochesssss.

Old Habits die hard

Oct 18, 2007

Ok OH Family, I had to write this post before I lose my sanity.  Having the Lap-Band is a great tool but not a cure all.  I still have urges and at times eat somethings that I should not have.  I feel extremely guilty afterwards but in the end what's done is done and I can't take back what I've already eaten.  

While attending the monthly phys. meetings, I addressed the issue of eating just because and not because I'm hungry.  I mentioned to him that I had to recondition by eating habits and he states that's exactly what I have to do, but it's still a daily struggle.  I've done so very well so far for myself.  To date 60 pounds lost, but like my title states "Old habits die hard".  

My question to you is what the heck do I do to try and curb my cravings? One lady during the meeting stated that she hadn't been hungry in over eight months.  WHAT!!!!!  How the do you go for eight months and not be hungry?  She had the RNY surgery and can eat very little and become full.  Maybe I need to go in for another fill before my scheduled appointment on Novemeber 2nd.  This will be my third fill since my WLS in August.  I have to stay focused and determined because I didn't endure trials and tribulations only to resort back to "the old me".  

Any advice would be greatly needed and appericated.

My Second Band Fill

Oct 08, 2007

Well OH Family,  I went to the MISH and had my second fill on Friday.  I got my appointment days mixed up and was supposed to be there on Thursday instead of Friday.  I called Friday morning to see if they could fit me in since I desperately needed my band filled.  I was beginning to eat way more than I was comfortable with and wanted my band restricted to eat way less.  So The receptionist said that they were booked solid the entire day and that the next available day would be on next Thursday.    I was not too happy about that and was determined to see Dr. K by any means possible.   So I asked her if she had any cancellations would she please, please call me.  I gave her both my cell and home phone number to make sure she had a way to contact me.

Several hours passed and she finally called my on my cell to tell me that I could come in at 3:30.  I was like "I sure can".  So I picked my youngest daughter about twenty minutes before school was to let out  (she arrives home via school bus at 3:45) in order to make my appointment on time.

When I arrived I spoke with the receptionist who is always friendly and knows me by my name.  I completed the forms that I to fill out everytime I have an office visit, and inquired about how many points I had.  My weight loss surgeons offers points to patients that can be used toward Lap-band fills, tummy tucks, thigh lifts, and arm tucks and a few other post weight loss services.  You receive points for every pound you lose, testimonies, referal seminar attendance. seminar testimonies, attending the nutritional and phys. classes, and self paying patients(which I am a self paying patient).  So I racked 3,500 points so far that I used for my Lap_band fill.  Since I didn't have to pay for it I saved $175.00.  Yay!!!

I was weighed before I had my fill and was very nervous about gaining weight since I felt that I could eat more than I was comfortable with.  The nurse was like "I bet you lost weight", and I was like "I think I didn't.  But guess what?  I lost six more pounds in two weeks after the first Lap-Band fill.  I was pleased about that.  So now I'm nine pounds away from my goal which is to get below the 400 pound mark.  To date that is a total of almost sixty pounds of fat gone from my body for good.

I have a long way to go but I'm on track and and doing well.  I want to start aqua aerobic and toning my body.  I notice now that since I'm losing weight that a few things on my body are becoming "jiggly" for the lack of a better word.  So I desperately want to tone and define my legs, thighs, arm and butt.

I set small goals for myself which I try to complete on thing at a time.  I have to stay focused and determined in order to maximize my new tool to the fullest.  I can't wait until my next weigh in and will keep my OH family updated to how much weight I lost.


About Me
Shawnee, KS
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2007
Member Since

Friends 72

Latest Blog 13
Get your own copy of Effective Immediately online today!
Before and after LAP_BAND WLS pics
One hundred pound weight loss.
Working my tool!
Happy New Year!
Allergic Reaction to Lisinopril in 2006
Out of control!
Weight loss
Old Habits die hard
My Second Band Fill
