I was skinny as a little girl.  Up until I got into the 3rd grade is when I started gaining weight.  By the time I graduated High School in 1987 I was in a size 16.  Then I entered the world of college, college cafeterias, hanging out with friends and doing 2 of our favorite things:  rocking to heavy metal and eating.  Come on, everyone knows that after a concert or seeing bands play at a club you then hit the diners for cheese fries with gravy and a cheeseburger.  So by 1989 I was 250lbs but not for long.

I decided then in 1989 to go see a nutritionist who put me on a cookie diet, yes..I said a cookie diet.  With a water retention pill and a diet suppressent, these cookies were to make you full after you eat them.  I was on this diet all the way into the summer of 1990 where I lost 100lbs.  I looked good.  I looked like a female rocker.  Long red hair, jade green eyes (contacts), and I was a size 11-12 but not for long.

In November of 1990 my brother Kevin was diagnosed with Cardiomyapthy, a virus to the heart.  He needed a heart transplant to live.  So my nerves kicked in and out the window went the cookie diet and back in the mouth was food..lots of it.  Not to leave you hanging about my brother, he got the heart in May of 1991 and in April of 2001 he was diagnosed with Cancer which was caused by the 2 anti-rejections meds and died at 28.

I have had some medical issues like IBS and Acid Reflux but in the summer of 2007 I was bit by a deer Tic and had Stage III Lymes Disease.  This caused major problems:  High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea, Low Immune, Aches and Pains and massive swollen ankles and feet.  It came to the point that I was taking up to 13 medications just to function for a day.

Finally in 2009 I decided to do the surgery but back then Insurance Companies made you jump through hoops to get approved and just when I thought I was, the Insurance Company denied me saying I didn't do what was required right.  So I got frustrated and said "forget it, I will just be fat forever"

Now in 2011 my Insurance Company decided to change their requirements for the surgery and a new surgery was introduced (vertical sleeve) so thanks to my husband who convinced me to have the surgery with him, I did on July 12th (hubby had his on June 28th). 

I am so glad I did this.  I weighed in the day of surgery at 255lbs and on July 19th at my follow up visit I weighed in at 236lbs..19lbs LOST!!  I haven't seen the 230's in ages.  Thanks to this surgery, most of my medical conditions are GONE...yes I said GONE!!! 

Now it's just waiting and watching the pounds drop off so I can be healthier and skinnier and have more energy for when we suprise my kids with a trip to Disney World in September and the rest of my life.

God Bless

About Me
Jul 20, 2011
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