Phase 1...

Jul 20, 2011

On July 12th I had done the Vertical Sleeve surgery.  I was very excited because I knew it was the day my life was going to change for the better.  I got to Hackensack Hospital by 11:30 and was prepped for surgery.  When the surgery was over, I was told that I had a hiatel hernia and that they repaired it before they did the surgery.  I wasn't in recovery long and when I got into my room I had the pleasure of sharing it with an older woman who loved to moan and scream for no apparent reason.  Then when she was sleeping (knew because she was a loud snorer) she would talk in her sleep and have a full length conversation.  UUGH!

Wednesday the 13th arrived and I had to go for this test to make sure I wasn't leaking inside.  I had to drink the most horrible stuff you could ever imagine.  OH MY took every ounce of my being not to throw up.  But I passed and was told they were going to discharge me early in the evening. 

Evening came and the nurse handed me this pain pill to see if I could tolerate it.  About a half hour after taking it my body became clampy and shakey.  The pain near my incisions were hurting very bad.  I was shaking and rocking back and forth.  The nurse came in and pumped through my IV the pain killer that I had been on already and thank God, it evened my out.  But by that time I was extemely night so I stayed another night.

Thursday the 14 I came home.  They then tried to send me home with Percocet but I said NO WAY!!  They give me the same "bad trip" feeling the ones you gave me yesterday and it kicks up my Acid Reflux.  So my nurse ripped up the prescription and threw it away.  By afternoon I was home..WOOHOO!

From the 14th to the 19th I was home recovering and trying to get used to Phase 1 of this diet...Nothing but clear liquids for 2 whole weeks....UUGH!!!!

On the 19th I had my first follow up visit with the doc and after they weighed me I was told I went in at 255lbs the day of surgery and now I am down to 236lbs...thats 19lbs!!!!!!!!!

So now I am in the gym 3 days a week and walking at our local county park which is really huge.   Still a little sore.  I have to deal with this liquid diet until Tuesday the 26th and to mushy foods I go.

God Bless
Lady Mychel

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Jul 20, 2011
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