Thursday, Sept. 13, 07

Sep 13, 2007

Increased protein and water, walk 2 miles 3 days a week and still haven't lost any weight.  Did gastric bypass not work for me?  Was this even worth it.  I weigh now what I normally weighed in my adult life before deciding to have this surgery.  I put on the extra 20pounds to qualify for surgery and now I'm back to where I started and hate it.  
I officially broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years today.  I've known now for a while that it wasn't going to work but I really wanted to try and make it work.  Unfortunately, it didn't.  I've lost a man, now if I can only lose weight.

Saturday, Sept. 8, 07

Sep 07, 2007

So, I haven't been losing any weight in over a week and I was starting to get nervous.  But after reading a few posts on the OH websites I realized that it's par for the course and I could increase my fluid and protein intake which will probably help speed up the weight loss process. 

Weigh ins

Sep 01, 2007

08/14/07- 261lbs. morning of surgery
08/21/07- 251
08/28/07- 241 
09/04/07- 240
09/11/07- 240
09/18/07- 238 finally a loss!
09/25/07- 235
10/02/07- 233

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Aug 25, 2007

I came home from the hospital last Saturday.  The surgery, it self, was a success and I also had my gallbladder removed.  However, I was extremely nausous due to the anesthsia and had severe gas pain and spent an extra night in the hospital per Dr. Giovanni's suggestion.

I went in weighing 261 and this morning I weighed 246lbs.  I'm still not feeling 100% but I hope to start walking again soon.  Prior to surgery I was walking 3 miles three times a week at Lincoln Woods and I hope to get back to that and also begin some weight training. 

I don't experience physical hunger but I do have the "head" hunger.  I think about all the things I wish I could eat but some of those foods, like taco bell, I hadn't eaten in a year so I know it must be some psychological thing.  Wanting what you know you can't have.  At times, I get nervous...I hope I did the right thing.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jul 31, 2007

I finally got my date...Wed. Aug. 14th at 12:30.  Lots of things going on right now with my sister's wedding happening this weekend so I haven't really been processing the fact that it's 2 weeks away.  I started the liquid diet today.  Kept busy most of the day so it hasn't been so bad.  Weighed in this morning at 267

Thursday, May 31, 2007

May 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Erica!

So, I've been struggling with losing weight and staying off the sugar.  It had a lot to do with stress.  I thought I was handeling my stress ok.  I take care of my sister's kids and my daughter everyday, prepare most of their meals, do bathtime, playtime, naptime, poopy pull-up time, and I was taking two Summer classes, one of which was completely overwhelming.  So I decided to drop it.  That was a big decision to make.  At first, I was confident in my decision to drop the class but I still felt like I was giving up.  I hate to give up.  I was really worried about what my professor and classmates thought about me if I didn't stay in the class.  But staying made me feel uneasy, always stressed and tired.  I couldn't stop watching my sister's kids that's something that I committed to them and makes their lives a tad bit easier and I know when I need them they'll do the same for me.  

It's been 2 days since dropping that course and  about a week since I decided that I'm not joining my program of study at school until next year.  That was also  a huge decision to make but in doing so I've put my health first.  The stress and fatigue I was experiencing from trying to do everything at once was really manifesting itself into the physical the form of my added weight.  I have not been able to lose any weight and my eating habits were horrible...I mean I started eating chocolate chip cookies everyday!  Atleast 15 a day and ice cream a pint a day...I was just eating to deal with all of my responsibilities and to deal with my breakup with my boyfriend about 3 weeks ago.  I still feel like for now that was the best decision for me...I don't know if we'll get back together, I know he wants to but I don't feel that way now...Right now I want to take care of ME.  I PROMISE FROM THIS MOMENT ON I WILL ONLY DO WHAT IS TRUELY BEST FOR ME, BY DOING SO I WILL BEGIN TO HEAL AND EVOLVE.

I can't wait to have this surgery.  All I need is to do my June weigh in  around the 20th and have that submitted to the insurance co. and to get cleared by Dr. Messier and have that submitted and I'll be golden. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 09, 2007

Well for the past few days I've been eating on a schedule and reducing my sugar intake.  It hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be.   I'm down 3lbs and I'm ok with that. 

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Apr 26, 2007

So, as of the beginning of the month, I've completed all of my testing.  I'm still attending the Tuesday support groups with Dr. Messier and believe that I need it. Due to my school schedule and my sister's wedding, I'm hoping to have surgery the second week of August.  So, with that said, I need to get my shit together.  

When I went in for my original consult I weighed in at 267lbs.  My home scale read 263 this morning.  However, I thought it would be less.  I'm still having difficulty letting go of may be my demise.  I feel like I just don't have any control over the sugar...I feel pathetic and defeated that a substance can have such a hold on me.  Hopefully, it won't stop me from qualifying for the surgery.

I'm constantly busy and only really only trip on chocolate when I'm pmsing otherwise, I'm actually not eating in response to stress as much as I did in the past.  I can be proud of myself for that.  

Keep your head up Landa, what is meant to be will be.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Apr 01, 2007

So, I saw Dr. G on Tuesday.  She was great.  She said I don't have to worry about losing any weight (her scale seemed a little off to me, I came in at 267) she would only worry if I gained weight between now and the next time I see her.  Considering her scale, to me, was a few pounds too high, I think I should be fine.  Especially since I'm going to start using some of the tools we discuss in the support groups.  I'm hoping to lose some considerable amount of weight preop now that I've had my initial consult.

On Friday, I went in for my HIDA scan and gallbladder ultrasound at Fatima hospital.  The technicians there were really nice everything went smoothly except for that one minute of nausea during the scan.  Aside from that, the worst part was how long the whole process took, 90 minutes alone for the scan.

Once I left Fatima, I called Dr. G's office to notify them and ask how I go about getting my final test, the endoscopy, done.  The receptionist said she would have to send a referral to Dr. Epstein's office and someone from there would be getting in touch with me.  I hope to hear from them sometime this week.

That's all for now.  All that's left is the endoscopy, the insurance approval and psych. clearance and I'm good to go.

I'm so excited.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mar 26, 2007

Dr. Giovanni's office called again yesterday and they can see me this afternoon.  I don't know why but I'm so freakin' nervous.  

I hope all goes well.

About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 28
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 08
Thursday, March 13, 08
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 9, 08
Weighing in
Sunday, December 16, 2006
I'm 30
Weigh ins
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2007
