Doctor's Appt

Oct 01, 2008

SO today I had 3 month check up! My labs are WONDERFUL. The MD was really impressed that even my protein was up!!! YEAH!

Wk #11

Sep 29, 2008

Well, wk number 11 will be here tomorrow. Man time has really flown by. It is really hard to believe. Once wk 6 was gone the other wks have just come and gone. I am super excited this wk. I am happy to report that I am not officially in the 180s. Ok so I am only 189, Hollar! And this wkend I bought a size 12 jeans! I haven't worn size 12 since middle school (7th grade). I am so excited. Looking back I really think that working out has played a huge role in losing inches!!! I wonder what size I will end up? It is so exciting. I actually went through all my clothes this past wkend (and gave them to a coworker). I had some really cute clothes. It was a little hard parting with them because of that always lingering thought of what if it all comes back! It is always in the back of my head but I am living my life as if it isn't there. I am not going to give into fear anymore! I am so happy right now with life. Looking back I can really see how depressed I was in life because of my weight. I have my 3 month appointment on Wed with my surgeon. I am curious to find out what he thinks of my progress. I guess I have felt like it has been a little slow so I will let you know what he says!!


Sep 22, 2008

Well, tomorrow is wk number 10 for me.  I have only dropped 1 pound since last wk! I guess this is how it is going to be. I mean at least i figured my body's method to the madness, but I just feel like things are going SOOOO slow. I am still working out pretty hard (but only 4 days a wk) and I love it. I never thought I would say that, but I really do love working out. My coworkers are getting on my nerves because I feel like all eyes are on me. It's annoying, plus they ask me EVERYDAY how much weight I have lost. It gets old day after day. Other than that not to much going on. I am just taking it one day at a time trying to get in all the protein and vitamins. I started taking Biotin only because I figured it couldn't help and I really don't want to lose any hair. I haven't so far but from what I read there is no way to predict if you are going to. I guess I will just have to keep my fingers crossed and pray a lot!

Week Number 9

Sep 16, 2008

Well, today is wk number 9. (I didn't work out yesterday so I am posting today). Anyway, last wk I had my monthly visitor. I think I may have discovered a pattern my body is doing with the weight loss (because this happened last month too). Basically, the wk of my cycle and the wk after I lose weight like crazy and then I stall for two wks. It is so weird though, If anything I thought I would be hanging/gaining weight during my cycle. Anyway, I am a little relieved that I can at least see a pattern to the madness. Besides last wk I lost 7 pounds! Whooohooo!!!!! I now wight (drum roll please).....192!  I am super excited, and hope to lose more weight this wk before stalling out again. Well ya'll thats it for this wk.

Tomorrow is wk #8

Sep 08, 2008

Hey ya'll. Well, tomorrow is almost here. You guys probably wonder why I post the day before. Well, basically Mondays start my exercise program all over again for the wk. I have found that after I exercise I weigh more. Anyway, since tomorrow is 2 months I have done my measurements again. I do have to say I am pretty frustrated with my weight. It is still at 199 for wk number freaking 3!!! It is so fruststrating. I do spinning (which is really hard) and the eliptical and I have started weights. I know it  could be because my body is building muscles and losing inches, but it messes with your head ya know? I just feel like I should be farther out. It is frustrating, especially when I read other people's blogs and see that it is melting off. I guess I need to stop doing that. Anyway, I guess that is all I really have.

Right Arm 14.5 inches (- 1 inch since last post)
Left Arm 14.5 inches (-1 inch since last post)
Upper leg right 27.5 incehs ( 0 inhces)
Upper leg left 27.5 inches ( -1inch since last post)
Right calf 16 inches (- 0.5 inches since last post)
Left calf 16 inches (-0.5 inches since last post)
Right mid thigh 21.5 (-2.5 inches since last post)
Left mid thigh 21.5 (-2.5 inches since last post)
Hips 47.5 (-3.5 inches since last post)
Waiste 36 ( -2.5 inches since last post)
Ribs 34.5 (-1.5 inches since last post)

wk #7

Sep 01, 2008

So tomorrow will be wk number 7. I haven't lost any more weight. BOO. That is ok though. I had to take it easy working out last wk because of my groin. I pulled a muscle. This wk though it is gonna be on! My hubby came home and will be home for 1 1/2 wks yea, but then he leaves again. We went out of town this wkend to Vancouver Canada! We went with another couple (really to celebrate our 4 yr anniversary that is on Thursday). It was so much fun. I was pretty happy because I was able to tolerate bites of food from all the places we ate at. I was pretty scared that I would make our trip a pain because of things I couldn't eat. It is so funny going out to eat now. I usually just eat of hubby's plate since I can only eat so much. I am ready to lose some more weight. I guess I can't complain too much since I am down to a 14 jeans and have lost inches. Well, just wanted to give an update.

Wk # 6 and hitting Wonderland!

Aug 26, 2008

Well, today I stepped on the scale and I was 199. YEAHHHHHHH! Soo excited. I haven't weighed this much since high school. I am soo excited. Things are going so well for me. I seriously am so happy every day. I wake up knowing that there is hope for me. It is overwhelming. I cried today when I saw the 199. This past wkend I bought a new pair of jeans. I am in to a 14. Forget the 16's I skipped those! I feel overwhelmed. I saw my surgeon last wk. He was happy with my progress. He said if I can get in 80 great....but 70 grams of protein is great too! Honestly I always try to get more than 70. Well, I guess that is it. My hubby comes home on Wed. I hope he notices a difference since he hasn't seen me in 3 wks. Before he left he really couldn't tell a difference. Ok that's it for me until next week.

Wk number 5!

Aug 19, 2008

Well, i feel like my weight loss is at a crawl! I am down to 204 which I guess is 2 pounds since last wk. TOTAL OF 24 LBS. I am working out 4-5 days a wk by going to spin class or doing the eliptical. I can't do weights until next wk. Yesterday I saw the nutritionist she said she wanted to bump me up to 80 grams of protein a day! What the heck 80! That is 10 more! I can barely get my protein in now! Ahhh....she also wants me to add canned fruit and cooked veggies. I told her that after I get in my protein it just feels impossible to eat any mre. I can still only eat 1/8-1/4 cup at a time (depending on what it is) or at most 3 oz! I can't just sit around and eat all the time! Oh well, of coarse I am going to do it. I was supposed to go see the surgeon last wk for my one month check up. When I was at my 1 wk appt his resident told me to follow up at 3 months. OOPS I am going tomorrow. I am kinda nervous. Don't really know why. Maybe he will think I should have lost more by now. Who know. I do think I have gone down a size in pants. I started as a 18 and I think I am a 16 now. All of my pants are falling off of me. I am scared to try on 16s though. I don't want to jinx it. I know it is so stupid. OH yeah I am losing weight in ONE boob and am lopsided now! LOL what the heck. Hope that evens out! So this wk I have been redecorating my dining room. My husband is in training for a few wks and I have been kinda bored. It is coming out so cute. I just want to hurry up and finish it. Well, that is it for my weekly updayte.

The 4th wk........tomorrow

Aug 11, 2008

So tomorrow will be the actual day of the 4th wk completed. I am having one of the worst periods of my life so I am afraid to weigh. I did weigh myself the day before it started and it said 207! Yeah. That is 20 pounds. That is exciting. It is weird because when I look in the mirror I don't really see any differences but my clothes are fitting differently. I did do my measurements to compare.

Left arm  15.5 inches (-0.75 in)
right arm 15.5 inches (-1.5 in)
around ribs 36 inches (-3.5 in) **
waiste 38.5 inches  (-3in)**
hips 50 inhces (-2.75 in)***
upper left thigh 28.5 (-1 in)
upper right thigh 27.5(-1 in)
mid thigh left 22.5
mid thigh right 23.5
right calf 16.5(-1 in)
left calf 16.5 (-1 in)

Today I went to H&M and bought four shirts!!! It was so exciting!

On a different note on Oprah today they were talking about Gastric Bypass. Why is it that our society is putting such a negative spin on this surgery? (Like did anyone see the article in Self magazine this month OMG don't bother it will just piss you off).Obese people are the most discriminated in our country. Not only that but most people don't think twice about discriminating against a fat person! What the hell is going on in our country? If it was a white, black, asain, indian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim (fill in the blank) person our society as a whole we would not tolerate discrimination against any of them....but we turn a blind eye to that standard when it comes to the fatties! ARGH! It really pisses me off. I don't know why everyone has to have an opinion about the gastric bypass surgery. They discriminate against us being fat but then have something to say when our last resort is surgery. People say this surgery is the "easy way out", NOTHING that I have done has been easy! This is my pet peeve so I am just up on my soap box!

3 weeks out.......

Aug 05, 2008

Well I am three wks out as of today and have lost 18 pounds. While I am happy about the 18 pounds I have to admit that I wish it were coming off faster. Since working out I have noticed that my weight loss has slowed annoying! Makes you think twice about heading off to the gym. I have been feeling pretty good although do get tired in the afternoons for some reason. I am starting work on Thursday. I work part time so will only have to make it through Thursday and Friday. I am a little nervous to go back. My work is so busy (I am a nurse) I hope that I will be able to keep up! I am looking forward to having something else on my plate other than counting calories, protein, sugar and carbs. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. I really wanted to hit the 25 pound marker by one month. That is 7 more pounds to go. Seems like a lot, but what I have learned in these short wks, is you never know what your body is gonna do next or how it will respond to things. So I will just keep on hoping and praying those seven pounds come off!!! Well until next wk........

About Me
Surgery Date
May 13, 2008
Member Since

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wk 20
wk 19 .......sigh
update again.......
Man I haven't posted in a few wks.......
wk #15
wk # 14
wk #13
3 months out.....
