2 Weeks out..........

Jul 29, 2008

Hey ya'll! Well, I am two wks out today and have lost 16 pounds. Honestly, I am feeling pretty good. I started going to the gym this wk too. Honestly, things are going well.


Jul 19, 2008

Hey ya'll. Well, I have been home for two days and am going insane. I hate just sitting around and watching tv or movies, and my husband is driving me crazy. I didn't expect for this drain to be so annoying. It seriously is the only pain I am having. I can't wait for it to come out. I am having a little issue I was hoping to get you guys to help me with. I FEEL FULL ALL THE TIME, which I am sure is normal. I have been getting my protein in and about 20-30 oz of water BUT NOTHING ELSE. Even when I manage to get that in I still feel full! Is that pretty normal for the first wk post op? Also do you guys have any advise on getting more water in? I know it is important and your water intake plays a role in the weight that you do lose.

Speaking of weight, the last two days I have been having this horrible thought.....I am afraid that I am not going to lose weight. Isn't that silly! Or what if I only lose a little bit?

I think the whole fear of not losing weight was brought on by one of my best friends asking me to be in her wedding. I am so happy for her and happy that for once I won't be the fat girl in the ugly bridesmaid dress. Here is the problem her wedding isn't until April and we have to order our dresses in Oct. How the Hell am I going to do that? My body (hopefully) will look completely different. I am not sure what I can do. All the dresses have to be ordered together because the material has to be cut from the same bolt of material. Does anyone have any good ideas. When I went into surgery I weighted 225 and was a size 18. I can't even begin to guess what size I will be in 9 months! I NEED HELP!

Home Sweet home!

Jul 17, 2008

So my surgery was on Tuesday and it is Thursday and I am home. I was up walking the same day of my surgery. I feel pretty good. I am having some pain where my JP drain is but really that is the only pain I have been having. I have NEVER been happier to leave that hospital.....which says a lot because I work in one! I just couldn't sleep because of all the staff and the beds were horribly uncomfortable. My back actually hurt worse from the bed than my incision did. At home though now and am so glad to be here! Thanks for all the emails and encouraging words!

Tomorrow is the big day!

Jul 14, 2008

Hey ya'll! So tomorrow is the big day! I can't believe it! I am so nervous and excited. Please say a prayer for me, no complications and good nurses! I decided to do my measurements as well so I am gonna post them. Anyway, thanks for all the emails and encouraging words! I am a freak by the way my arms and legs weren't identical....which I am sure most people's aren't!


Calf - 17.5 inches (both-around the biggest point)

Right thigh  29.5 inches (around top biggest poin)

left thigh 28.75 (top biggest part)

Right arm  16.25 inches (around biggest poin)

left arm 16.0  (around biggest point)

Bust 48 inches (with bra on)

Hips 52.75 inches (around widest point in hips and across belly)

Waist 41.5 (narrowest point)

Ribs 39.5 (around bra area)

One Week to go..........

Jul 07, 2008

So my surgery is on the 15th of July! I am a bundle of nerves and excitement. I have done all my homework, learned a lot about supplements, different phases of eating etc....now I just have to wait. I am extremely nervous about the pain and recovery. How bad is it? I have heard those are the worst few wks but if I can get through them, it will be uphill from there. At this point I am trying to make friends. Friends that I can relate to. All of my friends (except one) is thin and really has no idea what I am going through......

About Me
Surgery Date
May 13, 2008
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 25
wk 20
wk 19 .......sigh
update again.......
Man I haven't posted in a few wks.......
wk #15
wk # 14
wk #13
3 months out.....
