pending letter to Kilaani and Fiddledd

Jul 31, 2010

Hi Kilaani,  How are you doing from your belt lit?  Just curious if you have any areas that seem terrible stressed still. Do you feel good in all positions standing sitting and so on.  You said you hada a very high scar in front.  Did it stay high up or did it start slanting or lowering after skin contraction.  Sitting was always been very dificult for me but I have a strange pelvic bone arrangement and although I know we discussed it and they had my medical records which contained much information on my condition.  But in the heat of surgery I know they forgot to address my difference and ignored the way my body naturally bends (posterior pelvic tilt) Then they had to just finish as best they could andmy leg opening itself (not my just my groin) was pulled up to meet with just under my hip because they the first cut on me from pubic area to hip bone was made too low.   It cause a tremendous amount of tork action  and centrifigal force has taken over pulling my too high and tight  thin groin skin to swivel down inwardst rapping tendons and sinews down into a deep  and now hardened rutted area (like the top of a old  rag doll's legs get when doll is no longer new.  Anyway the mechanics of how my leg opens has been very hampered by the surgery.I keep thinking one day I may resolve this situation by stretching and I have changed a lot here and there but y groin or whatever it is leg crease is so eroded and just about anything could happen next I suppose.  Other doctors I've seen jjust send me to see another doctor and then that doctor sends me to another and so on.  Lately some doctors I've seen don't even bill me and  I wonder if they don't want to have record of telling me I'm okay when I'm not.  I'm taking advantage of this situation and trying to buy as much life insurance and disability type insurance as I can afford because it sure seems like I'm not going to be able to walk soon.


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