Lawd...Lawd..Lawd - March 4, 2012

Mar 03, 2012

Hey! It's another year! I went and had my bloodwork drawn. I weigh EXACTLY the same as I did last year! 217 pounds. In 2011 I did not for anytime during the year think about my exercise....for once I thought about other things (like getting a new job....buying a new house...etc). My body seems to just stay at the 220 weight with no effort on my part. This year I am going to try and focus on my goal of 187 pounds....that still is "obese" according to the charts...but I looked good at that weight...and right now I need to focus on an obtainable goal...well that's questionable...haven't been able to get back to that number in like 5 years! Whomp. Whomp.

