My first post-op meal and going home

Jan 24, 2006

January 25, 2006
Dr. Cacucci was in just before 7am. She removed the bandaids covering my incisions and said the surgery went very well. The dietary lady brought me some SF jell-o and cyrstal lite. Both tasted like straight sugar! I couldn't even get past the first bite/drink LOL I have heard that your tastes change after surgery but, I had no idea how drastically! My Mom helped me take a shower and I then blow-dried my hair and put some make-up on. I also put my own jammies on. That felt wonderful! I had several visitors thru out the day and walked several laps. Earlier the respiratory therapist discontinued my oxygen and pulse ox. Then off came the heart monitor and the leg thingy's. I could get up whenever I wanted to! I was walking like crazy! I had several more visitors including our Vicar from church. We said prayers and this was so special. I am so grateful for all that God has provided. I thanked Him and will continue to do so.

January 26, 2006
Well, after a shower and discharge instructions I am homeward bound! I gave the nurses hugs and thanked them again for all their help. I can't say enough about how well I was treated at St. Vincent's. There is a reason their bariatric unit is a "Center of Excellence" After arriving home I have some trouble getting all the fluids in and don't like the taste of the liquid Lortab. I wait until the pain is almost unbearable before taking it..yuck! I wish I could still have the Dilaudid just because of the taste! This drain is also driving me nuts. I try to tuck it inside of my underwear but, then it makes painful indentations on my tummy. I sometimes forget about it when I go to the bathroom and it drops suddenly out of my underwear...that pulling feeling isn't good! I have been tolerating my food okay..eating mashed potatoes, applesauce, creamed soup. My family ate one of the "Dream Dinner's" meals and though it smelled good I wasn't the least bit interested in eating it. I really have no appetite but, eat because I have to. I know how important nutrition is for healing. The isopure drinks I bought at GNC do have a weird aftertaste and it's quite a struggle to keep drinking them. After 8 oz not matter what the flavor is I'm really tired of it. I have several other protein samples to try. I hope I can find something I like. I slept in my own bed tonight..felt wonderful! I've heard alot of fresh post-ops can't sleep totally flat at first and prefer a recliner. I did just fine. I had to sleep on my right side so I didn't lay on the drain but, I did okay.

My Re-Birthday January 24, 2006

Jan 23, 2006

January 24, 2006
Well, today's the day! I am posting this after surgery..just wanted to get my feelings down before I forget. I actually slept pretty well last night. I feel very peaceful about my decision to have WLS. I have spent so much time researching, talking to post-op friends and going to support groups. I highly recommend anyone thinking about surgery doing this. It makes a huge difference just knowing what to expect. I had NO surprises. Anyhow..back to surgery day. I drove to St. V's w/my Mom and my hubby followed a few minutes behind us as he had last minute business to do. We arrived about 15 minutes early and got escorted directly to the pre-op holding area. A registration clerk came in with a computer on wheels to verify all my info and to have me sign yet a couple more release forms including one for a bariatric study. I said "sure, anything for the cause"...this got a laugh. Next was the admission nurse who updated all my medical info including current medications, measuring my legs for TED hose and getting me a hospital gown. She told me to take EVERYTHING off and put the gown on so it opened in the back. Well, I started my period this morning (yea) so I got to wear some lovely mesh panties and a humongous maxi pad. Next, I had some last minute labs was my potassium since I've been on Lasix for quite some time and the other was the blood for the obesity study. Once my bloodwork was done the pre-op nurse came back in to check on me. She gave me a Scopolamine patch behind my ear to prevent nausea (since I had problems in the past w/nausea following surgery) and I requested something to calm my nerves. Back she came w/a 10mg tablet of Valium and said my surgery should be right on-time. Now it's only about 10am and my surgery isn't scheduled until 12noon. What to do but, worry until then? My surgeon came in to see me a few minutes later. I asked if I could have a PCA machine after surgery..she said No, she doesn't use them and I won't need it. Hmmmm...okie dokie then. Next, in comes the pre-op nurse saying they've now moved my surgery up and will take me in at 11:00! By now the valium has begun to work and I don't even care. I am calmly talking w/my husband and my Mom about the weather, news, upcoming events..whatever. Before I know it in comes someone from surgery to walk me in. She explained that it's just easier for people to walk...I said no problem...of course she didn't know until we were almost to OR that I had some valium! She said oh, sheesh I should'nt have made you walk...LOL I get up on the OR table and lay back. In front of me are two huge flat screen monitors. Someone explained that my surgeon and her assistant will use these to visualize my internal organs during the surgery. How cool! There are people all around me bustling about doing last minute preparations. Then, the anesthesiologist prepares to start my IV. I don't even care at all! I tell ya valium is a great drug! He misses the first time and I (being the smart ass that I am) point out where I have excellent veins. He of course being arrogant avoids these and uses an antecubital vein! (in the crook of my arm) These IV's are always a pain because when you bend your arm the fluid can't run! Oh well..then a nurse is holding my hand telling me everything will be okay and they will take good care of me. Next thing I remember I wake-up in recovery! It seems like a split second later, honestly! I am not hurting but feel really heavy. Then I wake up again and I am in my room. I have no idea how I got here...LOL Now, there are a few nurses and a tech hooking me to all kinds of stuff. I have oxygen on, heart monitor, pulse Ox, inflating leg thingys and an abdominal binder! It seems like someone is taking my vital signs constantly even though I remember them saying how good they are. Now it is 2 hours after surgery and time to get up. I'm more than ready! After getting unhooked from all my monitors I walk around the bariatric unit a couple times. It feels wonderful to walk. There are beautiful butterflies suspended every 25 feet to let you know how far you've walked and a lap board where you can post your name the number of laps walked. My WLSIndy angel Courtney puts my name on the board and logs my first laps! The only problem is the IV in my left antecubital (I now have another too in my hand) every time I bend my arm the IV pump beeps and if I don't straighten it promptly it will alarm that my IV is occluded adn someone has to reset it! I return to my room and fall asleep pretty quickly. When I awaken..there are a couple more friends from WLSIndy here to see me. I walk a lap or two w/them and Leah puts up another poster for my visitors to sign. Courtney had also made one. I brought homemade cards and soap (my mom made the soap) to give my visitors and nurses. Everyone loved them. My hubby left and returned w/my daughter Ally. She was happy to see I was doing well. We walked together, visited then they left to get some dinner. Several more visitors this evening and more walking...I'm a bit uncomfortable in-between pain meds but, not too bad. A nurse comes in to look at my incisions...feels weird to have the binder off. The binder is kind of comforting being so secure. It doesn't hurt to have it removed. My incisions are so tiny! I have a drain in my left side. It is quite long and draining a small amount of bloody liquid. My surgeon uses the drain to be certain my new pouch isn't leaking. They monitor the color of the drainage carefully. I watched some tv after everyone left..couldn't even say what it was...then fell asleep.


Jan 09, 2006

January 10, 2006
The surgery scheduler called today and I am having my surgery January 24th!!! I can't hardly stand it!! I am so excited!! My Mom has already booked a flight to come in from Florida to help me. Although I have a very supportive husband and 14 y.o. daughter they both have school & work. It's so great to have my Mom by my side thru this. She has stuck by me thru all this approval mess and is excited for me.

January 12, 2006
I am starting to get really nervous. My surgery date is going to be here so quickly now! I received the confirmation on my surgery date and pre-op testing in the mail today. I will be having pre-op testing on the 17th and my pre-op class on the 19th. I also recieved a notice from the billing dept that they checked on my benefits and confirmed that I am 100% covered!! Yippee!! That is so excellent. I had been told that before but, it's great to know nothing has changed w/the new year.
I have so much to do before the 24th to prepare! I have "last meals" to plan, a house to thoroughly clean, mushy foods & protein to buy..sheesh, when am I going to find the time to do all this??!!To start I ordered 12 "Dream Dinners" for my family. I thought that way they won't have to worry about the "What's for dinner??" issue we have everyday while I am recuperating. I wish I could say it was my idea but, it actually came from a friend who had WLS a week ago. She never did end up going before her sugery..LOL I have my session scheduled for the morning of the 20th at 9:30am. If you've never heard of it Dream Dinners is a place where you can put together 6 or 12 dinners ahead of time in an assembly line fashion to take home and put in your freezer. You can choose from several different menu options and exclude ingredients if you wish. For example, if a recipe called for olives and you hate olives (like I do) then you could just leave them out. Dream dinners provides all the ingredients and storage containers for around $200 for 12 dinners. Each recipe feeds 6 people. Not a bad deal for those that want variety and don't want to shop for all the ingredients.
Tomorrow I clean. Not too fun..but, it really needs to be done.

January 17, 2006
Pre-op testing today. WOW..that was not fun! I almost gagged on the sour citrus drink they give you for the Breathtek test. It was so nasty! And don't get me started on the barium!! I am so glad that it is over. 1 Week to go! Getting kinda nervous.

January 21, 2006
What a great day it was! In the early afternoon I went to the OH clothing exchange w/my Mom and Ally. I met several people from the boards here (IN boards) and heard some inspirational stories! Everyone is so sweet! I met Ellen, Deb, Linda, Dan and a few more. I also caught up w/WLSIndy friends Christina, Myra and Connie. I haven't seen Connie since her surgery and honestly didn't even recognize her!!! She looks wonderful! I got to the exchange a bit late so, wasn't able to get any clothes which is fine. The purpose of going was to see people. The "Hoosier Losers" even gave me a special pre-op gift basket full of goodies! Then everyone made suggestions for the immediate pre-op period and reassured me.
I went from there into GNC to pick-up some necessities..including some protein. I was so overwhelmed! There are soooo many choices! I finally settled on some Isopure ready to drink that have 40gms of protein in a bottle. They are expensive (3.50/bottle) but, were on sale buy one, get one half off + I used Christina's membership card and got an additional 20% off. They will come in handy right out of surgery. And if I don't like them I can return them (w/in 30 days). From there I went to Wally World and bought some Equate children's chewable vitamins, viactiv calcium..I totally forgot to get B12, B1 and Biotin! I guess I'll be making another trip.
Next stop..home for a quick couple minutes to pick-up my husband and then off to Cheesecake Factory for a "last meal" w/22 of my closest WLS friends & family! It was an absolute BLAST! There were too many of us to sit together but, I went around and visited other groups. Here's who went: My hubby, daughter, Mom, Debe, Mark, LeAnn, Tomi, Larry, Courtney, Beth, Lisa Mc, Jill, Bob, Melody, Scott, Patti, Eric, April, Paul, Christina, Mo and Rosalind. I ate way too much and the dessert I ordered could've fed at least 8 other people! I was called the "factory mud pie" and had to have at least 2,000 calories! Needless to say I brought most of it home! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. The support and love is so overwhelming! It is so comforting to know people really, truly care about me. I know I can get thru this surgery and become a healthier person. I can't wait to be a LOSER!

Final steps to APPROVAL!

Jan 02, 2006

January 3rd, 2006
Well, after several more calls I finally can a return call from then surgeon's office. Amy said she talked to a customer service person from Aetna for several minutes who told her basically that they have until 6pm on January 4rth to make their determination and won't release any info until then. I said "then why did they tell me to have your office call?" She replied that probably if she called the appeals dept she could find something out but, only called customer service since that's the number I gave her. I was about to let loose on her but, held my tongue and took a deep breath. She went on to say she is working from home and didn't have my file in front of her if they wanted additional info...this is why she didn't call the appeal area. Of course, that is really stupid because any "additional info" I have..not her!! Anyway..then she says "well, honey even if they tell me you are approved we can't schedule you until we have the letter." These people just don't get it! I want to know NOW...I have been waiting and waiting! Anyway, then she says...We should know something on Thurs morning. I asked her to call when she finds something out.

January 4th, 2005
4:45pm I couldn't stand the waiting...I figured Aetna has to have a decision by now since their call center closes at 5pm. So, I called. I was put on hold forever and finally the cust service person comes back on and says: "Well, they have overturned their original determination." I was so expecting to hear "it's still pending" I was in-shock and didn't understand the implications of what she was saying. I asked..."What the heck does that mean, am I approved?" She said "uh, yes, that's what it means" I am still is finally happening!! I am really, truly starting this journey!

January 7, 2006
I received the approval letter in the mail today. It is OFFICIAL now! I must've read that darn thing a dozen times!

Completing additional insurance requirements

Dec 05, 2005

December 6, 2005
Well, my last dietician and pcp appt was today. I already have my 6 page appeal letter written so, as soon as I get the documentation from the dietician/pcp I will send it in to Aetna. It would be so nice to hear something before Christmas or even by the end of the year!

December 12, 2005
I mailed my appeal letter, medical records, dietician notes, support group verification, letters from my PCP to Aetna today! They should have them in 2-3 days. The waiting is gonna kill me.

December 20th, 2005
I just received notification from the USPS that Aetna received my info today! It took 8 days for priority mail!!! I'm so frustrated! It's sure not looking good to hear anything before Christmas at this point.

December 27th, 2005
I contacted Aetna today. The CS rep I spoke w/said my appeal is "pending" and that I may find out something more if my surgeon's office called since they only talk directly to providers. Well, here we go playing this game again! I called Dr. Cacucci's office and the gal that was handling insurance help is no longer working there so, two others are dividing up the cases. They aren't all that familiar w/the process. She was kinda rude and told me that even if she called for me and I was approved she couldn't do "anything" else until she had the approval in writing. I assured her that was fine I just want to know. She wouldn't call...said she was assigning my case to the other person because it's an appeal and is more involved. Yippeee...I get to wait longer!

December 28, 2005
I returned home from visiting family to find a letter waiting fo me from Aetna. The letter is to acknowledge receipt of my appeal and says they will inform me in writing w/in 15 calendar days of their determination. If I have any questions about my appeal status to call member services. Well, of course I do this right away and I'm told the same thing...the appeal is pending but, if you ahve your surgeon's office call we may be able to tell you the decision now. I am so frustrated!! Still waiting to hear from the surgeon's office from the last time I called.

Continued..more dealing w/ frustrating!

Aug 31, 2005

September 1st, 2005
Well, it seems I may be getting a great big DENIAL from Aetna. I received a letter yesterday from the casemanager requesting:
1. Medical Records for the past 2 years. (I have sent the past 7 years..don't know what more they could want here)
2. Length of time member has been morbidly obese.
3. Documentation of prior physician-supervised nutrition and exercise program (weight loss supervised by a physician and nutritionist/dietician and behaviorial modification) This should include year and month of start of attempts, weight loss achieved, and duration on this regimen in months. Must be for 6 month period (3 months consecutive) within the 2 years of proposed surgery. This must be supported in the medical record. Physician's summary letter is not sufficient documentation.
4. Nutritional Consultation
5. Documentation of prior physician-supervised nutrition and exercise program (weight loss supervised by a physician and
nutritionist/dietician and behavioral modification). Include year
and month of start of attempt(s), weight loss achieved, and duration on this regimen (months). Must be for 6 months period (3 months consecutive) within the two years of proposed surgery. This must be supported in the medical record. Physician's summary letter is not sufficient documentation.
6. Nutritional consultation. Please note the section that states " 6 month period (3 months consecutive) within 2 years of surgery". This was not met in the records submittted. There were 3 office visits; 01/13/04 in which pt states she started the South Beach Diet and that after her thyroid was stable he would put her on phentermine again; 02/17/04 indicates pt has been exercising and making good headway with weight and he did not recommend the phentermine at this time. It also states he was going to continue to monitor her monthly. Records did not support monthly weight checks and monitoring.; 05/07/01 nurse note showed s weight of 242 and a refill of fastin. 06/23/05 weight loss check indicated; 07/15/05 nurse visit wt check.

September 2nd, 2005
I got a phone call from CSR at Aetna this morning. She received an email from the casemanager this is what it says:

There referenced DCN#:050803351097 has been reviewed and found to be missing the following requirements.
As you can see; there is not 3 months of consecutive MD supervised weight loss. These visits are to be with a physician and to include exercise and diet regimen. It is not enough to just prescribe medications for weight loss. This is called behavior modification which was not supported in the records received. Also, there was a nutritional questionaire in the records but no office notes from a dietician/nutritionist indicating she had received
counseling and followup for diet/behavior modification.

If I submit the record to the medical director the way it is now; it
would be denied . If the pt has more records she would like to submit, please have her fax them to 859-455-8650. The deadline for receiving additional information is 10/10/05.

I also sent this information to her surgeon's ofc via US Mail and fax
8/31/05. Precert nurses primarily talk with providers only and all
communication should come through the providers ofc. I notified them that all calls needed to come through them. Amy, you must understand that I handle several hundred cases a month. Each weight loss case involves reviewing anywhere from 50-300 pages of clinical. It is imperative I follow precert work flow and only
communicate with the provider because each phone call rom the member is time away from reviewing records. I worked over last night and this particular member called my phone 3 times in a 10 minute period. She has called every day at least twice a day. I do not have the time to dedicate to individually explaining to each member what is required for their surgery. I know they want to plead their cases but the medical director has the final say and he is going by the Aetna Clinical Policy Bulletin #157. You may want to refer her there to look at this.

This case will remain open until either 1) I am told there is no more
records for submission or 2) 10/10/05 arrives.

Once I received this letter I was really upset! I had sent them over 100 pages of medical records and it sounded as though they were never received! I attempted to contact the casemanager to verify whether she had the MR's. Of course, I got her voicemail. I then called Aetna member svcs. I spoke again w/the same CSR who understood my confusion. She located my file and said yes, they do have the complete records. She then attempted herself to reach the casemanager w/o success (got her voicemail) She then verified that the pre-certification dept also has my MR's by conference call w/me. The pre-cert dept was perplexed as well since they did have the documentation. She then emailed the casemanager and together we addressed each of the above issues.
She also recommended I call the casemanager again and leave another message. I did this.

I have obviously really upset this casemanager by calling her. What she doesn't know (and she won't return my calls so I can't tell her) is that I would not have kept calling her if I had known she had my records and I ONLY called her because I was told to.
Now I feel like my case is doomed. I think this casemanager may make it her personal mission to sabotage my approval. I know for a fact that not everyone approved by Aetna has documentation for dietician supervised weight loss. If you have physician supervised this is usually enough. I'm sure she will "flag my file for the medical director" or make the recommendation that I be denied. I just feel like crying...doesn't she understand this is my LIFE she is playing with? Would she be like this if it were her family member or friend trying to get approved? It's not like I just casually decided to have my intestines re-routed and my stomach resected!! Nobody would make that determination after reading my years of weight loss attempts.
Anyway...there is a person at the surgeon's office who assured me she will help. I just pray she can.

September 2nd, 2005
Went to Home-a-rama w/Lisa Mc, Brook, Susan and Missi. It was a blast! We went thru 7 luxury homes & it only took us 5 hours!! LOL Got some great decorating ideas and it took my mind off the darn surgery approval for a while...

September 6th, 2005
Saw my PCP this morning. He reviewed the above email and letter from Aetna. Together we looked at the medical records. He agrees I should have enough documentation to satisfy the clinical policy bulletin. He will draft another letter incorporating the medical records and address each specific request the "casemanager" asked for. I also saw a dietician today who was very helpful and sweet. She will monitor my diet for as long as necessary and gave me plenty of resources. I saw the surgeon's ofc asst. this afternoon who also reviewed my medical records. She agrees I have the required documentation and made additional copies to resend to Aetna w/another cover letter. Hopefully, between all of us we will get my surgery approved. If not, I surely have plenty of help w/my appeal.
This evening I attended my second support group meeting. It was excellent! Dr. John Guare, PhD, HSPP who is a professor of psychology at IUPUT (his expertise is in the field of wt loss) spoke to us. He talked about the various levels of change. It provoked a great deal of discussion. I also got to meet a few more people from WLSIndy (Bridget W, Sharon, Melody) and see some "old" friends (Courtney, Wendy, Eric, Leah, Lisa Mc, Rosalind, Bob, Jill, Sandi) It was a nice evening, I'm sure glad I went. I wasn't sure how helpful SG's would be for me since I've not even been approved for the surgery as of yet. Turns out, it is really helping me prepare myself for the huge changes ahead.

September 8, 2005
I received the denial letter from Aetna today. I guess it wasn't a huge surprise since I knew I didn't have "exactly" what they were asking for. I spoke w/Amanda from Dr. Cacucci's office and apparently the precert nurse told her they will accept the medical records I have for the required 6 months of physician/dietician supervised weight loss attempts but, feel I don't have the 3 mos consecutive. Even though I have 3 visits (w/in the last 2 years) that are consecutive each of them aren't specific enough w/regards to me weight loss attempts. For example, one month my PCP doesn't say specifically what eating plan I am following..the next month he doesn't address the behavior modification I am doing. It's ridiculous! I will need to see my PCP and the dietician until early December to appeal.

Dealing w/insurance and my first support group meeting

Aug 02, 2005

Checked and my package was signed for at 8:10 this morning. At least I know it's there. Went to visit new post op from Also met her husband Larry who will be very supportive of her post op journey. She is doing very well. Can't wait to see her transformation!

August 9th, 2005
Went to MCL cafeteria to meet several friends before the support group. It was so great meeting even more of them! They are all so nice! Norma has lost over 15 lbs in 11 days since her surgery!! Courtney looks great and so does Tomi! I'm so jealous!! The support group was inspiring as well. I loved hearing everyone's stories. There is no way most of the general population has any idea what we go thru being overweight! And the insurance they think if we could do this on our own we would elect to have our stomaches dissected and intestines re-routed??!! Even thru all the complications and major life adjustments WLS patients mostly say they would do it again in a HEARTBEAT!! All to be healthy and at a normal weight. There were about 75 people at this support group tonight! It was my first one and I really enjoyed it.

August 10th, 2005
Well, I decided (after much encouragement from friends) to contact the insurance company today. First I emailed them... (below is what I posted on this evening)

As I said I emailed Aetna early this morning asking if:
a) they had received my records
b)if there was a way to track the progress of my case on the website "Aetna Navigator" because I couldn't find a way
c)and where in the process my case is

This is what the return email said:

Dear Lisa Distefano:

Thank you for using the Aetna Navigator website to contact Aetna Member

Information regard the status of a predetermination can not be viewed on
your personalized Navigator site. Request for preauthorization take at
least 45 business days to complete. You will receive a letter regarding
the outcome of the review once it has been completed.

If you have questions, you can reach Member Services by logging on to and selecting "Aetna Navigator" and "Contact Us."

Now am I mistaken or did they just say I COULDN'T track the progress of my case on navigator?? Then I'm supposed to go on there and contact them...LOL Didn't I already ask questions they haven't answered??!!

So, I called and after talking to 3 different people (honestly) because the first two directed me to the WRONG department ! Even thought I sent my file to the predetermination dept and was told by the first person to contact them..there isn't such a dept!! I finally found out that YES they did receive my file. It has just finished being "imaged" and therefore is still in the beginning stage. I was told once again that it will be 30-45 days before I can hear anything. I think I will call again next week..

August 18th, 2005
Returned from a Creative Memories convention yesterday evening. No mail from Aetna waiting, darn. Called today and was told the "imaging" was put in the computer on the 13th and I would receive word in 30-45 days (once again)

August 19th, 2005
Went in to see my PCP today. My feet, ankles, calves are severely swollen. I can't wear any of my shoes. My PCP says this happens alot after being on an airplane especially when I am already having problems w/swelling. He increased my Lasix from 20mg once a day to 40mg Twice a day.
Hope it helps..I can barely bend my feet! I also BEGGED my PCP to call Aetna for me. I really think they might talk to him..he said he would but, also said that he usually gets a fax the minute the decision is made. We'll see...

August 22nd, 2005
Called Aetna today. Nothing new on my file..I do have someone "assigned" to my case. Her name is Melissa, but I was told she most likely wouldn't talk to me. The Csr said I might have better luck w/my PCP calling..hmm, isn't that what I said?
I will try calling my doctor in the morning. As a follow-up ..just wanted to say my swelling is 100% better! I can even see blood vessels in my feet and can put some shoes on! All I'm doing is peeing but, it's better than feeling my skin is 10 sizes too small.

August 30th, 2005
Called Aetna today...the CSR I spoke with gave me another number to call when her only info said "case pending"..thankfully, she remembered me from a previous call..
I called the number and spoke w/a CSR in the precert dept who told me there was a note on my case saying the casemanager had requested more info from my doctor's office. When I asked what the request was for she said " info about how long I have been morbidly obese". She said the request is for medical records for the past two years..I almost screamed! I told her (politely) I have already sent my complete medical records for the past 6 years!!! She then gave me the name and phone number of the case manager. Said I might be able to help them...Arrrgh!
I called her voice mail and haven't heard back yet. That was about an hour ago.

Documentation mailed to insurance company

Jul 31, 2005

I mailed all my documentation to Aetna today. I sent it by certified priority mail as my surgeon suggested. Now comes the waiting game. I pray that I get approved and not have to go thru the appeal process.

Meeting some new post-ops and preparing for my insurance submis

Jul 27, 2005

Received my written consultation from Dr. Cacucci's office recommending WLS. Now I just have to finish gathering a letter from my PCP and get a copy of my medical records. Also visited 2 new post-ops from and Lori. Both are doing great! Tomi is so different from her avatar where she looks so prim and proper. Of course, it could've been the Lortab! LOL Lori and her hubby looked like newlyweds holding hands and looking so relieved to have the surgery behind them. Then, several of us (Wendy, Susan, Courtney, Lori K and Jerri) went to meet Norma Jo who is having surgery tomorrow. She was carrying a can of chicken broth because she was starving on the clear liquid diet! Too funny..she took it to Starbucks and had them heat it for her. Well, for the next couple hours we kept her busy chatting away.
Norma Jo is so fun!

Sleep study results

Jul 24, 2005

Well..I have mild-moderate sleep apnea. This comes of no surprise to me. I can't even get in to see the specialist until Sept 30th for treatment recommendation. As of right now there is no C-pap or bi-pap ordered.

About Me
Fishers, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2005
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 24
Obesity Help Conference in Lexington, KY
9 Months Post-op and at a HEALTHY weight!
8 Months Post-Op and only 17 lbs to my goal weight!
Welcome to the Century Club!
5 months post-op and losing, losing, losing!
Getting to ONEderland and other WOW moments
Three Months Post-Op and My Battle w/canned peaches!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Completed my 2nd race!
Adjusting to life after first race, watching the scale
Early Post-op days
