Having trouble getting my protein up

Sep 14, 2006

Having trouble getting my protein up to 60 and getting my water to 64oz. Weight loss has slowed down and daily stressors increased. I need to be proud of my accomplishments and stop comparing myself.. I am fearing that my success will stop. Thant my pouch is stretched, that it is strange that I don't feel full or that I am choosing too much fat and carbs. Need to connect with the nutritionist. Lost a lot but my skin is jiggly and dropping-soon I'll tuck my belly into my socks!. In a Funk..the pace of the school year
crushes me.. i miss me time

Things slowed down

Aug 21, 2006

Things slowed down these 2 -1/2 weeks. I have averaged 5 lb.s per week. I have stepped up the exercize and am averaging 3-5 (90 min) workouts mostly in the water. I have also been expanding my food choices and calories per day are creeping up. 700-900 on average, Been including carbs..a bad habit. Perhaps i should weigh portions and compare with my size guestimates. I rarely get sick..some burping or foamies. I compare myself to people in my week of surgery and i fair in the middle of weight loss experiences. When you have as much as I have to lose,
it takes so long to notice or drop a clothing size. I am feeling awfully jiggly in my thighs though. I am a teacher and the 4 day count down is approaching..changes are in store..............

Fighting food demons

Aug 04, 2006

Have the blahs..cramps..heat..whatever! Been fighting food demons..head hunger..and find myself bargaining about food.. I'll just have this nibble  etc.  Bad place! I havn't lost the last few days and lost my list of pre-op measurements to see if I am losing inches, so I find myself feeling out of control.  No disaster yet, just a bad place for my head. Bargaining is a red flag. I guess I should journal about this.  On a positive note,  I have had 3 good workouts at the  Y  this week :>)

Somedays I hate to eat

Aug 03, 2006

Life is kicking....adding foods all ok except pork  ouch..pressure in the pouch 4 hours........ lost 1 lb a day for 32 days..slowing down now.  Started water aerobics and went 3 times so far this week (100 degree weather sure helps motivate a trip to the pool) Physically, feeling strong.  Somedays i hate to eat..others I can't wait. Been off all summer and return in 3 weeks(teacher) Need a plan for the new schedule with pill taking. vitamins and eating in context of school..All is well today.....

25 days out - Incision developed a seroma

Jul 20, 2006

I am 25 days out and down 28 lbs. My incision developed a seroma ( pool of healthy non- infected fluid) which sprouted out of the scar.  That left a dime/nickle size hole in the scarline.  The Dr. office says it is normal and to keep it cleaned and covered. No swimming until it heals. ( My favorite form of exercize). I feel very full some days and very hungry others. My energy is improving each day. I still have sore moments from with in my stomach. Food is so boring and i don't feel very satisfied with tastes. Nothing calls to me. All in all, this journey is easier than i anticipated, but I keep waiting for life to kick back in.

Home after surgery

Jun 30, 2006

7/1/06 wee hours.  I am home and awake at 3:00 A.M. Pain has been replaced by discomfort. and What did I do To myself ? has been replaced by..I know why I did this, I can do this! What a week!
When I arrived on Mon. morning, they were already ready and wizzed me to pre-op to be changed, give a urine sample, start the IV and say goodbyes.  My mom and sister flew in from Fl. and my daughter and husband were with me. Next thing I semi recall is gagging and then being wheeled up to ICU. It was planned that way to monitor my heart as I has a heart attack 1/05. No tubes-yea!
Morphine pump attached which gave my finger a great deal of purpose.  Saw my family and my daughter (14) was so concerned and loving and proud. Everyone stayed till dinner time and my husband said that the Dr. said I had the smallest airway he had seen in over 1,000 procedures. but all was well.  My heart rate was high.  All I remember is the changing of the guards and getting up to walk early the next day ( Tues.) My sister walked a short distance with me twice.  I walked again 1/2 way aroung the hall. I went to a regular room that afternoon and had the usual shots, blood etc. My daughter went back to fl. with my family for a few weeks and called 2 times everyday. I was extremely hot/cold and feverish.  I had a reaction to the stri strips and adhesives and was really red and swollen. I had a fab male nurse who walked with me a few times in the middle of the nite. Wed, I was all set to go home when I spiked a fever.  They had me off the morphine pump  :>(   - disappointment and PMS had set in and i lost it crying uncontrollably..whacky.  So I was informed that I had to train to give myself lovinox shots.  This skeeves me and my husband who is diabetic and well versed in injections took up the task. I finally left late Thurs. afternoon and was in a lot of pain!. Fri. I feel a lot better.  I can get out of bed by myself in the weirdest of ways. I cannot put a bra on yet because of all the raw exposed skin from the adhesive reaction. I am walking around the house a lot and up and down steps, using the breathing spiromometer and trying to figure meds, vits and minerals, liquids and water and protein. I will try for a better system  I look bloated and swollen.  I have no scale to check weight but that is Probably a  good thing. sitting here by the losers bench.. I did it!

6 more days

Jun 02, 2006

6 more days. Back to excitement from panic. I can do this..I will do this. Everyday I need to remember why I am doing this.  Still need to pick up supplements and food. ( and clean and pack and parent.....) The support at this site is wonderful...I can do this.

About Me
anytown, PA
Surgery Date
May 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 38

Latest Blog 17
9 mos. later.......
Long time gone
December 6,2006
There IS a relationship between exercise and endorphins
Seeing Movement Motivates
People start where I hope to end....
Bouncing around the same 3-4 lbs.
I get sad
