Incisions are killing me

Dec 24, 2008

Dec 24 - Surgery was 1 week ago today.  I"m doing fine - I've lost 23.4 pounds - but I'm not feeling too frisky. No energy - and my incisions are killing me - they feel like pin pricks times 6.  I've not had surgery before, but my wife tells me that this is normal... normal healing of the wounds.  Okay.
It's Christmas Eve -  I did not elect to go to church... not ready to interact with all those people yet.  Norma is making wonderful things in the kitchen -  I'm not tempted... not really.  Can't be...right?  I had my first "solid" food today... had some cottage cheese and some apple sauce. 

I look in the mirror and I'm seeing changes in the face - thinner yes... but older too.  who is that guy in the mirror?


About Me
Westmoreland, NY
Dec 12, 2008
Member Since

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This is where it starts...
